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Labor group demands California’s $20 minimum wage for fast food workers extend to all sectors
  • Won't the market pretty well extend the minimum wage? Not to disagree with the premise, but in Germany, for example, the union represents about 1/3 of workers, and whatever the union is able to negotiate basically becomes standard for all workers. Why? Because people will gravitate to those jobs with a protected floor.

    If in 6 months wages in other sectors don't follow, then the workers will drain toward fast food and the other industries will have to be competitive.

    But yes, I don't see why the law is discriminating here. Just raise the whole minimum wage.

  • The Glasses! They do NOTHING rule.
  • I think it's more the manufacturer knows it can't cover both eyes and so tells you not to use it that way. If your eyes don't hurt, I'm sure the damage was very minimal. But what do I know.

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  • They would have uploaded his brain into a supercomputer and then forced him to experience death six million times over.

    Just kidding, he would have been executed like many many other war criminals throughout history.

  • ‘School Never Taught Us About Taxes,' Says Woman Who Wouldn’t Remember It Even If They Had
  • A home econ class or hell even a math class could assign everyone some facts about their fictional situation (like a w2, number of kids, house payments, donations, etc) and then have everyone do their taxes for the year.

    You'd teach the process. And spend some time looking at the tax table. Learning about standard deduction, learn about turning your taxes in on time.....

  • Nezumi owners?

    Just curious if anyone of you own any Nezumi watches. How are they? Worth the money? Etc

    Was eyeing their GMT as I want a GMT and it fits my style and price range.


    Tell me. What's your fetish. Whisper.


    Sometimes they just get cocky.

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