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Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I remember my friend had this Digimon game and kept getting Poop-mons. They kept turning into poops for some reason.

  • Best crossplatform password manager
  • 100% backing this, especially since they recently moved away from that awful .NET MAUI app and made native apps for both iOS and Android.

    I don't use it personally because I still just manage my passwords offline with Keepassxc on my computer, but I recommend BitWarden. Especially over Lastpass.

  • Winamp releases source code, asks for help modernizing the player
  • Even to this day I still use Foobar2000. Even with Linux through WINE.

    No, it's not open source, but it's trim and does the job better than other players.

  • Dammit this album still bangs so hard!

  • Very cool, NPR. I'm sure there's no reason for an increased amount of Asian-American hate crimes
  • Ohhhhhhh so that's what tanooki Mario is?

    I guess his left leg is conveniently covering his swaying balls

  • OEM hardware woes.
  • time to open it up and see if you can make repairs

  • Quotes by George Bush

    first 10 seconds is my favorite Bushism

  • select a power plant and tell us why
  • I didn't really understand the pollution system that well as a kid, so I always did coal somewhere in the middle of the land (so it can distribute power evenly) to start with and then a massive field of wind power when I got to it.

    I liked the design of Solar and Microwave, though.

  • I went on Reddit (yeah, yeah, I know) on my phone while on an errand today, the device that all that enshittification is ostensibly intended for, and OH WOW it's bad.
  • It's really quite something that these alternative front-ends (nitter, redlib and teddit before it, et al.) offer a vastly superior UX to the actual official software.

  • The woke has won, it's over.
  • Adding every game ever made to the Woke Content Detector list so that these losers fuck off forever.

  • Can't wait to read the YouTube comments on this one
  • The average Yahoo! Answer was more literate and erudite than the average YT comment.

  • [Not the Onion] Fyre Festival II Announced With $1.1 Million Ticket Package Option
  • I guess he lost weight in prison b/c he definitely was huskier before.

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • Even in the relatively small resolution I can tell the right side looks like generic crap.

  • Star Citizen is now up to 750 million in funding and is halfway into its second decade of development. Check out the current state of the game!
  • wh...why am i seeing real actors like matthew lillard?

    e: just finished watching. wh...what?

  • Star Citizen is now up to 750 million in funding and is halfway into its second decade of development. Check out the current state of the game!
  • I YEARN for a modern Freelancer. I haven't tried Everspace 2 but I've heard favorable comparisons.

  • Star Citizen is now up to 750 million in funding and is halfway into its second decade of development. Check out the current state of the game!
  • really. i cannot get over what you said. he pretended to "swim". what a ridiculous notion. you may have to be an Einstein-level genius to have thought for the first time in human history about the free-falling elevator shaft vs the elevator shaft with thrust that provides 9.8m/s^2 acceleration, but you don't have to be an Einstein-level genius to understand an explanation of it.

    And if you're making a game set in space maybe a cursory understanding of these things would be of interest to you?

  • functionally shutting down

    The beloved website is moving to read-only, and will not accept new submissions or updates.

    Announcement here.

    Commentary here for a peek behind the curtain as to why, esp. pushing back against the "dishonest and hate filled group" part of the announcement.

    Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?

    Consider or and how they block all the stupid AI models from being able to scrape for free.

    Happy Mask Salesman seems to play the piano.

    Original Japanese title. しあわせのお面屋がピアノを弾くようです。

    Was my decision to use C threads unwise?

    Without realizing what I was getting myself into, I wrote some code using C11's threads.h (EDIT: every time I use the angle brackets < and > they just get eaten, even in the code snippet block.) I'm realizing after the fact that this is basically only supported on Linux (gcc/clang). This is my target platform, but I guess if I could cross compile to Windows or macOS that would be nice, too.

    C's threads nominally appear to be a great feature. Finally, a standardized and straightforward interface to threads that would be cross-platform compatible. The reality appears to be anything but.

    So is it worth just replacing that code with pthreads? Is there some near-term development on C threads that might make this worthwhile to use? I'm kind of surprised it hasn't really caught on some 12 years after the standard was introduced.

    antiX-23 released – antiX Linux

    AntiFascist Linux, folks. Get your fresh AntiFascist Linux right here! !gold-antifa

    Primer for those who don't know what AntiX Linux is: It's a Debian derivative without Systemd. There are sysVinit and Runit versions available. AntiX can be used on newer computers, obviously, with the new release and up-to-date Linux kernel. But it is probably one of the best choices for extremely low spec hardware today, like if you have a computer you're running from the mid 2000s and insist on keeping it going.

    Its default desktop is run with IceWM. It will leave something to be desired, it's not the prettiest thing, but it is an extremely lean base system. Your CPU and RAM will all get blown up the moment you launch a modern web browser, of course. !shrug-outta-hecks

    Nintendo registers numerous new patents from Tears of the Kingdom, even for loading screens

    IP is a joke. Fuck copyright. Fuck patents. Nintendo is out here patenting physics.

    > "The movement of movable dynamic objects placed in the virtual space is controlled by physics calculations, and the movement of the player’s character is controlled by user input. When the player’s character and a dynamic object come in contact in the downward direction relative to the character (in other words, when the character is on top of an object), the movement of the dynamic object is added to the movement of the player’s character.”

    These aren't even inventions. They are just obvious models of the real world that would occur to anyone who is trying to replicate physical interactions in a virtual world.

    These are Japanese patents but I also have no fucking doubt a lot of this stuff has very obvious prior art even in gaming, to say nothing of other physics-based software packages.

    neo neo [he/him]
    Posts 9
    Comments 256