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Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Yeah I posted it in the gamedev community a few months ago:

    Nice! More old games need to not run like dogshit, you'd be doing a valuable service in this alternate universe

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Yeah I wish the programming socks felt natural to me. I somehow hammered out a game on godot (that kinda falls apart with no warning) in a few weeks when I first got my adderall but I had a lot of examples to follow and I also learned after that I did some things very, very wrong lol. I haven't been able to get the same energy.

    It'd be cool to do romhacks or something though. There's a lot of old games that I know, on a conceptual level, how I would "remaster" but I would get lost and discouraged trying to do it

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • I used to watch long vids on how NES/SNES renders graphics and uses audio systems and memory registers and so on even though I'll never use this knowledge. I've also watched way too many videos on math topics for someone that claims to avoid math. I guess the brain wants what it wants shrug-outta-hecks

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • I had exactly one experience with a man when I was questioning and the answer was "never men"

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • The trans clinic where I'm getting my electrolysis needs new techs so badly that they're sponsoring people to get certification so I asked my tech to put my name forward. This could be a great opportunity for me if I can get in.

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • I have never managed a tenure in a space of longer than a few months, a year. Idk.

    a year


  • Trans Megathread for the week of September 16th to 23rd, 2024/Unjust Depths unofficial promotion
  • I don't know where you live but if you're in the US, you might check out Planned Parenthood. They do sliding scale payments based on your income.

  • Trans Megathread for the week of September 16th to 23rd, 2024/Unjust Depths unofficial promotion
  • spoiler

    I used to drink a lot of alcohol and had an unhealthy diet. I had serious difficulty losing weight before and after hrt so I understand the struggle. I used to hate exercising and the results were too slow so would do it like for a week at most before giving up since who really wants to do something they hate when it seems like it's not doing anything?

    What changed is that I ended up in working a physically demanding job loading heavy items on trucks. I didn't even last a year there but it was long enough to give me some muscle and suddenly make me crave exercise/being active. It also made weight loss easier as muscles will eat up excess calories. So something you could try is to do sports or get a physically demanding warehouse job or anything where you have an obligation to be active instead of making weight loss the goal itself.

  • Trans Megathread for the week of September 16th to 23rd, 2024/Unjust Depths unofficial promotion
  • spoiler

    I'm pretty sure you need to have e for fat to go to your breasts. I don't think any volume you lose while off e is permanent though because you don't lose any breast tissue (the structure of your breast) so it should fill back up when you're on e again.

    That said, you might wanna get back on e as soon as possible and do weight cycling if you're worried about losing any volume. Everyone's body is different so my experience might not apply to everyone, but when I lost a bunch of weight, very little was from my breasts so I think it's easier to keep the fat on your breasts when on e than otherwise.

  • Trans Megathread for the week of September 16th to 23rd, 2024/Unjust Depths unofficial promotion
  • spoiler

    Fat redistribution is a misnomer. Fat doesn't move around on the body. It just means that on e, fat will deposit in female patterns. Any fat you had before that will stay where it is. You can slim down before going back on hrt and/or do weight cycling (bouncing between calorie excess and deficit) while on hrt to gain girl fat and lose old fat. Also tummy fat is the slowest area to lose fat so don't get discouraged if it takes a long time to get rid of.

  • Discovered the Sameboy emulator today and I love it, the built in monochrome shader is perfect and looks exactly like the real thing. So what Gameboy games do you recommend?
  • Some that I haven't seen mentioned yet:

    • Final Fantasy Adventure (first Mana game)
    • Castlevania II
    • Mario's Picross (if you're into picross)
    • Kirby's Dream Land 2
    • Super Mario Land 2
    • Mole Mania (if you like sokobans)
  • Just ... thinking about Final Fantasy 1's enemy sprites
  • Kazuko Shibuya, the artist behind these, is incredible. Pretty sure she actually made all the pixel art for FF1 (including the iconic bridge scene and UI) as I don't think there was another pixel artist available at the time.

  • Earthbound
    The level of debate over Gaza in the US
  • More telling that you associate sucking cock with gay people.

    "I wasn't being homophobic, I was being misogynistic" smuglord

  • Curious to hear what this comm's favorite top 3 Final Fantasy games are.
  • I like them all so it's tough to choose. I'll split into mainline and spin-offs


    • 12 (Zodiac Age version)
    • 10 (International/HD version)
    • 5 (SFC version)


    • 10-2 (International/HD version)
    • WOFF (Maxima version)
    • Final Fantasy Tactics A2
  • Featured
    Hexcraft, the Most Communist Minecraft Server, is Live!
  • I yearn for the mines

  • Maybe I'm an outlier, but I feel like all these games from the golden years, (FF7, RE2, SH2, MGS3) etc. don't need remakes and are fine as is.
  • Oh yes that's a tricky part. There's a couple of blue magics to pick up too but that's just more stress lol

  • Happy Anniversary Hexbear!

    Now in it's own post as requested so everyone outside the mega can enjoy too. Here's to another year!

    gamedev nemmybun [she/her]
    The results of adopting a new mindset and 2 solid weeks of hyperfocus: my first project, a silly little Vampire Suvivors-clone starring a beefy Stalin!

    A little over 2 weeks ago, I had once again started working with Godot, determined to finally learn the software so I can bring my many game ideas to life. And then I stumbled and failed as I usually do as my ideas were lofty and my skillset meager. I think it was the Mark Brown video that finally made the (obvious in retrospect) idea sink in that there was no way I can do the more complex games I wanted to make without first having made a bunch of simpler projects to nail down the fundamentals. So instead of trying to follow a grand plan, I just opened up a old tutorial I did and started adding stuff purely by vibes. And it fucking worked because after 2 weeks of intense hyperfocus I was able to put together an actual game that works (so far) and has most of the basics of the genre! Sure it's only 5 minutes long and full of stolen assets but I'm still very pleased with the outcome.

    I started with the GDQuest Vampire Survivors tutorial and first decided to change out the graphics and give it a theme. What would be an amusing communist theme? Stalin crushing hordes of fascists. I decided to use Metal Slug assets for most of the characters and weapons (which had the bonus of getting a lot of practice in with animation because holy shit those spritesheets are huge). After I changed the graphics, I gave the solider a death animation instead of just disappearing. I thought the same death every time was boring since the soldiers had so many death animations in Metal Slug, so I made a system for randomly choosing a death scene each time. Then I got nostalgic for cheat codes from old games so I figured out how to add a text input box and made some effects for code matches. Every time I got bored or frustrated with an element I was working on I would come back and add another cheat, sometimes even it was just a bit.

    And it sort of fed into itself after that. I went back to the soldier. I wanted an leveling system, so first I needed gems to fall from defeated enemies. Those gave XP which needed to be tracked, then I needed to trigger a level up screen where random options can be chosen. It started with a basic screen where 3 upgrades could be chosen. Then I added dummied weapons into the mix. At first the options could be infinitely chosen, but I was able to limit each option to 5 levels, which each level being a unique upgrade.

    I got bored of working on that so I went back to enemies. I made 2 new variations: ones that I thought could have interesting attacks (though I never got around to adding an attack for the pirate variant). Since I didn't want them to appear at the start, I made a game timer and assigned a difficulty counter that increased every minute that changed the enemy loadout and spawning ratios. With all this game info to be tracked I created a UI to track important info. Then I made a boss with multiple attacks, 2 phases, adds, and a custom health bar.

    I was creating larger challenges but with my hero only shooting a simple gun, it was time to add weapons. I added 7 in total. An 8th was originally planned for parity with the 8 upgrades, but I never got around to fully implementing it lol.

    Then it was just some polishing left, so I added a title screen, credits, game over screen, music, and any sound effects I didn't get around to adding yet. Oh and options, so volume levels and fullscreen mode could be adjusted. And then any last passes for animation adjustments, bugfixes, sound balancing, etc.

    I probably did more that I mentioned because it all starts to blur together towards the end. It's still a little janky in areas and I'm sure a lot of my methods and solutions are inefficient but in the end, it still seems to work and that's good enough for a learning project

    Here's some screenshots!

    Title screen: !

    Swarmed by enemies: !

    Using the "gorbachev" cheat: !

    Level up overlay: !

    Boss fight: !

    I have a packed exe that I can put up on a file sharing site if that's allowed here and anyone expresses interest in trying it out

    Links to the game:

    Windows version

    Linux version

    gamedev nemmybun [she/her]
    My experience with Godot so far

    Brain hurty but I'm gonna keep at it
