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How easy is it to switch back to windows?
  • Unless you want to feel like Cypher from Matrix, there is no turning back. Jokes aside, if your computer is pre-built or a laptop, it probably already has Windows key saved in BIOS. Though you must install the same version of Windows when you got it the first time. However, there is another way. With a program called Magical Jelly Bean KeyFinder, you can extract your installation's keys (yes, not just the Windows key), and you can use those keys to install Windows later. It's better anyway because sometimes they don't give you a key.

    You can debloat your PC after the installation with certain tools.

  • What are your must-have programs?
  • It seems I'm not that old and apparently it first appeared around between 50's and 60's as a term. I assume it's only used among programmers back then (until Apple, approximately late 80's). Though it was not so common as today I guess.

  • What are your must-have programs?
  • That makes sense. Maybe I'm just old but they are called as programs since punched cards, as well as on Unix, Linux, Windows (until recently apparently).

    Not exactly sure but I think the term "application >> apps" started with mobile phones. So, to me they are different. At least that evokes this meaning in my mind. It seems not with younger people though.

  • What are your must-have programs?
  • Considering the community, that's what should happen. However sometimes people don't realize which community they are in and they just look at the title. If the first person who replied started with mobile apps, others possibly didn't notice because of them and continued adding up.

  • What are your must-have programs?
  • Not exactly sure whose fault is this but if OP still wants to use the term "app", they should at least mention it's "desktop apps", or just go with "programs" which is the proper term. Because even with "desktop apps" I still understand it is as web apps more likely.

  • Usernames in the Fedivers 😫
  • I believe it's not possible because it would untie the user from all of their comments and posts that seen on "any other website connected to the Fediverse".

    Only your instance can know who you are if you change your username but other instances couldn't know that.

  • Using Proton 8+ with GTX 1xxx series GPUs

    There is a problem with GTX 1xxx cards (1660Ti in my case) running Proton 8+ for quite some time due to Nvidia driver, they're unusable. Because of this even Experimental and GE branches are useless for me.

    To be fair, Proton 7 is mostly enough. However, I cannot play one of my games after its update and it's working fine with Proton 8 according to other people.

    So, is there a workaround for this or I should wait for Nvidia's Vulkan updates?

    Are there any blog system that uses Activity Pub?

    Don't know if we already have this but if not, this could be a new breath for running away from Google's polluted, hard to find any real useful stuff SEO World. With Kagi's optimization for activity pub, it's easier to find content within the Federation. With a blog system that supports activity pub, people can get interaction from Mastodon, Lemmy, PeerTube etc. And the best part is, you can do all these stuff with your self-hosted sites.

    If we already have this, please let me know.

    I like singleplayer anyways

    cross-posted from:

    > I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them. > > This post is from 2021-03-09.


    I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.

    This post is from 2022-07-13.

    I like how htop has a little warning about uptime

    I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.

    This post is from 2022-04-16.

    "Yes, do as I say!"

    I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.

    This post is from 2021-11-11.

    It should've been apt-get but welp.

    And then there is Finland where you have no homework

    I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.

    This post is from 2021-06-23.

    Also, obviously the title is not right. :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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