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How often do you get flowers or other small attentions to your significant other?
  • My spouse and I have talked about love languages, and we agree gift-giving is our least favorite. So, we don't do flowers often. In fact, I bring her flowers in Animal Crossing more often than in real life, which is more of an act of service.

  • It appears to be impossible to delete a comment in a thread that was deleted

    I've got some comments I'd like to delete, but due to them being in threads that were deleted, I am unable to remove them from my profile. Clicking on them in my profile (which is necessary to delete comments) leads to an error screen since the thread doesn't exist anymore.

    Could we put a menu on comments in the profile page to delete without going to the thread?

    For the curious, the comments are nothing inflammatory or inappropriate, but they remind me of the inflammatory or inappropriate threads they were in, and I'd like to move on.

    Clicking on my profile shows me someone else's profile
  • Hi Kuro. I made an observation about this phenomenon. This only happens if I've changed profiles more recently than I've opened the app. If I want to see my profile after switching profiles, I just have to close the app and reopen. Hopefully that helps isolate which step is missing from the profile change protocol.

    Great work on the app btw!

  • "Snackbars" still hang around indefinitely and are too hard to manually dismiss

    I see a couple hundred of these messages every day:

    • Post hidden
    • Refreshed
    • Blocked user
    • Blocked community
    • Downvotes are disabled

    These are good things to know, but if there's no way to make the snackbars disappear automatically after 1-3 seconds, can we PLEASE have an option to disable them?

    If it were easy to manually swipe them away, maybe I could deal, but the proportion of the screen that works to dismiss them is comically small. I'm writing this whole post with a Refreshed snackbar just casually hanging out on my screen. I know trying to dismiss it would 99% likely back me out of this post form instead.

    Could the Blocked User and Blocked Community snackbars have undo buttons?

    Title. It's pretty common for me to hit one of these trying to hit the other, then I have to navigate down a gigantic blocked list to unblock them.

    And/or, could blocks be displayed newest-first, so navigation to recent blocks is quicker?

    How about the ability to sort my profile by karma?

    Seems like sort by date is the only sorting method at the moment.

    Clicking on my profile shows me someone else's profile

    Saw this with my @mtgzone username. Problem with that instance or with Connect app?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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