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Millions of gamers advance biomedical research
  • I played the hell out of this. I like puzzles and I like helping improve science and shit, so I set a number of new records on the hardest puzzles which felt pretty cool.

    My only complaint is that NPCs just talk at you the entire time while you're inside the mini game, and there's no good way to prevent it other than turning down the voices in the settings or just muting the game.

  • Deleted
    Do any of you feel tired ALL the time?
  • Yes, but it's because of multiple sleep disorders and neurological disorders. It's best to get a polysomnogram to determine if you have anything wrong with your sleep patterns. If that yields nothing, then a CAT scan may be in order to determine if anything is wrong inside your skull. If that also returns normal, then at least you're otherwise healthy.

    Source: had to go through all of this

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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