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how did the debate go
  • Should've changed their mascot from a donkey to lemmings. I hate this spineless party so much. The cowering and mass hysteria is embarrassing. Once a person buckled, the whole house of cards come down. Their reactionary doomer hysteria Op-Eds today are worse than Biden's actual debate performance. Literally not a whole lot of people outside the media/politics pundit bubble actually care that much. Majority of people literally didn't bother to tune in. I'm actually baffled how the Dems is a functioning major political party, they were carried by Obama for 8 years and barely managed to win an election against the most incompetent president in history in the middle of pandemic where thousands of people die everyday. Like actually try to stand up for your principles, yuck. Libs deserve everything coming to them, the problem is they are dragging us and the whole planet down with their incompetence.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Now I subjected myself to some reaction from "professional" analyst, I kinda think that this was a hitjob and a coup.

    Usually, the first "hot" take by analyst on the network hosting the debate is the most important. John King of CNN, right after the debate ends immediately goes on "panic among Democratic party." Then everyone on the panel, Van Jones, David Axelrod, Alyssa Griffin, all took turn burying the shiv, with nothing positive to say. These people are not that brave, and they have been gaslighting people for 6 years (ever since Biden started running in '18 he's been mentally compromised). Same with MSNBC, Rachel Maddow asked Alex Wagner and she immediately also said that the reaction was negative. Joy Ann Reid piled on and said Joe Biden don't have the stamina. The replacement headline then immediately made it to NYT front page, opinion piece, and now repeated by all major outlets. These people didn't went through the denial, anger, bargaining stage, they all within 1 1/2 hr debate go to acceptance in unison.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Biden's performance was so khallas that I actually got cold feet and consider the possibility of actually voting for him (I live in a blue state where my vote doesn't matter anyway). Things are so dire, and dumbass dem libs caused this mess.

  • Denmark seeks to take the wind out of foreign flags
  • Hummelgaard said foreign flags would not be banned, and could be used for sporting, demonstrations and other events. The law will also not cover the flags of Nordic countries, Greenland, the Faroe islands, Germany and international organisations.

    They just don't want people flying Palestinian flag out of their apartment balcony

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • Why yes, I work for Teach for America for 2 years

    Why yes, I volunteer for the Peace Corps

    It is a gross bourgeoisie work-study scheme to cosplay as poor people and satiate their savior complex.

    Okay, maybe a person with a humble background can teach English in Thailand, or work as wine server in Spain. But one does not become ice cream server in Paris, English teacher in Thailand, waiter in NYC, wine server in Catalonia, and graduate from Ivy League school with major in history, and then become NYT columnist simultaneously in one lifetime without coasting on privilege and parent's money.

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • Yeah hearing this makes me seethe. There is nothing "performative" about sacrificing your life, self-immolate in front of Israel embassy while yelling "Free Palestine" and calling out the ruling class with your dying words. RIP comrade Aaron.


  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • Writer's bio:

    I’m interested in how ideas spread throughout culture and society and in how they evolve. I’ve written about everything from literature to theater, Nikki Haley to Joe Biden, the Cultural Revolution to Colleen Hoover, “American Dirt” to Robert Caro, cashless retail to gun control. I write from the perspective of a lifelong liberal. It’s from this place that I often write about illiberal progressive orthodoxies, in particular around identity, language, morality, gender ideology, class and free speech.

    Most recently, I was the editor of The New York Times Book Review, but I’ve been working since I was 14, and my varied experiences — as a cashier in a supermarket and a sales clerk in retail, a waitress in New York, a wine server in French Catalonia, a librarian and high school teacher in Chiang Mai, Thailand, an ice cream scooper in Paris, a caterer in college — informs everything I do. I studied history at Brown University.

    She's a gigakaren coasting on privilege all her life. It is an absolute parody.

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.

    tldr; just a lib complaining about direct action. This is the most baffling column from the NYT, surpassing all of Friedman's or Dowd's brain diarrheas

    Don’t take it personally, but I don’t want to go to your protest. This isn’t a commentary about your particular movement or about the anti-Israel rallies this past academic year. I don’t care how foolish or noble the cause. When it comes to gathering in large groups and yelling, you can count me out. I did try it once. My first and last protest was freshman year of college when some women I liked were organizing a pro-choice rally. The cause was solid, it seemed like a decent way to solidify the friendships and I enjoy using magic markers.

    But standing on the campus green of our overwhelmingly liberal university brandishing a broken hanger struck me as not only futile but ridiculous. The only mind that was changed by that protest was mine — about participating in protests. After 40 minutes or so, I left to go to the bathroom. Later, I signed up to escort patients at a local abortion clinic. There are better ways, I realized, to effect change.

    Temperamentally, I just wasn’t up to it. It’s not only that I don’t like standing outdoors in the sun for long periods or that I always need to pee. But I’d rather read about strikers in “Germinal” than march on a picket line. My full gratitude then, to The New York Times for giving me a get-out-of-jail-free card by forbidding your journalists from participating in political protests while encouraging us to report on them.

    I’ve never been much of a tribalist or a joiner, and have no use for conformity of thought or dress. Unless it’s Halloween or a costume party, I don’t like playing dress-up. Nor do I want to be part of a group where people might think I accidentally left my pussy hat at home. When I see a bunch of white kids wearing kaffiyehs I can’t help wonder whatever happened to the whole anti-cultural appropriation thing. When someone drones on about “solidarity,” all I hear is, “Get in line.” When there’s no room for dissent from the dissent, there’s no room for me. Color me an anti-fan of performative politics, particularly if it means I’d be part of the show that features bigots posing as bleeding hearts. Plus, all that earnestness! It brings out my ironic and impish side, inclined to correct typos on signage or foment some kind of peripheral debate. Every time someone at one of those encampments cried out “Free Palestine” I’d be tempted to yell “From Hamas!” I’d surely get kicked out of the group that wants to kick other people out. They don’t want troublemakers.

    Protests are about operating in unison and I find that creepy. Back in the early 90s, I visited college friends in Washington, D.C. It happened to be the Fourth of July and so we headed to the National Mall to celebrate. I was stunned to find people passionately yelling en masse, “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” What, I wondered, was the alternative? Who’s the other team?

    I realize we live in a country born of protest and my attitude may seem vaguely un-American. Watching the rabble-rousers on HBO’s “John Adams” during Covid lockdown, my first grumbly thought was, “Stop whining and pay your taxes!” Reading about the Whiskey Rebellion made me think of drunken MAGA types sloganeering at a Trump rally about the glory of firearms. (I do make a sentimental exception for revolutions set to music, especially when French.) Speaking of history, I can’t say I’d relish hollering alongside people who’ve only studied it on TikTok. But those of us who read about it in, say, books usually come to understand that even factual history is complicated, nuanced and full of boring and endless repetition.

    Protests, those books remind us, can end poorly. In 2020, when people were posting black squares on Instagram to show their antiracist cred, I insisted that we watch “To Live” for family movie night. Zhang Yimou’s depiction of the Cultural Revolution provides a terrifying warning to those who think offering children a bullhorn is a good idea. Still, plenty of Boomers view protest through a nostalgic filter. Sure, there was some passionate shouting on the quad about wiping out Jews, they’ll say, but even the righteous antiwar movement had its Hanoi Janes and the Weather Underground. Is painting a Hamas symbol on a Jews’s door worse than settler-colonial oppression? But no matter the context and whether it comes from the right or the left, antisemitism is a bad look.

    Maybe the protesters could use a moment of peace and reflection. A chance to take a deep breath and open their minds. Picture, if you will, a meditative room filled with floor pillows, breathwork exercises and a small but well-curated bookshelf in the corner. Perhaps now that we’ve gathered here all kumbaya-like, we can even offer a word for the people who look at the bawlers, the get-ups, the outrage and the zealotry and say to themselves, “No, thank you.” Here’s to the people who doth protest not

    Elden Ring lore analysis from anti-colonial, class-conscious, and anti-war perspective

    My favorite content creator just dropped a banger. Give the video a look

    lol, win WHAT war?

    L in Vietnam

    L in Laos

    L in Afghanistan

    L in Iraq

    L in Syria

    The L actually stands for L.I.B.E.R.T.Y

    Institut le Price Stabilité

    Ze moralinterns are in charge !sunday-friend

    Imagine electing a climate scientist as president

    Imagine not having >75yr old male dinosaurs as president

    Dr. Evil marries for the fifth time

    Our condolences to the newly-wed bride, Elena Zhukova, hopefully she'll only suffer for a bit before stealing all of his money. Fun fact: He's marrying the mother of Roman Abramovich's former wife

    The lesser of two evils

    Congratulations Joe, you elected Orange Cheetos, doomed the future of humanity and planet for the next 2000 years

    Man had one job, just to pretend to care and he failed

    Houthi leader: "Y'all cowards don't even fight the Great Satan"

    "The enemies are mobilizing according to a well-laid schedule intended to target our Islamic Ummah," Yemeni Ansar Allah movement leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Saturday. In a statement on the anniversary of the "Shout Against the Oppressors" yearly event, Sayyed al-Houthi said that the Western conspiracy, disguised as "fighting terrorism", sought to occupy Muslim nations and control their people. "A few of our nations' sons are trying to present our enemies as friends to ally ourselves with. A few of our nations' sons, governments, and regimes, are asking for the United States' protection, and in turn, they offer everything to it," he explained.

    He underlined that the fear of the US has become a state that is controlling some of the leaders, officials, and elites, and has spilled to affect the masses. He noted that in certain Arab countries, pro-Palestine protests have been met with oppression. Al-Houthi ascertained that "the enemy wants to shackle these nations to prevent them from taking a stand, and the governments' stances cripple the masses." He further affirmed that the active attack of regimes against their people who champion the Palestinian cause shows the reality of the kind of relation tying these regimes to the US and its nonchalance regarding the Ummah's issues.

    On Yemeni solidarity, Sayyed al-Houthi noted that a plot existed to subdue the Yemeni people, lock them in a state of surrender, and keep the stage open for the Americans. On Friday, Al-Houthi stressed that the responsibility for taking additional practical steps against the occupation lies with the Arab and Islamic countries and that they should not be sidelined. He explained that these countries have political, diplomatic, and economic options regarding the aggression on Rafah. "If the Arab regimes do not dare to adopt any position, let their peoples take action."

    He underlined that the Islamic and Arab worlds needed to be at such a level of deterrence that they are able to defend themselves from danger, stressing that only the undertaking of serious steps could benefit them as the Israeli occupation does not care about the calls of the international community to stop its aggression and it does not care about the magnitude of the crimes it is committing. The Islamic and Arab worlds need to move consciously and break free from the state of inertia that has affected many of their peoples, the Yemeni leader stressed.

    Here's to the state of Mississippi (2024 UPDATED)

    Here's to the state of AmeriKKKa

    How is this not terrorism?

    Israelis hijacking and blocking aides to Gaza


    Houthis blocking shipment of my treats


    Song of the day, happy international workers day! When the Workers of the World Combine

    Provided to YouTube by CDBaby When the Workers of the World Combine · David Rovics May Day ℗ 2021 David Rovics Released on: 2021-08-26 Auto-generated by YouTube.

    When the Workers of the World Combine
    THE song of ice and FIRE Jon Snow rap feat. Glidus

    Mixed and mastered by Glidus: Jon art by Bella Bergolts: Instrumental by Yeno:

    Jon Snow rap feat. Glidus
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    micnd90 [he/him,any]
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