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Privacy on Android Masura
What navigation app do you use for (offline) maps, gps , (bike !!! / public transports ! ) itineraries, gpx ? Someone has a list of good googlemaps alternative ( foss )

Maps on F droid was nice but its not working for me , i use sometimes transpotr. i found that OSMand+ is not very user friendly sadly ... Another good app for navigating OSM ?

Maybe using OSM from web is an alternative ?

thoughts on ?

Unexpected !? Masura
Unexpected !? Masura
Here's why lemmy was down: a fire took out our host OVH Data Center Fire Darkens Popular Sites Worldwide

Fire at an OVH Data Center in Europe takes down millions of sites, including WP Rocket and Imagify

OVH Data Center Fire Darkens Popular Sites Worldwide
What would be your steps for getting out privacy nightmare on xiaomi redmi note 5 ?

Looking for solutions to delete/opt out as much as i can from GAFAMs and other chinese closed-sources stuff ... im a noob and i feel lost right now ... would this be a good idea?

Or should i think about Lineage OS or similar ?

Privacy on Android Masura
What would be your steps for getting out privacy nightmare on xiaomi redmi note 5 ?

Looking for solutions to delete/opt out as much as i can from GAFAMs and other chinese closed-sources stuff ... im a noob and i feel lost right now ... would this be a good idea?

Or should i think about Lineage OS or similar ?

masura Masura

evidemment, ils fuient comme tout le monde, mais ils pensent que fuir, c'est sortir du monde [...]. Fuir, ce n'est pas du tout renoncer aux actions, rien de plus actif qu'une fuite [...] Fuir, c'est tracer une ligne, des lignes,toute une cartographie » (DELEUZE, 1996)

  • Freedom of movement !
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