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Another Hexbear favored radical exposed: Pope Used Vulgar Italian Word to Refer to LGBT People, Italian Newspapers Report
  • The Pope has an excellent PR team where he gets to be quoted, almost out of context, and often in casual and unofficial conversations with the press, gaffes if you will. And then his bishops and cardinals go “acktually, it’s still a sin to be a removed”.

    If you are interested in Catholicism as an avenue or source of radicalism: a) you are putting the cart before the horse; Catholic/Christians radicals are radicals first and Christians second. b) Religion, despite theologians and their protestations is also affected by historical and material conditions, so it’s really funny when you read an encyclical from the late 1890s where the communists are a radical and malevolent threat, and then you read an encyclical in 1991 where they are like “uwu capitalism, please stop being mwean to workers”.

    Appreciate that the pendulum is swinging leftward but do not expect any changes that are not directly caused by our own work and demands, although watered down.

    I dunno if I’ve said this here: but spirituality, god, or gods should not be ceded to right wingers. It is a component of the human experience and we need to wrestle with Communism and its exchange with religion.

  • [cw: eugenics, physical child abuse] I'm feeling physically ill after reading this article: America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world
  • It’s because the child is viewed as a luxury and an “unnecessary” expense. That’s the message my Texas sex ed module in health class sent. Abstain (rather than cover all forms of birth control) because you’d otherwise have a baby and pay $700 in rent while at minimum wage.

    I’ve had this convo with my wife. Birth control is the only solution they are pitching. When we could be looking at affordable housing, affordable childcare, healthcare, funding schools, cheaper college and vocational programs. Then kids wouldn’t feel like a burden.

  • Who here has actually used any GPT or Image generator models?

    Alternatively, are there any publications engaging with the future potential of AI in a communist society, or in the lead up to a communist society? A lot of forum discussion used to pertain to the cybersyn project in Chile. But I feel like the LLM/ML/AI discussion is currently on a reactionary back foot.

    If you've used it, I'm curious as to what potentials do you see from it? Where is it being used effectively where are you encountering it where you go, damn that sucks.

    Where it sucks: Every single chatbot and phone tree when calling a support line ends without speaking to a flesh-and-blood agent. It makes me want to throw my phone into the woods.

    Where it rules: Fulfilling bullshit work requests like OKRs with AI-generated drivel. Translation work. It tutored me through a Grad-level Statistics class that was all Asynchronous.

    What are the best websites and publications of 2024

    I delete Tik Tok and Instagram every week, but then I find myself bored, cause there aren’t a lot of places on the web. Stumbleupon is dead. What are the best websites and publications you’ve found this year? Blogs, Journals, and Substacks count.

    I miss Inside Job

    Lizzie Caplan and Christian Slater were so fucking good and the writing and comedy gags were so funny. The characters were all fantastic. I miss it. Netflix can't keep anything worth a damn on the air. Fuck them.

    ELI5: What is trans medicalism?

    I was watching this fascinating video lecture by a neurobiology professor and the brain regions that are dimorphic and are correlated with expressions of male and female gender alignment; but the comments devolved on accusations of "trans medicalism". My assumption is that this is an accusation of boiling down transgenderism to sex-characteristics as expressed through the brain, and the possibility of "testing" that would deny transgenderness if the person doesn't have these correlating sizes previously identified in research.

    Am I missing something?

    art marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    [Digital] Rebelle 5 Watercolor paint and brushes effect.
    art marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    [Watercolor] Majora's Mask Skull Kid
    art marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    [Ink and Wash] Chainsaw Man
    I just imagine this is what Western Commies must have felt regarding the USSR's founding and takeover of Communist thought.

    Western Imperialist Commies: "Laddie dah, we are so progressive, we demand the rights of all people!"

    Actual communist country exists and starts doing communist things


    Hexbear holds a mirror and a path to other "progressive" instances who up to these point, felt like they were the biggest game in town.

    It'll be funny when the admins arrive to the "Socialism in One Country" Doctrine.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
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