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Feeling like it's getting harder finding traditional Malay food. Is it just me?

Like, when you go out for Malay food these days, its usually

  • tomyam
  • western
  • fried chicken (berempah, kunyit etc)
  • nasi lemak, usually part of fried chicken series

Where had all the old timey traditional dishes gone? Somehow it seems like they only survive in nasi kerabu shops.

TESL equivalent for BM, thoughts?

(reddit MY is taken over by reactionaries so I run here)

So, BM. Lots of noise. People say because lack of love/lack of patriotism etc. But nobody considered that it might be poorly taught!

So, guys, especially if you are in linguistics and education, how do you see this? Is BM poorly taught in SJKs, and is a more systemic, holistic "game plan" needed? (pedagogy is the word I think?)

Maybe create a new discipline out of this?

KL Chinese ppl, pls educate me on this Pudu fuckery

So I was having dinner at a economy rice shop in Pudu, when I heard people quarrelling at the counter.

One guy, maybe late 40s not happy with the price. Cashier say because a lot of pork. I did see with my own eyes and yup, thats a lot of meat, almost half plate. But guy still not agree.

So supervisor come out, say "okla we charge by weight", then proceed to fire up an electric scale on the counter. Yeah, the price is not too far off (Around RM16)

Now here's the thing. The electronic scale is already on the counter right from the start, meaning this is not the first time and the shop already prepared for this shit!

So yeah, whats up with Pudu folks?

Hospital bosses love AI. Doctors and nurses are worried.
  • This is a bad idea. Used to do call centre customer service, and while it wasn't implemented on our side, some contacts that got routed to us seems to be handled by chatbots before, and people aren't happy.

    Human condition is complex, organic, often unique circumstances. A brain dead statistical machine like AI cannot be expected to handle these things well.

    Now, if it is for health related big data analytics, like epidemic modeling, demographic changes, effect of dietary patterns (notoriously hard to model actually), then I don't see anything wrong with that. Caring for people? No way.

  • A better explanation of Wok Hay

    cross-posted from:

    > So I just watched a cooking video and Wok Hay got described as "Breath of the wok" again, and I got triggered. > > That is one of those lazy explanation Chinese geezers make to get you off their face and stop bothering them, and unfortunately it became canon. > > So here I attempt to give a better explanation based on my cultural background and firsthand experience. > > The word Hay in Wok Hay is the Cantonese pronunciation of the word Qi. Meaning energy, and supposedly energy flows like fluid according to Chinese metaphysics. > > When a dish is said to be having Wok Hay, it means that it is "charged up with energy" during its time in cooking the wok, but really this is more of a fantastical description of a more mechanical process. > > (Also reason why Chinese people say fried rice, fried noodles, fried anything are "heaty", the hot Qi in the food can cause hot Qi aka Yeet Hay in your body to accumulate, causing imbalance and make you sick) > > There are 2 parts that makes up this perception of Wok Hay. > > 1. Dry radiant heat. In Malay, "bahang". The dish is cooked to a point where it reach a temperature so high that when it is served, the mere presence of the food itself gives you that warm, tosaty feeling. And eating "fresh from the oven/fryer" hot food is always more enjoyable, think fried chicken, pizza, fritters, toast etc. The feeling is also quite different from wet heat like from hot soup and porridge. > > 2. Side effects of (mostly) dry, high heat cooking. Meat and carbohydrates get slightly browned getting that delicious Maillard reaction, vegetables getting heated up so fast they got cooked without losing too much moisture. And in the case of carbohydrates, having most of their surface moisture toasted off means they don't clump, making the eating experience much more enjoyable. > > It also follows that you can kill Wok Hay simply by leaving the dish turn cold. It will still have that toasted taste, but without that toasty warm feeling it feels "flat", and carbohydrates will also start absorbing moisture making it a sad, stodgy lump. > > To achieve Wok Hay, one must cook the food till they reach very high temperature without burning it. Woks are superior for this because it's wide curved shape makes it easier to rapidly stir your food around preventing burning, and woks are usually thinner than skillets, meaning better heat transfer. > > It is not easy to achieve. Many factors can make you fail. Like overly moist ingredients, too large of a portion with underpowered burner, going too fast and burn the food with overpowered burner, overloading your wok and you can no longer stir fast enough, food sticking to wok and burn etc. > > Its an art. > > Hope this info is helpful.

    Anyone knows the road closure schedule for Jalan Raja (Dataran Merdeka)?

    Road seems to be closed off during weekend nights, even when not Merdeka season, but I don't know the exact schedule. Anyone knows the exact schedule and, preferably also, sauce from DBKL?

    (r/malaysia corsspost) Is this possible?

    Original post

    (Rant ahead 😤 )

    Typical sales people & MBA math. Always see front end only never see back end.

    Dude, how a warung can output that much product? And how you even source that much banana every day?

    Dude is even a GM. Heck, maybe that's why he is a GM. Sure never turun padang see the real world operation one.

    MMT: Alternative view on inflation and Ringgit depreciation

    Last night I got a rare recommendation in my YouTube on one of my old subscription to Prof Steve Keen, am Australian economics professor. Not very well known because he is pushing a more niche view on the already unconventional idea of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

    To put simply what this is all about: CREDIT (LOAN) CREATION IS MONEY CREATION

    I am not an econ major, and I am oversimplifying as hell here, but, its like this. With modern accounting practice, when you take out a RM1k loan from your neighbourhood bank branch, the branch is not giving you the loan by withdrawing from its reserves of savings deposits. They will simply add RM1k to their liabilities and credit RM1K into your account. Number flipping only. Easy peasy like roti canai.

    Even so, the funds that you get can then be spent just like regular cash. No shops are going to differentiate between it and your paid-in-cash salary.

    It is essentially fresh money, added to the economy, simply at the discretion of your local branch manager. No involvement from Bank Negara or the state whatsoever.

    And consider the amount of loans we Malaysians took over the decades, people buying multiple cars and houses. How much of of the Ringgit in circulation today is from the gov issue, and how many are generated from credit? How far has the Ringgit been watered down by this?

    What Prof Steve Keen, based on Hyman Minsky's work, is working on are what effect this phenomenon can have on the wider system. He cautioned that economies with too much credit circulating will get very fragile by being very sensitive to interest rate fluctuations.

    MMT get a lot of flak in mainstream media for being "crazy", but as a theory, it's a powerful concept. On one hand it allows government to create money without indiscriminately printing cash through "quantitative easing", a power which can easily be abused. But it also reveals the extent of power individual banks actually have on the national economy. Scary stuff.

    Shower thoughts: Commercial properties might be in worse crisis than what's seen

    I mean, at least housing properties have this ever present cultural pressure to keep fueling it for some time. Bussiness however are more realistic. If the location got too expensive they will simply close or move. Maybe even just do their bussines 100% online.

    But all these are just my guess. Outsiders like me have no chance to see what's behind the shop front, and bussiness, especially one in crisis, will always keep up a business as usual everything is fine façade.

    HR people and hiring managers, what do you reeeeally mean by "team player"

    cross-posted from:

    > In sports, being a team player would mean something like you don't play football as if its all a one man show. > But at work isn't this kind of independence a desirable thing? Like salespeople who have to carry their own weight at all times? > At this point, looking at all these job ads is giving me the impression that what it really means is "submissive and obedient".

    HR people and hiring managers, what do you reeeeally mean by "team player"

    In sports, being a team player would mean something like you don't play football as if its all a one man show. But at work isn't this kind of independence a desirable thing? Like salespeople who have to carry their own weight at all times? At this point, looking at all these job ads is giving me the impression that what it really means is "submissive and obedient".

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