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In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • @weirdwriter @techtakes @fuck_ai You can make LLM songs but undoubtedly you would have noticed that; that gift sounds lovely, by the way.

    Hopefully you and your “AI friend” can work this out together.

  • In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • @weirdwriter @techtakes @fuck_ai Happy belated birthday! This post struck a nerve with me because in this case, AI took away one of the last bits of humanity left in our digital communication: a personal message from a real human.

    Time and effort are valuable commodities. When your friend offloaded that to an AI, it took away from the value of the message. Maybe they spent time crafting the perfect prompt, but saying “it’s easier” negates that idea.

  • mahryekuh Marijke Luttekes

    Hello, I am Marijke (pronounced Mah-Rye-Kuh), an independent programmer and occasional teacher from Groningen, The Netherlands.

    I am a back-end web developer, and am also passionate about front-end web development and accessibility (a11y).

    My preferred tools are Python, Django, HTML, and CSS, with a sprinkle of JavaScript.

    Member of the Django Software Foundation (DSF). 🚀

    Drinks tea. :teapot:

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