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Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?
  • Not really, like I said, bipartisan support. Biden/Blinken just did an emergency act move to send them a ton of funding and weapons. Both parties are at the whims of the military-industrial complex because America is objectively the weapon dealer of the whole world. Even Russia uses American parts in their missiles (despite half assed attempts to prevent that). All of American economics benefits from this situation. And I mean, that's after we already have been fuckin up the middle east for decades, with countless atrocities

  • "I lost trust": Why the OpenAI team in charge of safeguarding humanity imploded
  • Miss me with the doomsday news cycle capture, we aren't even close to AI being a threat to ~anything

    (and all hail the AI overlords if it does happen, can't be worse than politicians)

  • Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?
  • Yeah they can do big genocides. Nah jk, there's always bipartisan support for that

  • Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?
  • Sure you can. I mean, not legally ~anywhere, but pay some sketchy dr 25k and make a world-first snuff film. I'm not sure why anyone would want to do this, and I sure don't think it would be "cool as shit" but you probably would shit yourself. And I suspect that even if you're real high, it would still be traumatizing for all involved

  • A cool guide to learn about package theft among states
  • 82% of what... Packages delivered??? Cmon meow

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • Ok well that's a paywall but I went and read the official guidelines on the website, which is a boring PDF report. My understanding: they talked to other athletes and "stakeholders" and agreed that they will handle it on a case by case / sport by sport basis. Anybody can compete in any gender Olympic sport until clear evidence is presented that shows that they have an unfair advantage. And I do mean anyone, they explain that gender is in the mind, and that a natural man who identifies as a woman can apply for a women's competition

    I think that's a good result, better than mine, in the sense that various sports have more of less of a problem, and we don't really have all the data to know what's fair. But I still expect that many sports will disallow it if it becomes problematic. It seems like you'd want to track testosterone, but the q&a explains that it doesn't really work. They also do call out that cisgender men have such a "disproportionate advantage" compared to cisgender women, and so categories are required...

    They've managed to tow a really careful balance here, between affirming trans ppl and also being ready to lay down bans in situations that arise

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • Nah, I'm not with you. Gender also comes with cultural background, and physical characteristics, very much like race. And yes, if you feel deeply aligned with black culture as a white born person, fuckin go for it. Besides, we are all listening to blues and rock n hip hop — all "black music" — so what's the problem? Am I only allowed to listen to Tchaikovsky if I'm Russian? The whole set of mental gymnastics can go fuck itself, all cultures and races influenced each other for all of history. Is anybody mad about Thai people opening cannabis dispensaries and wearing Cookies merch & baseball hats? No, go ahead and "appropriate" whatever you want from me

    identify with what you do line up with

    Or don't, I don't give a fuck, this doesn't really affect my life. Wanna get surgery to look like a goat with some neat horns? Sweet, good luck

    Ok let's do the honest hard questions. Should mtf ppl be allowed to do all female sports? No, probably not, it's generally not fair. Should ftm be allowed to do all male sports? Sure. Should bathrooms just be all gender bathrooms? Yeah, probably fine, maybe add some panic buttons. Should people under 18 be allowed to get a sex change? Only if they parents sign off on it, they are the legal guardians. Maybe it'll feel like a mistake later, maybe not, but the family is in the best position to decide. Are microplasics fucking up hormones in pretty much all living things? EPA says yes, and that's a concern

  • Colorado Passes Its Third ‘Right To Repair’ Bill
  • Yeah! Let me repair all my semiautomatic dildos already!!

  • Jolie, the service-oriented programming language
  • That's a cool idea, though obviously you need functions and objects to actually make services do useful stuff. And lots of libraries. I achieve most of what they describe quite easily using GRPC/protobufs with Go, and so I have doubts that this is going to be better. Plus GRPC/protobufs have the benefit of working seamlessly with other languages, and with some small added code, you can add annotations that handle auth, routing, validation, etc

  • EU plan to force messaging apps to scan for CSAM risks millions of false positives, experts warn
  • I'm super fucking tired of having zero privacy. The fact that governments&corps can access records of everyone's phone locations, their data, and communications — is frankly absurd

  • GNU nano 8.0 Released with New Options and Various Improvements
  • Neat that it has this new modern binds mode where it understands normal copy paste and stuff

  • The walls of Apple’s garden are tumbling down
  • Truly boring article that only talks about old news like the Epic lawsuit and RCS support

  • Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years
  • Well, generously I think this guys point is that you shouldn't use rust for developing actual game logic (you'd use those higher level scripts). For game logic, it's bad bc it's not very iterative - and the rest of the stack sucks too but everyone knew that getting into it. But yes, I'm sure you could make a game engine with it

  • Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years
  • Yeah idk Rust seems superior in the less useful ways. Go's tooling, fast build times, hyper efficient parallel GC (not kidding, it's world class), interfaces, and simplicity are really killer features. Though honestly, even after many years, channels still confuse me - it's like plumbing, but plumbing needs pressure gauges, emergency valves, and buffers - so it always ends up with this string cheese of events spread over multiple files. I end up using a mutex half the time

  • Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years
  • Interesting to read about how borrow checker constraints affect iteration speed in game dev

    Yeah seems like the wrong choice overall. I think Rust found its way to the niche of being a "new C" that's pretty much just for when you need something very optimized like kernel modules and backend hotpaths (and Firefox I guess). That's a cool niche to fill

    I most enjoy Go for servers, and JS unfortunately is mandatory for many things. I don't tend to write code that requires Rust's performance. For mobile, the Flutter stack with Dart is pretty cool. For automation & simple cli, shell scripts suit me fine (but any language can do this ok). Python is tragic, Java is evil, C# is MS Java, node/npm are a toxic hazard, and webassembly with preloaded runtimes in browsers cant come soon enough

  • You think Linux is living a Renaissance with Gaming and New Non-Technical Users?
  • Linux is amazing. It's hitting peak productivity with support for every driver, and highly optimized systems like Systems, Dbus, Wayland,and Pipewire. It's actually world class rn, both windows and Mac are jealous of what the core Linux is now. Linux now runs every server, most of the world's phones, most of the IoT devices, and some gaming stuff

    But it's still a tiny percentage of desktop/laptop, so yeah idk it's all good

  • Iran: Rapper Toomaj Salehi sentenced to death, says lawyer
  • writes poetry to a rhythm


  • Get rid of landlords...
  • Wait so is... uhhh how? Like you're literally not allowed to live somewhere unless you own it?? What about short term rentals and vacations? Or is the idea that we live in some kinda socialist utopia where homes are just idk assigned to people via lottery?

  • Deleted
  • Shout-out to the Flutter-Dart stack that Google made. Neither are outstanding, but Flutter compiles to native code for every platform including mobile and web. This is way more convenient than React Native (which funny enough doesn't really work on web). Dart is a much saner lang than JS and the UI framework is much saner than React. Dependency management is fast and easy without NPM and webpack trash. So for my recent project I embedded a flutter app inside a static website, and can also have it run native on desktop or wherever. The only real downsides are an extra 1.5mb load for the dart runtime stuff, and some need to fiddle with platform specific issues and configs. Upside is I need neither xcode nor node

  • compiler.nvim: language aware compile menu

    Zenith said:


    This compiler detects the filetype you are using. From there it detects the entry point of your program and compiles it with the correct compiler so you don't need to setup anything.

    Currently it is on beta state and only works with c. More languages available in the coming days.

    I rather releasing it now in case someone wants to participate and leave comments before I solidify the architecture.

    I coded this for NormalNvim so take a look there if you want too.


    Applying to be a mod here too

    Hey guys I'm one of the most active mods of the Joplin reddit. I'd like to be modded here too and help build the community / roll people over

    Applying to be a mod

    Hey guys, I'm currently one of the active members the neovim reddit (hugelung), and I'm in full support of migrating to lemmy. I was hoping to be modded here, and helping migrate content / roll people over

    Applying to be a mod

    Hey guys, I'm currently one of the active members the neovim reddit (hugelung), and I'm in full support of migrating to lemmy. I was hoping to be modded here, and helping migrate content / roll people over

    lung Lung

    Expert developer, Buddhist

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