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"To be mad at the right person, for the right reason, at the right time, with a proper response, isn't possible."
  • I was more thinking about the "proper response" part, as an example.

  • "To be mad at the right person, for the right reason, at the right time, with a proper response, isn't possible."
  • It's a vague statement. Enormous wiggle room. I think there's a valuable idea somewhere in there about reflecting on the root of a problem, but the conclusion is overly fatalist. It's OK to hold someone accountable even though they are part of something bigger.

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • What has baffled me the most since yesterday was a vox pop airing on a local (canadian) channel. The journalist had travelled shortly south of the border to Plattsburgh, which is historically blue but has recently been more tight. How the casual Trump supporters remained unfazed was chilling.

    One slick office lady explained calmly how the recent judicial events did not relate to Trump’s proposed politics and that therefore it didn’t change her voting intention. Another woman would explain how she prefers to vote for someone honest who speaks his mind, someone that was never involved in politics, so that’s why she’s still intending to vote for Trump (her husband had voted for Biden last election and had apparently regretted it).

    It’s somehow way more shocking to witness some very average sounding and looking person make so little sense. Is it the average American news sources messing with people’s minds that much?

  • Le «gros bon sens», ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence

    À chaque début de saison estivale, le débat revient inévitablement : paie-t-on trop de taxes sur l’essence ?

    Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence
    What domain name to choose for an open source website where I could ask for personal donations?
  • No, .com is not meant as commercial anymore and it was always open to everybody. No matter how easy the domain resellers are making it, picking TLDs has some implications:

  • What domain name to choose for an open source website where I could ask for personal donations?
  • The .io TLD has been the subject of controversy for a number of years despite (or because it is?) being hijacked by tech.

    EDIT: More about it

  • What domain name to choose for an open source website where I could ask for personal donations?
  • Just please don’t be smart ass and choose a non relevant top-level domain because it looks cute. .io is for the British Indian Ocean Territory. .af is for Afghanistan. actually got taken down by the talibans.

    .com and .org are both open TLDs and totally fine. If you’re afraid to be understood as organization, you can go for .com. It’s the default of the web by now.

    If your service can be understood as some kind of web application, you could look into .app as well.

  • The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread
  • Siralim Ultimate is a very special monster collector. The sheer amount of everything is delightfully overwhelming, the depth is nonsensical and the grind is real. I love it.

  • The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread
  • I have played some of the Avernum games. In my opinion it's peak Jeff Vogel. If you're fine with the graphics, you're in for excellent writing, nicely done non linear exploration and original world building.

  • The level of engagement on Reddit these days
  • Thank you! Wow, they were truly ahead of their time. 🙃

  • The level of engagement on Reddit these days
  • What is this cursed place? The clickbait has eaten everything. uBlock should make this into a blank page.

  • Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer
  • Right?! I freaked on the same paragraph. Most depressing thing ever said about game dev. These suits would rather fire everyone and play stonks all day if it earned a dime more. I'm so mad for the massive creative force being crushed by this broken system.

  • Not really sure whether S-expressions or Python indentation-based scoping get more hate...
  • It’s fascinating how s-expressions are both data type and language syntax. Such power. Only other time I saw something remotely like this was XSLT & XML, which I admittedly do not miss one bit.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Diversity: it’s good for everybody! neocat hug bee heart emoji Also, it’s wise to get used to being taught new things by younger people, lest we become stuck in the past *shudders*.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Congrats! Hopefully your next boss realizes the delay you’re asking for is a small price to pay for hiring someone who cares.

  • GIGO Dev - An Open Source Learning Platform for Programmers
  • They sure like to use nondescript generative AI pictures. Can’t figure out what’s under the hood of their "Code Teacher" LLM. Most lessons are behind login.

  • rule
  • Nah it’s biohazard. If I had to guess I’d go for upcoming zombie apocalypse ground zero.

  • rule
  • Signs get more severe as OP heads back home. Housing crisis and so on.

  • Any of you folks around before epoch need a new job?
  • Are passionate about the development lifecycle of other engineers and their pain points.

    If you've been coding for 55+ years, you've almost gone through a whole engineer life cycle and you most probably know a lot about pain points.

  • Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • I do! You mean like an actual second physical drive? Does that bring advantages compared to partitioning a single drive besides the space?

  • Things Will Fall Apart - Louis Cole

    Fresh new Louis Cole dropped along with announcement for a whole new orchestral album to be released Aug. 9.

    Happy Pi Day!

    It’s March 14th! An excellent day to eat pie and do maths. I might brush up on my geometry and try the NASA Pi Day Challenge.

    SMILE - Doohickey [post punk]

    "SMILE is a post-punk band with a singer who prefers not to sing."

    Whole album's a banger. Sort of Sonic Youth vibes except I don't get bored halfway through (sorry Sonic Youth fans 😬)

    Relationship between vehicle characteristics and injury severity

    This report published on August 30 by Vias (Belgium) studies the relationship between the car’s characteristics (such as size, weight and power) with injury severity in case of collision. It’s available in French and Dutch only, but it includes an English summary.

    Here’s an excerpt:

    > With the exception of vehicle age, we find that vehicle characteristics that reduce the injury severity of car occupants, such as high mass, are more likely to be detrimental for the other party. For example, when the mass of a vehicle increases by 300 kg, the probability of fatal injuries for car occupants decreases by half while the same probability for the other party increases by 77% for car occupants and 28% for vulnerable road users, respectively. A similar pattern is seen for other vehicle characteristics such as power and pickup trucks. This indicates an opposite relationship between occupant safety and opponent safety, or put another way: vehicles with a high capacity to protect their occupants (= high crashworthiness) tend to have a lower capacity to protect the opponent (= high crash aggressiveness).

    Big takeaway for me: if the vehicle hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist is a pick-up, the victim is 91% more likely to be severely wounded and 196% more likely to be killed.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    Technological bias is about more than audio quality—it’s about the forces that influence whose stories are told and how.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    An old article, but I just stumbled upon it and found it enlightening. The trope of criticizing women for the way they talk has deeper implications than I thought.

    Slag Queens - Excuses

    The song's on the album Favours:

    Why We Hate Bi Men
    Eisenhower's farewell address (1961)

    I’m not American, so it’s hard for me to judge how famous Eisenhower’s farewell address is in the USA. There are things I probably don’t know about it as well. I just find it fascinating since it warns against a number of threats that have basically materialized.

    He warned against:

    • the dominance of the arms industry
    • being captive of the tech elite
    • becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate

    The place of religion is interesting as well, as his language is quite pious while being inclusive as well for the time, as he "prays that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied" and so on.

    Anyways, to me it’s interesting to give it a listen in light of how things are today. It’s ~15 minutes and there’s a transcript too.

    I’m NOT excited about coding by AI [venting]

    I’m a dev. I’ve been for a while. My boss does a lot technology watch. He brings in a lot of cool ideas and information. He’s down to earth. Cool guy. I like him, but he’s now convinced that AI LLMs are about to swallow the world and the pressure to inject this stuff everywhere in our org is driving me nuts.

    I enjoy every part of making software, from discussing with the clients and the future users to coding to deployment. I am NOT excited at the prospect of transitioning from designing an architecture and coding it to ChatGPT prompting. This sort of black box magic irks me to no end. Nobody understands it! I don’t want to read yet another article about how an AI enthusiast is baffled at how good an LLM is at coding. Why are they baffled? They have "AI" twelves times in their bio! If they don’t understand it who does?!

    I’ve based twenty years of career on being attentive, inquisitive, creative and thorough. By now, in-depth understanding of my tools and more importantly of my work is basically an urge.

    Maybe I’m just feeling threatened, or turning into "old man yells at cloud". If you ask me I’m mostly worried about my field becoming uninteresting. Anyways, that was the rant. TGIF, tomorrow I touch grass.

    In 1987 a group of orcas spent the summer wearing a dead salmon hat

    I heard about this today. I thought no animal could be as silly as humans but here you go.

    Just Mustard - I Am You [Shoegaze, Post-punk]

    Love their last album. The kind of music that draws power from vulnerability.

    luciole luciole

    Doesn't know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

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