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Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago?
  • You couldn't be more wrong you stupid idiot. /s

  • neither will moving to the cloud
  • Let's say there is a user lmicroservice. I'm on a UI team. I don't get to tell the user service team what, or when, to implement any features.

    I'm tasked with making a page displaying all the users who have a birthday this month.

    User API service can only search by user id, email, display name, or nickname.

    Now instead of just querying the goddamn database, a one line fucking SQL statement, I have to deal with the user team, getting them to first off even admit that my use case is valid, convince them to work on the feature, coordinate with them to make sure the query works, sorts the data the way I need, etc, et. al, blah blah blah.

    They already have the next 3 sprints full so I'm sitting on my ass for the next month before I can test.

    Meanwhile they decide they're gonna implement a super generic thing, and so despite me working on code that we talked about using an interface we talked about, they implement something else so i have to throw out half my work anyway.

    Then when I finally start using it I find, oh, it doesn't support a sort, only returns 100 results max with no pagination, so if there's 200 this month with a birthday fuck the 2nd hundred they don't show up because they're implementing bare minimum and the rest is slated for another sprint.

    And it was then, your Honor, I grabbed the lead dev for the user microservice and tossed him off the 9th story of the building.


  • neither will moving to the cloud
  • XML: Xtremely Masochistic Language

  • How does SecureErase work?

    No one has ever recovered overwritten data, as far as anyone can tell. Go look it up. The technique was only a theoretical attack on ancient MFM/RLL hard drive encoding (Gutmann's paper). Even 20 year old drives' (post 2001, approx) magnetic encoding are so small there isn't an 'edge' to read on the bits. A single pass of random data is sufficient to permanently destroy data, even against nation-state level actors. Certainly enough for personal data.

    from :

    Most of the patterns in the Gutmann method were designed for older MFM/RLL encoded disks. Gutmann himself has noted that more modern drives no longer use these older encoding techniques, making parts of the method irrelevant. He said "In the time since this paper was published, some people have treated the 35-pass overwrite technique described in it more as a kind of voodoo incantation to banish evil spirits than the result of a technical analysis of drive encoding techniques"

    More reading material:

    NOW THAT BEING SAID there is no harm in doing a secure, 35-pass overwrite other than the time, energy and disk wear. If watching all the bit-patterns of a DoD-level wipe using DBAN on a magnetic disk tickles your fancy, or you think this is a CIA misinformation campaign to get people to do something insecure so they can steal your secrets, please just go ahead and do a 35-pass overwrite with alternating bit patterns followed by random data. I can tell you that I believe in my heart-of-hearts, that one pass is sufficient.

  • What adblocker are you using on iOS?
  • Brave browser does an okay job, but remember under the hood everything is just a re-skinned Safari browser. There are content blockers, but AdBlock sold out (allows ads) and uBlock Origin doesn't work on iOS due to limitations Apple has in place.

  • Are all phone calls voip (voice over Internet protocol) now?
  • no. POTS (plain old telehphone systems) still exists. None of that is VoIP, although it's almost certainly encoded to digital and sent as packets. VoIP is a very specific thing, and not the same as cellular or landlines.

  • Maybe some ALGOL 58 while we're at it too.
  • And tomorrow is always just a day away.

  • Maybe some ALGOL 58 while we're at it too.

    cross-posted from:

    > Maybe some ALGOL 58 while we're at it too.

    memes listless
    Maybe some ALGOL 58 while we're at it too.
    Why wait for the aileron when you can climb?
  • There was a sign in one of the games saying "Why wait for the elevator when you can climb" its an obscure reference to that.

  • Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    cross-posted from:

    > Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    cross-posted from:

    > Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    memes listless
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be
    memes listless
    But seriously *what are the chances!!!* How to make moroccan zaalouk - News

    Moroccan Zaalouk is a delicious and healthy dish that you can easily make at home. To start, you will need eggplants, tomatoes, garlic, oli...

    How to make moroccan zaalouk - News
    memes listless
    Why wait for the aileron when you can climb?
    memes listless
    What can I say to you? I remember how it felt to knead the dough.
    can't make this shit up

    cross-posted from:

    > can't make this shit up

    can't make this shit up

    cross-posted from:

    > can't make this shit up

    memes listless
    can't make this shit up
    Choices choices.
  • Put a smile on your face Ten miles wide Looks so good Bring a tear to your eye Sweet cherry pie

  • Wow so amazing
  • In other news Exteter University is holding it's 24th annual "Hulk Hogan RULES Day"...

  • Data is Beautiful listless
    Weather station has continuously logged weather data from 1950 present. Longest gap was 18h between reports. Forgetful Bri (

    Attached: 2 images ยท Content warning: data+

    Any Volunteers
  • You can't do that, you're committing copyright infringement! Change gameto mygame though, and you're golden.

  • Error trying to follow remote community
  • Is that backlog per community, or per server? Because I was able to subscribe to other communities from the same server. I'm not an expert on the ActivityPub protocol but I thought information was pulled from my server, not pushed from the remote.

  • Just gonna rub it in, aren't you?
  • forever, in some cases.

  • [ANSWERED] Bears?
  • wow, what a surprise. smh...

  • memes listless
    Just gonna rub it in, aren't you?
    [ANSWERED] Bears?
  • Yes, The Beetles.

  • [ANSWERED] Bears?
  • That's a schrute observation.