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Reactionaries get the wall too
  • How many zionists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


    One to convince the others to do it

    A second to donate the bulb

    A third to actually screw it in

    And a fourth to loudly proclaim that all world jewry stand behind their actions

  • How do you write cover letters for entry level basic jobs?
  • This is really good but also some things I struggle with in there. I know i have to do some kind of corpo-speak esq shit, but like

    Para 2: Talking about yourself and selling your 'passion'. e.g. "This role really attracts me as I am a self-described [industry] fan/nut/enthusiast. If successful, this role will help me deepen my industry knowledge and round out my aptitudes. The professoonal growth opportunities presented by [company] are compelling including its business connections, enthusiastic staff and positive reputation."

    This is so hard for me, like I know its not lying but selling myself is something im really bad at lol.

    But genuinely thank you this is a helpful form to follow stalin-heart

  • How do you write cover letters for entry level basic jobs?
  • Ohhh you have no idea how much I want to do this... It would be a gamble that probably wouldnt pay off tho, and I really need a job (my housing situation is over at the end of march and I need to have a job to be able to find an appartment that will rent to me, been turned down time and again because income verification).

  • How do you write cover letters for entry level basic jobs?
  • This is a good starting point and not one Id considered, thank you 😀. I guess im off to make an account on the chatgpt thingy? Uff i feel dirty just writing that lol 😬

  • How do you write cover letters for entry level basic jobs?

    How do you write a cover letter for a job doing very basic tasks? I feel like Im either shmoozing and being way over the top, or being realistic in a way that will keep me from getting the job. For reference the job is to package coffee and make other products. I guess i just dont understand. I need a job, they need a worker. This work can be done by most people, its not some field thats relevant, its putting beans in bags and brewing coffee, how can I say "i really want to work here" when in reality any job will do, this is just the one that vibes best with my social capacity and is offered by the least offensive corporation. Like what am I gonna say, "I love brewing coffee, i spend every day constantly brewing coffee and moving my coffee beans from one bag to another, because I just like handling coffee"?

    I have also been studying or doing self employed things like tutoring for the past 10 years and my cover letter skills were shit before this and have only gotten worse.

    Cant I just write "job. Me need job. You have job. Me need money for survive. You need worker for labour. You give money, i work. I work good." and be done with it?

    Why Online Dating Feels Like Gambling Now
  • Hear me out, a distributed dating app, so that everything happens without needing a server.

    Assume 1gb of free storage per device, distribute gzipped text-only profiles such that any given profile is constantly "on the network" (i.e. distributed via someone elses device if youre no longer connected, idk like distribute to 20 random devices, and then redistribute if the number of active devices drops below 5?), but have images hosted from your device so theyre only available if your device is currently connected. Have everyone set a "home location point" to avoid distributing via a device thats across an ocean or something.

    Basically, by using the app you're contributing processing power to run the network. Idk ive never done or looked at anything like that before, but it sounded cool in my head. Plus text only profiles take so little space, you could store a lot of them in 1gb, especially if theyre like gzipped tarballs or something similar.

    Messages could be peer to peer. If someone messages you or likes you or matches with you, it forwards that info to your device or stores it on one or more devices in order to forward it once youre back on the network.

    Goal is to remove any profit motive from the app, so users instead of paying money pay with device processing power.

    Ok random thought over now. Ive never done distributed systems before so its probably a pipe dream or something impractical.

  • The Prophets has spoken.
  • 2024 is gonna be a banger, I can feel it in my lobes.

  • Remember kids: when a freak weather event shuts down half a country's transit infrastructure for half a day
  • i-get-it nu skjønner æ. Æ tok feil da æ flytta hit. Kor mye e en hybel på svalbard? Altså, SP har ikkje drept alle ulvan så æ må jo lære mæ å skyte uansett, og da burde æ bo en plass der det e ordentlig behov for mine nylærte skytingsskills.

  • Remember kids: when a freak weather event shuts down half a country's transit infrastructure for half a day
  • De sa «Du burde flytte sørover». De sa «Det er varmere og mildere der», ja vel nu e æ faen mæ fanga på denne forbanna togstasjonen! Fette faen i helvette æ burde ha flytta til føkkings gran canaria eller nokka.

    -- some nordlending whose tired of the cold, probably.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • i see, your pagh is strong

  • I wonder what that shark lemmy instance is up to.
  • Uhhh yeah id like some materialism with a side of dialectics. But no Marx! If its Marx or his dialectical materialism, i send it back!

  • The Swole Jewish Partisan vs. the IDF Cheems
  • Ok so heres some thoughts on tzadik:

    It genrally means someone who is wise and rightous, who has a strong and good moral intuition and the wisdom to back it up and analyze it to find it to be good. The word itself shares a root/is derived from צדק, which means to do just things or to do what is correct/just/right. A tzadik makes things be as they should be (see also tikkun olam). A tzadik also helps us see the divinity and/or rightousness within ourselves.

    I used that word because there are many so called tzadikim that are arguing for israel and its so-called right to defend itself, so im wanting to say that this is not the way forward into rightousness but rather a path that works evil, through genocide and oppression, and a tzadik should recognize this (and indeed some have).

    Theres also the argument (at least, ive heard it in my family) that one may be called a tzadik but that no one is a tzadik, at least not in perpetuity; rather, one takes actions as a tzadik would. This shifts the focus onto the actions themselves and recognizes that no one is inherently rightous, rather ones actions are rightous and one is rightous in that situation.

  • The Swole Jewish Partisan vs. the IDF Cheems
  • Sorry, im not used to tagging for language and spaced it, ill see if I can fix it. (Edit: i got an "error language not allowed" when selecting yiddish unfortunately)

    And the translation is close! Tzadikim is perhaps better translated as "rightous people", imo, but theres a whole lot to be said about tzadikim that could be a response of its own. And i put bafrayen (to make free) in the present tense instead of future because im (perhaps naively) holding hope that we are in that process right now, not waiting for that process to begin. But i think it means the same as the english phrase "will be free" semantically.

  • The Swole Jewish Partisan vs. the IDF Cheems
  • די צדיקים האָב געזאָגט, פון דער מײך ביז דער ים פּאַלעסטינע באַפֿרײַען

  • Free Software Games for LAN parties?
  • Since no ones mentioned it yet, Super Tux Kart should work. Its available cross platform, and you can host LAN games if Im remembering right, and it should be fun for 30 minutes of pick up play.

  • What were your favourite games of 2023?
  • I really liked The Wandering Village, which I think is from this last year. It didnt do anything particularly wow but i lost so many hours to it, its just really fun and sweet.

  • Balding Benjamin Sisko said his station has a "thousand photon torpedo banks." Will someone on his miserable outpost please inform him that my fleet also has torpedo bays, but they are MUCH bigger
  • The major already bluffed about the number of photon torpedos when they rushed to claim the wormhole, whose to say Sisko isnt lying like the major?

  • Im so tired of the casual transphobia

    Its just so exhausting and upsetting.

    excerpt from a conversation from yesterday (CW transphobia)

    Transphobe 1: its too tall!

    Transphobe 2: what is?

    Transphobe 1 gestures at me

    Transphobe 1: that thing

    The conversation continued with additional transphobia.

    And like i get it okay, im not a person, not even a human, but can we just skip the whole conversation? Or is the whole dehumanization and inflicting pain thing the enjoyable part?

    I guess a positive is that it shows who the fake and fairweather allies are, like i was surrounded by people i thought were allies but no one said a damn thing. It was transphobe 2 that actually called out his friend cause 'you just cant say that stuff anymore' 🙄. Transphobe 1 proceeded to try and defend his actions by claiming he was using gender neutral language cause he didnt know how to gender me. Like, no motherfucker you fucking werent! Gender neutral language isnt dehumanizing language! Now i get to go organize an event with these same "allies" who said nothing. I demand that you shoot me now, so i dont have to do this.

    Im not sure why im so upset about this. Its not that bad, really just par for the course. Not like he was beating me or anything. And allies should be assumed to be false unless otherwise proven. Its just so tiring. So damn exhausting.

    Thanks for listening to me
