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Images not loading EDIT: Fixed. Images for last 4 days lost.

Images aren't loading and I'm not sure what the cause is, after looking into it shortly.

Will look more into, when I have the time.

EDIT: Pictrs db was missing a lots of data. I'm unsure how the data was lost. I have now restored from a backup from 4 days ago(Earlier backups didn't contain data), so images for the last 4 days will be lost.

Moved to new host again. Images for the last 6 days lost.

This should however be the last time for a long time, since I have greatly improved the setup.

Pictrs database got corrupted during the process, which is why the images for the last 6 days are lost.

Let me know, if there are any issues after moving to the new host.

Restoring from backup after database corrupted.

The database was corrupted, so had to recover from backup. About 6 hours of data was lost.

There does seem to be a weird network error sometimes. I'm looking into it. FIXED

Lastly I apologize for all the downtime lately.

Migrated to new host(again). Is a bit slow

So I had to migrate to a new host again. The response times are a bit slow and spikes sometimes. I'm looking into it.

EDIT: Should be a bit better now, but there are still some spikes in response times, so I will keep looking into it.

Migrated to new host succesfully.

Endlesstalk has been migrated to a new host.

There did seem to have been some caching issues, causing some certificate issues, but it seems to be fixed(Atleast for me).

Let me know, if there are any issues after the migration

EDIT: The 525 ssl certificate error shows up intermittently. I'm looking into it.

EDIT2: Fixed. Was an issue with the nginx loadbalancer.

Downtime caused by server going down. Migration to new host tommorow at EDIT: 20:00 UTC

Earlier today one of the servers, where endlesstalk is hosted went down. After some time, the server came back up again, but there were some unknown issue and the server was unstable. So preparation to migrating endlesstalk to a new host began. However after setting the new servers up, there was success with getting one of the "old" servers up and running again.

Tommorow at 18:00 20:00 UTC the migration to the new host will begin. See local time here. There will be some downtime with this, probably around an hour or less.

EDIT: Server went down again, but should be back again now.

EDIT2: 20:00 UTC, since I forgot I have something from 17-19 UTC.

Successfully upgraded to 0.19.5

The upgrade went smoothly and everything seems to work.

Let me know, if there is anything that dosn't work after the upgrade.

Upgrading to 0.19.5 on 22th June at 13:00 UTC

I have found the issue with the database migration, so the upgrade to the latest version of lemmy can proceed.

0.19.5 brings a lot of smaller bugfixes. See release notes here for more information. I will also upgrade the database to a newer version(postgres 16).

For this upgrade there will be downtime and I expect it to last around 1 hour or less. If there are any major issues with the upgrade, you can check the uptime site here or site status here

Local time can be seen here

Upgrading to 0.19.4 postponed.

The database migration to 0.19.4 failed, because the database schema doesn't align with the state the migrations want. The reason is probably because it didn't restore correctly from a previous backup, but I don't actually know the cause.

I thought I could create a new database with a correct schema and then import the data from the currrent database into the new one. This might still be possible, but it simply takes too long and it has gotten too late for me(03:00 in the night).

I will look into a fix for the migration and when I have a fix I will announce a new date for the upgrade to 0.19.4.

Updating to 0.19.4 on 15th June at 19:00 UTC EDIT: Issue with database migration. Will take a bit longer

0.19.4 brings a lot of changes. See release notes here for more information.

There should be no downtime or very minimal downtime. If there are any issues, check the uptime site here or site status here

Local time can be seen here

Note: An update to postgres 16 and pictrs 0.5 is also comming soon, which will bring some downtime. Don't know when yet, but will post an update, when I know.

EDIT: There was an issue with migrating the database, while upgrading to 0.19.4, so will take longer.

EDIT2: The database is in a different state, than the migration to 0.19.4 expects. The cause is not clear, but I'm looking into it.

[Fixed] Instability of site


I have noticed that the server have been going down a lot for 10 - 20 mins.

Unfortunately, I'm currently on vacation, so I don't think I will have the time to fix it.

I will be back tomorrow evening and will look into it and hopefully fix it then.

EDIT: There was a misconfiguration of the auto scaling setup. This scaled the system up and used all of its CPU, which caused the site to be unresponsive.

This should be fixed now, but I will keep monitoring it.

Lemmy, what's your internet speed in mbps?
  • 1000 down and 100 up for ca 40 euro a month

  • Approx 6 hours downtime, caused by deletion of all data.

    While working on a small fix to lemmy, that was causing some unneeded cpu usage, I made a change that unfortunately caused the db and pictrs service storage to be deleted.

    Thankfully I have backups of everything, so I went to restoring from a backup. However the restoring was very slow, since I used an unoptimal way to backup the db(raw sql dump). After the first backup completed, I found out that it was missing data, so I tried an older backup, but that didn't work either. It was missing data as well. So I tried a backup from another server(Since I backup to 2 different servers), which finally worked.

    Usually restoring from backups, haven't taken too long previously, since my backups are faily small, but I will need to look into a quicker way to restore backups for lemmy, since the backup size of lemmy is much bigger.

    NOTE: Data from ca. 2 hours before the site went down(16-18 UTC) will be missing and I'm unable to restore it.

    Any service cheaper than Backblaze?
  • For s3 iDrive e2 is cheaper. It costs 4$ per month, if you pay monthly and down to ca 3$, if you pay yearly.

    The egress policy is mostly the same as backblaze. You get 3 times the storage you pay for. With backblaze you get 3 times the average amount of data you have stored.

  • [RESOLVED] Endlesstalk sends every activity twice?
  • I restarted the federation containers and my test site now only receives 1 activity, when I upvote something. Before I received 2 activity requests, where nginx returned 400 for the first request and then 200 for the second request.

    Is it fixed for now for you as well

  • [RESOLVED] Endlesstalk sends every activity twice?
  • For federation I run 3 containers as seems to do, however the indexes are set to the correctly value. So that doesn't seem to be the cause, as it has been for

    I run 2 lemmy-ui and backend containers, so maybe that has something do with it? I run a test site, so I will look into it and see if I can figure out the issue.

    Thanks for notifying me of the issue :)

  • Images/pictrs not working. UPDATE: Moved to new host.

    The s3 host that pictrs use, have gone down.

    I might have to move to another s3 host, which will mean it will take a bit before images are working. This will cause a loss of images for the last 2-3 hours before pictrs stopped working.

    EDIT: Have moved to new s3 host. Unsure how many images were lost during the outage.

    Updating to 0.19.3 on the 27th January at 15:00 UTC EDIT: Successfully updated.

    Local time can be seen here

    0.19.3 is mostly bugfixes. See release notes here for more information.

    There should be no downtime or very minimal downtime. If there are any issues, check the uptime site here or site status here

    Updating to 0.19.2 on the 14th January at 15:00 UTC EDIT: Sucessfully updated!

    Local time can be seen here

    0.19.2 contains fixes for outgoing federation and a few other things. See release notes here for more information.

    There should be no downtime or very minimal downtime. If there are any issues, check the uptime site here or site status here

    EDIT: The server went down / was very very slow to respond. I'm not quite sure why.

    Is down for y'all?
  • Down for me as well

  • best app for lemmy?
  • I really enjoy boost.

  • The update to 0.19

    The 0.19 version is out and I expect to update sometime during the next week. Since it is a big release, I will need to spend some more time testing, that everything still works fine and ensure that the migration works without problems as well.

    I will update with another post, when I know, when the update will take place.

    How do you manage your photos and videos?
  • I selfhost PhotoPrism.

    I use a folder sync app, to upload all my pictures from my phone to a directory on my server, which PhotoPrism imports from every 15 mins(Might be a bit more or less).

    I have used it for a couple of years and it has worked fine for me.

  • Updating to 0.18.5 tomorrow(05/10) at 19:00 UTC UPDATE: Successfully updated to 0.18.5

    The update fixes an issue with moderation actions sometimes not federating correctly(See release notes here).

    There should be no or very minimal downtime. To convert UTC to your local time, use this

    Downtime from 12:00 to 15:40 UTC

    I had made some config changes to the database earlier in connection with the move to a new server, that caused the storage usage of the database to grow a lot. Then when it had no more space left, it crashed which caused the downtime. Unfortunately it happened at a time, where I wasn't available to fix immediately, which is why it was down for so long.

    It is now fixed and I will keep a watch(setup an alert for database disk usage) to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    Unstable/downtime from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC

    Seems to be caused by low amount of available storage. This caused k8s to evict/delete pods -> site went down,, then it would fix itself -> site goes up again but then k8s would evict again -> site goes down. This continued untill it stabilized at some point.

    This should be fixed and there should be more space available, when I move the server to a new host. I expect to move to a new server sometimes in the comming week. Will annonce the date, when I know, when it will happen.

    EDIT: Spoke a little bit too soon, should be fixed now though.


    There was something that kept using storage, so ran into the issue again. Then the volume/storage for the image service(pictrs) stopped worked for some unknown reason(Thankfully, I have backups) and there shouldn't be any images lost.

    Good news is that I have reclaimed a lot of storage, so shouldn't be in danger of running out of space for a long time.

    This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • Thank you for clarifying(and sorry for the late answer).

    For you (and anyone interested) I will answer the questions you asked.

    Are you going to close upon any legal threat, or only upon a certain degree or size of threat?

    If the legal threat is real(they have a real chance to win in a court) and there is nothing I could do(come to an agreement, move the hosting to another server etc), then I would close the server.

    From the US only, or from any country?

    Server is hosted in Germany

    Will you close instantly, or will you guarantee a Minimum Survivability Timeframe for eg.: helping users to migrate away, like Mastodon’s covenant does?

    As long as there aren't fines for keeping the website up or I get arrested, I would give a notice, so users can move to another server.

  • This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • does a great job(with a little downtime) and it is the same software we are hosting, so I can only see a couple of ways to make a better "offering"

    1. Better uptime as you mentioned
    2. Different deferation/moderation policy.
    3. Visual customizations(eg. different theme)

    I try to provide a better uptime and a different deferation/moderation policy. I don't have the skills to make visual customizations, but I have added multiple frontends(like

    I'm open to suggestions/ideas if there is anything else that could be done to improve the "offering".

  • Deleted
    Looking for alternative.
  • In Germany on a hetzner dedicated server.

  • This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • As an alternative to I would like to suggest my own instance

    I have no plans to deferate or ban anything releated to piracy. Only thing that might change my mind would probably be a company taking legal action against me.

    I also strive to have as little downtime as possible and keep everything running smoothly.

  • Deleted
    Looking for alternative.
  • You(and everyone else) are welcome at

    I prioritize uptime and have setup monitoring to notify, if anything goes down(See here). I have no problem banning/defederating Nazi's and the like, but I generally don't take action unless, an instance/users aren''t following the rules. I'm open for requests and discussion though.

    Currently I'm the only admin, but I'm in the process of changing the setup of the site, so other admins would be able to fix the site, if anything should happen.

  • [Discussion] Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 - Episode 5
  • Think they were clapping because the star vessel died yeah. I don't think they cared who killed the star vessel.

  • What are some good European Lemmy instances?
  • My instance is hosted in Germany via Hetzner, so that should fit the bill.

    Defederations are only done, when it would have a negative effect on the instance's users, but I'm always open to discuss, if anyone disagrees with a deferation.

  • Spread the Load! Join other Instances!
  • Anyone is welcome to join my instance at Its running on a pretty beefy server, so it can take a decent amount of users.

    There are multiple frontends like and I have setup a seeder(lemmony), so the all feed should be pretty filled.

  • Selfhosting single person instance?
  • How powerful should my hardware be?

    I think 512mb ram is probably a bit too low. There is a risk for the pc to crash at some point. I think 1 GB+ should be fine.

    Which ports do I need opened to operate a lemmy instance for my personal use (i’m only going to be connecting from home)?

    To avoid opening ports you can use Cloudflare tunnel as you mentioned.

    Only other option is probably renting a cheap vps. Here is a cheap vps options for 2.5$

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you have the ability then self hosting is the best option

    Otherwise I think instances with less users and content will be quicker, but then the all feed will probably be smaller.

    I will also recommend my own instance It is very small(10 users) and the server is located in Germany. Hopefully that is close to where you live, so the latency is low.

  • What are your Lemmy comment/post stats?
  • About 2 months, 62 comments, 17 post. The post are mostly server updates for my instance though.

    Still a big improvement over reddit though, since I just lurked there. Think I have more comments now, than in all my 9 years on reddit.

  • What are some smaller Lemmy / Kbin instances that are just as good as
  • For a very small instance(10 users), you can try mine at It also has multiple frontends hosted like and many others.

    Otherwise I would recommend, and

  • Advice for now settled new Lemmy users.
  • It is on my to-do list, but it would take some work to add support for multiple people to have access to everything required and I would also need a lot more documentation, than I currently have.

  • lemmy Philip


    Posts 46
    Comments 58