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Anon thinks about Google
  • Oh, I'm well aware of that, but there are so few cities that have been mapped to the degree to compete with gmaps, that I doubt we ever will reach that level.

    Also reviews. I'm not sure if there even is a way to fix that without creating a separate program with a separate ecosystem in the process...

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Organic Maps are great, however if you're looking for shops and restaurants (or rather their reviews) Google Maps are second to none.

  • rule
  • it's not about the reward, it's about sending a message (of dopamine to your brain)

  • Shoutout to ice cream sandwich, he's got some funny ads
  • and allegedly is a nazi...

  • Ridiculed Stable Diffusion 3 release excels at AI-generated body horror
  • Honestly I think that it's models like these that output things that could be called art.

    Whenever a model is actually good, it just creates pretty pictures that would have otherwise been painted by a human, whereas this actually creates something unique and novel. Just like real art almost always ilicits some kind of emotion, so too do the products of models like these and I think that that's much more interesting that having another generic AI postcard.

    Not that I'm happy to see how much SD has fallen though.

  • coo coo cachoo
  • r/copypasta flashbacks

  • Urban Microcars
  • Hmm, I wonder how many of these cars are used to replace existing ones...

    Most of the micro cars I see are parked by a highschool so to me it seems like people view them as a stop gap between no car and car ownership and not as a way to replace existing cars.

    It's making cars more viable, especially to young people and I fail to see that as a positive thing.

  • "Optimizing"
  • hey, when devs actually design the game with raytracing in mind like in Control the performance hit is fairly minor (and that game really benefits from all the pretty shiny floors)

  • Steam Deal: Save 85 % on Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (2,99€)
  • A man who never eats pork buns is not a whole man

  • Emoji Rule
  • cool map but what is up with Kuwait?

  • [History] Map of Europe in 1444
  • I've seen this in eu4 communities and it seems like it was made by a fan of the game. I wonder how accurate it is.

  • Vampire remix
  • I guess there's "mid"

  • Extra Olympia Kyklos
  • Thanks for reminding me this existed

  • unexpected based poem rule
  • part 2

  • hell jea, a jizzard
  • Gex ???

  • Sony Plans To Make PlayStation VR2 Officially Work On PC
  • Hmm… So I guess something good did come from it flopping commercially.

  • Deleted
  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • reminds me of gintama for some reason

  • Quick, write that down!
  • Ehh, I will use it for as long as it works, but it seems like if no one volunteers to become a maintainer, the project will be archived.

  • leekleak leekleak
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