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  • A truck with nuts is canonically transmasc which makes this T4T

  • 45% of business leaders admitted they were making major business decisions with ChatGPT. 😂️️
  • can we butlerian jihad yet or do we have to wait for things to get worse?

  • The least surprising thing to ever happen happened
  • this was hilarious, and I’m absolutely integrating “phallic astrology” into my vocabulary, god damn.

  • "Mass casualty event"
  • "massacre". the word they're looking for is "massacre".

  • two wolves
  • same except mine got distracted making out with each other and stopped talking to me awhile back.

  • Lazy workers.
  • TFW you miss the bus by 10 seconds and now you have to wait until the morning to throw yourself in front of the next one.

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • I just finally got upgraded from 10 days of PRO per year to 15 days, literally this month.

    oh, and lest you operate under incorrect assumptions, many (most?) US employers combine vacation and sick time into PTO time. so that's 15 days per year of vacation time and sick time, combined, so if you take a two-week vacation you better hope you don't catch the flu or COVID or anything else that'll knock you out for more than a week – or for more than a week minus any other miscellaneous time you need off, like, say, going to the doctor, taking your pet to the vet in an emergency, going to your grandma's funeral...

  • Ultra-thin iPhone coming in 2025 with form factor redesign
  • iPhone users long to get papercuts from holding our phones “wrong”, it’s true.

    but seriously wtf is this design choice, iPhone 15 is already so thin that gripping it without a popsocket or similar is painful.

  • Hello fellow zoomers, as you can see I have no hat on, for real for real
  • I don’t know if I can handle an entire skibidi fortnite could we start at a skibidi week or maybe a skibidi few days

  • I know that naming variables is one of the biggest unsolved problems of Computer Science but how would you name a boolean flag to be self explanatory?
  • a boolean named is_person_standing seems fine when person states other than standing don’t matter to the program, except for the fact they are not standing.

    which leads to: name the boolean based on the thing relevant to what you’re building (this applies to other variable types, as well).

  • Based Greta
  • It took me a full two rereadings to realize this article is somehow trying to cast Greta in a negative light.

  • Am I wrong though?
  • websites are coded to perform poorly when a non-Chrome browser is using them

    many of them basically are, but not intentionally. a lot of web developers only test in Chrome, and Chrome does some really weird shit (especially with JS and CSS) that means if you target Chrome you’re passively degrading the experience for not-Chrome.

    I personally develop my code targeting Firefox or Safari most of the time, since both work a lot closer to spec with JS and CSS than Chrome does.

  • Why tho
  • Calico Cut Pants

    literally opened the comment section to say this if nobody else had, and also to link

  • I'm gonna avoid this Star Wars spinoff. It seems like a pile of hot dog vomit.
  • I have never seen Mark Hamill looking worse than in this pic.

    and that's including when he was getting weird blue milk out of an alien creature.

  • what kind of online games are you all playing?
  • Helldivers 2 (PC/PS5, I play on PS5) and Splatoon 3 (Switch), primarily. Also periodically Rocket League (All, I play on PS5 and, though rarely, Switch).

  • Common Panther W
  • Armed Commies Try Not to Look Badass Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

  • ["For fuck's sake" news] Vote!
  • Don't worry, if you openly protest genocide, you will NOT be sent to a freedom camp. This is merely a dissident rumor.

  • "Ivy league linguist" is just liberal for dumbass
  • I thought about what would have happened if protesters were instead chanting anti-Black slogans, or even something like “D.E.I. has got to die,” to the same “Sound Off” tune that “From the river to the sea” has been adapted to. They would have lasted roughly five minutes before masses of students shouted them down and drove them off the campus. Chants like that would have been condemned as a grave rupture of civilized exchange, heralded as threatening resegregation and branded as a form of violence. I’d wager that most of the student protesters against the Gaza War would view them that way, in fact. Why do so many people think that weekslong campus protests against not just the war in Gaza but Israel’s very existence are nevertheless permissible?

    because Isn'trael is an apartheid colonial proxy state committing genocide against Palestinians as we speak, you literal shit-for-brains. no professor should be able to write a paragraph like that, ending in a question like that, and not sit there for a few minutes and rethink their entire existence to that point.

  • Hmm,
  • pink hair gays who would kill to protect their loved ones gang

  • [Spoilers for The Expanse Season 5]
  • what Marco Inaros did spoilers

    Mars did not get rocks flung at it in the show, but the MCRN parliament was bombed, presumably by Inaros' faction – and of course the inners did team up against the OPA, and more specifically the Free Navy.