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How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather?
  • Bushcraft is a good search term if you want to go as old school as possible. Ultralight is similar but using more modern equipment. Backpacking is the general term for long trips through the woods. Any of those will get you some good info on YouTube or various blogs to start with.

    In warmer weather you can have a fine weekend with a very small amount of gear. A water filter, a dehydrated meal or two, and a small camp stove would be just fine for a beginner and shouldn't cost too much for the basic version of any of them. Obviously many people would also want a tent and/or sleeping bag but you can decide how you want to handle that. Sleeping outside isn't so bad and helps you appreciate a tent much more. Hammock camping is fairly popular as well so maybe consider that option if you want at least a bit of shelter without commiting to buying a tent right away.

    I wouldn't recommend foraging for food until you have some experience just being out there. Maybe bring a book about local plants on your first trip so that you can work on identifying them without the stress of them being your only food source.

    The biggest piece of advice is just to get out there and see how it goes. Maybe you'll love the freedom and challenge of having very little gear with you or maybe you'll hate not having one specific comfort. Just pick a spot relatively close to civilization for your first trip so you can get out of any trouble you might find yourself in and you'll be fine. Decide how you want the next trip to go based on the first one and just keep building from there.

  • Lonliest time on Lemmy ...
  • I know it's a cliche but try posting yourself. That's the only way places like this grow. I don't particularly enjoy posting so I try my best to keep conversations flowing and add discussion to posts without much going on. Every little bit helps.

    To that end, what's your favorite thing about South Korea? I don't really know all that much about it. Are you from there or working there or what?

  • Trump brands US a ‘fascist state’ in 40-minute rant amid wild scenes outside his Manhattan home
  • The problem is that we don't all know it. If we did then we wouldn't have to care about what he says. Despite how obvious it is to most of us, a significant portion of us are unwilling to or incapable of seeing it. I've been going back and forth for about 8 years on which is worse and I still haven't made up my mind.

  • Trump campaign donation page crashes after guilty verdict
  • So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.

    It may be fucked up but my only reaction to reading this sentence was "I wish they'd do it faster". I don't think I have any empathy left for them.

    To be clear, I don't think that's something to be proud of. In fact, I think it's a terrible sign of how divided we are as a nation. Nothing good can come from feeling that way about a significant portion of your fellow citizens. Still, it is an accurate description of my feelings.

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • I think that's accurate for a subset of PC gamers but there's no shortage of people pre-ordering trash games or encouraging other shitty behavior like microtransactions on PC. Many of those problems could be solved with a patience that doesn't currently exist in sufficient quantities to discourage publishers from bad practices.

  • When some people set their mind to something, there's no stopping them.
  • While that last bit is not untrue it sort of ignores the fact that not making it yourself is the whole point of fast food.

    Taco Bell is not amazing food but it is decent and relatively inexpensive. That is it's purpose. If you want authentic Mexican cuisine, or any type of food really, then a fast food joint is not the place to go looking for it.

  • Ukraine war: Force Russia to make peace, Zelensky urges West
  • I admittedly haven't been following this conflict all that closely but it was my understanding that we had already imposed some pretty significant sanctions on Russia and provided substantial monetary and logistical aid to the Ukrainian armed forces. That seems like it should fall under any reasonable definition of "tangible coercion".

  • Biden Campaign Quietly Meets With Haley Supporters After Trump Endorsement
  • Caving in to pressure and saying she will vote for Trump while calling Biden "catastrophic" is a clear demonstration that her whole campaign message about mature politics and moving on from Trump was just noise. She cares more about maintaining some semblance of influence than she does about character or integrity. She's just proving that everyone who said she was full of shit was absolutely correct.

  • More true words have never been spoken
  • I don't think it's mental gymnastics I think it's a lack of actual gymnastics, so to speak. Body odor mostly comes from sweating so if you don't sweat much you don't need deodorant near as much. Someone with a healthy body weight living a largely sedentary lifestyle in a cooler climate might not need it at all and might smell perfectly fine with showers every other day or even every third day. However, that's best case scenario and most people don't check all those boxes. If you're overweight, move around a lot, or just live in a warmer climate then that's not going to work.

  • Filter by community default language

    Can we add the option to exclude communities and/or posts that are in a different language than our chosen default? I'm guessing filtering communities would be easier than individual posts but I'm not sure how language would be flagged. I understand some people may want to see some of these posts but even multilingual people must be bombarded with posts in languages they don't speak. I'm getting pretty annoyed that half of my feed is stuff I can't read.

    I've looked through the settings multiple times but I suppose it's still possible this already exists and I just missed it.

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