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Tomoe Umari Needs You 🫵
  • fed

  • If throwing up means to puke, then throwing down must mean to have the shits.
  • "You're the shit" means the opposite of "you're shit" and "you ain't shit"

  • Thanks, Apple
  • I've never seen "most environmental" or "fewer turns". We get "fewer toll roads" and sometimes "avoids traffic" during rush hour

  • Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not
  • Most often the "fancier" words are loanwords from other language. Plaintiff/Defendant are from the French "pleintif/defendant", litigation is from Latin. Firefighter, firetruck, and other compound words were created relatively recently compared to the others. Firefighters, firetrucks and newspapers mostly didn't exist until after English mixed with other languages.

  • Neighborhood watch? Sign me updog
  • Nothing much whats up with you

  • Auto-translate?
  • You can select the languages you want to see posts in in the Lemmy settings.

  • Lil homie in Back
  • What a great way to have all the convenience of a fish in a portable package

  • why tf you lying rule
  • Chuck is short for Charles

  • Anybody know the species of this fledgling?
  • That's a baby starling! They do exist in North America.

  • It's not that serious.
  • I wanna fork on the table.

  • Why doesn’t Miss Piggy call herself Mademoiselle Cochon?
  • this post sounds like the setup to a joke but there's no punchline

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • It's like the Super Bowl, only better.

  • me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video
  • I thought hbomberguy uploaded :(

  • I cannot make any post/comment containing the string [slash]etc[slash]passwd on
  • Can't post on Lemmy.World, photon desktop UI. Interesting

  • potato
  • stuck

  • potato
  • Holy shit that looks tasty

  • Remember when it was a big deal if you chose .zip, .rar, or 7z, etc? Now we all have so much bandwidth it doesn't matter.
  • Only WinRAR can create RAR files if I recall correctly. That's the proprietary part.

  • This is hilarious
  • I am also not familiar with train terminology meaning in America. What does it mean?

  • Life Pro Tip!
  • I just have to press Alt Gr and the vowel at the same time. ÁÉÍÓÚ.

  • Why do Lemmy instances have such obscure TLDs?

    Whenever I come across a new lemmy instance, it most likely has some sort of obscure TLD (.world, .ml, .ee, .me, .social just to name a few). Why aren't there more with more common TLDs?

    konalt konalt

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