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Mueller is going to save us from Trump
  • lmao I had forgotten that Trump was impeached, not once but twice

    what a sick joke of a country, utter clown show

  • The fuck is going on with my Twitter feed?
  • tell me about it, it's a tough racket

    someone told me the other day that people actually pay you if you put pieces of wood back together in different shapes after you cut them, but that seems like nonsense to me... I'll have to look into it

  • The fuck is going on with my Twitter feed?
  • sure, but in my For You it's usually at worst liberals being recommended directly, this was just straight up a fire hose of shit lol

    I was thinking that some funny little tweaks had been made to the algorithm

  • The fuck is going on with my Twitter feed?
  • too many neurons, getting CTE likely involves leaving home

  • The fuck is going on with my Twitter feed?

    I spent the whole day at my workshop, making sawdust, logged off and enjoying a local holiday. I arrive home and see that at long last the cheeto is fired and then I decide to go over my daily allowance of Twitter just to check out what's going on.

    My feed is full of the most radioactive shitty excuses for human beings, one after the other. I just opened it right now to check it again, and here's what I got, in this order:

    Ann Coulter, Mike Pompeo, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Mike Lee, Jim Jordan, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Lauren Boebert, Donald J Trump Posts from Truth Social, Greg Abbot.

    To what do I owe the pleasure of being presented with this absolute eldritch nightmare of a blunt rotation? Is this happening to anybody else? This is on my phone's Firefox browser, because I've reached the daily app time allowance, same as on my PC's browser.

    This weird thread in r/worldnews hasn't been flooded with hasbara yet.
  • oh, compared to the usual tone in /r/worldnews this thread is basically like reading the minutes of a Hamas top brass meeting

  • Hero of the Russian Federation
  • setting up a hot dog cart right next to the prigozhin monument

  • Vox gpt vox dei
  • Vox DEI, you say? is GPT even more woke now?

  • Finally, a game with no politics.
  • CoD games have always been absolute bottom of the barrel politically and historically, but this one is shaping up to be outright fucking cancerous

  • Hell yea
  • this is totally counterproductive, how can you call your senator's office to sternly demand swift action if all the cables have been damaged by rabid tankies?

  • NSFW Removed
    Alright, who's gonna invade the US then?
  • I'm going to invade the US, prepare your butt, it's about to get kicked forcefully

  • How to counter the "Hamas hides behind civilian shields" argument?
  • Ask them why the israeli Ministry of Defense, their military command and a legit target in a conflict, sits right in the middle of Tel Aviv, surrounded by civilian buildings.

  • Can you smell what the worm is cooking?
  • Here's how RFK Jr can still win:

  • Most controversial Wikipedia articles, as measured by total size of talk page archives
  • JFC, I remember having online arguments with people over this twenty years ago lmao

    I'm not even exaggerating, it's been twenty years and people are still going on about this fucking thing

  • Spot the danger noodle
  • folks, we've found the point man for the Hexbear nature hike

    lead the way buddy

  • The absolute gall of western gamers to whine about Yasuke
  • I mean, us gamers are only worried about maintaining historical accuracy, and I'm willing to give Ubisoft a pass as long as they make up for this by accurately portraying how Templars used artifacts manufactured by ancient gods who are also aliens to fight a secret war against the order of the Assassins. It's just about being respectful to historical facts, you know?

  • Terrible news for us straight fellas

    I almost made the decision to be a lib and not link but eh here it is

    Maria Moita (Smoke on the Water but older and better)

    Folks, everybody's saying that Deep Purple plagiarized their greatest hit. Lots of Brazilians come to me and they say it, "Maria Moita was stolen!", they're all saying it. "They stole our song, and they made it purple!"

    David McCallum - The Edge

    Aside from providing some of the most recognizable samples of all time, this song is simply an absolute fucking banger on its own right. That middle section with the flute is just sublime, good god

    Listen here, Jack

    sorry guys, this will be my last post on this website... I messed with the ehwmeemememwica and unfortunately gedehemehnfet

    Anthony Blinken's reaction to Biden calling Xi a dictator


    mfw grandpa says some really racist shit at the dinner table

    it fills my heart with joy to see this ghoul is having a very uncomfortable day at work

    The Grim Fandango poetry slam is still one of my favorite moments in gaming

    This game has so much soul, its gameplay probably feels dated as hell nowadays (haven't played it in years) but it's still in my top 3 best written games ever, along with Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium.

    I first played it more than a decade ago and I still think about this poem sometimes.

    With bony hands I hold my partner

    On soulless feet we cross the floor

    The music stops as if to answer

    An empty knocking at the door

    It seems his skin was sweet as mango

    When last I held him to my breast

    But now we dance this grim fandango

    And will four years before we rest.

    Why to Blow Up a Pipeline

    In the much awaited follow-up to How to Blow Up a Pipeline, we learn that an excellent, if unexpected, reason to sabotage a pipeline is that you cannot use it to play funky saxophone jazz while it is operational.


    holy FUCK lmao

    I'm in awe of this incredible post, holy shit

    edit: here's the link, behold this masterpiece in its resplendent glory

    Lord Miles is alive!

    Not gonna lie, I'm glad to have something funny to laugh about, given how grim things are right now. I hope you get a brief chuckle out of this. God knows I needed something fun this week.

    This is a Br*tish weirdo who apparently went looking for gold in Afghanistan and got himself captured by the Taliban. A while ago someone claiming to be a friend of his posted saying that he was alive and well and enjoying his time as a captive. Everyone called bullshit, including the Chapo hosts, who had a lot of fun with the whole situation last week.

    Everybody was sure that this guy was very much dead but it turns out that the even funnier outcome actually came true: he really was alive and well, indeed having picnics, playing Xbox and apparently watching fucking Barbie with the guyliner-wearing Taliban.

    Don't get me wrong, he's still a Br*tish dumbass who has no business being in Afghanistan at all, especially given his intention of establishing a gold mine, but this is truly the only really funny thing that's happened this week, and I thought I'd share.

    Governor Gretchen Whitmer's touching message to those affected by the thing in the place

    When will the bad thing stop happening in the region? Those affected are tired of being affected by the thing in question. Some have said that the thing that is happening is, in fact, a bad thing. Experts agree that there are bad things happening in the region where bad things often happen for many different reasons.
