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It's funny because it's true
  • I think a lot of people are kind of bad at written communication. It's not an easy skill.

    Often at work folks will write twice as many words and clauses as needed. The Hemingway editor ( ) isn't perfect, but I recommend they take a look at it.

  • Get your vote in now!!
  • My understanding is that Uber basically lifted the idea from queer people. They were tired of not getting taxis so they started a service called homobiles ( )

    Uber then did all the shitty capitalism things and become the huge money hole and exploitation machine we all know.

    Airbnb also made the process easy it lead to rents raising by like 30% in some places .

    So they have have some convenience and such, but on the whole they're probably a net negative.

  • Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster.
  • There was an article going around a while ago that was arguing most users these days, including the youth we often stereotype as "digital natives" who "get computers", don't understand file systems. They might not even know they exist as a concept.

    Which makes sense if you've only ever really used modern UIs. You don't have to know anything about files and folders. I bet a lot of people don't even know they exist in any meaningful way.

    Most users are shockingly ignorant, and a lot of them are not really paying enough attention or interested enough to learn much.

  • I'm sick of my life and I don't know what to do
  • Where in the world are you? Some places make it easier to make friends. Here in NYC there's a shitload of stuff happening all the time. Seattle is legendary for being unfriendly (it has a wikipedia page: ). Some suburban or rural void with a population of 200 isn't going to do you a lot of favors.

    But also you sound like clinically depressed. Go talk to a professional.

  • What is skibidi and why is this word everywhere? [Serious]
  • I think we agree. I get very frustrated when there's only video. I'll be like "Is power A or B better in game X?" and find a bunch of 10 minute videos that could be summed up in a paragraph that said like "A has higher burst DPS by a wide margin, but B does more damage overall in fights that last more than a few rounds"

  • "My juror": Trump believed a loyalist on the jury could save him, until the very end
  • It's all about group membership.

    If the people on the jury started to see themselves as a coherent group, then they can change minds and reach consensus. People listen to other people in their in group way more.

    If you try to talk to a maga person, and they see you as a Outsider, you're going to have a very difficult time getting them to listen to anything you say.

    We all do this to some extent.

    It's just really bad currently that the maga people will look to their group for consensus reality, and they have mostly bad ideas.

    I don't know how to dismantle that group.

  • Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • Many of my jobs in software have been a sort of 10 to 6 schedule. Most of them have been pretty flexible about that so long as you attended all the required meetings and got your work done.

  • Donald Trump Should Drop Out
  • There are some lemmy communities/instances that are very pearl clutching / boot licking. There'll be a story about like a billionaire eating live puppies or a cop murdering someone and getting away with it, and anything along the lines of "maybe someone should forcibly stop them" is removed.

  • The Journey to Ironsworn
  • I think I played Ironsworn once. It was pretty okay. We played it GMless, if I'm thinking of the right game. I didn't really like that group that much, but it was an okay time.

    PbtA really rubs me the wrong way and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because the two times i've played it, I didn't really like the person running it or how they ran it.

    But strangely, I really like Fate. Maybe because it's biased more towards success. When I played PbtA and BitD I always felt like my character was a fuckup.

  • Doesn't matter how you try to justify it...
  • I mean... yeah, pretty much. I don't want to deal with maintenance or the legal stuff, so I'd be willing to pay someone to deal with all of that. Not the outrageous rates that rent usually goes for, typically.

  • The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
  • Opportunity cost is a pretty well understood concept.

    Like, inagine you have 100 gallons of water. You could use all of them to water a single water intensive plant that will feed one person, or you could use them to water a whole farm that will feed a community, and also let people drink and bathe and stuff.

    The resource is limited.

    Sure, we could try to get more of the resource and make it less expensive, but we should also not squander what we have.

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • I only had the first one. I found it at a yard sale, and luckily they also had the instruction manual and hint book. The game had a check where when you tried to go to the second floor, it would ask you like "what is the third word on the page with a picture of an axe in the corner in the instruction manual?". Early DRM. If you got it wrong, I'm pretty sure you couldn't proceed.

    The hint book was also written in character from the point of view of someone who had gone before you. It was like an idiot noble and his long suffering servant. Great way of doing it.

  • [meme] WOKE transit vs PATRIOT transit
  • It's a joke but also like a good way to convince people to change their mind is to appeal to shared group membership.

    If you appeal to environmentalism, the right winger is going to reject it because that's out group nonsense.

    If you appeal to American exceptionalism, like this, you can make more progress than you might expect.

  • What's up with memes suffixed with "rule"?

    Like I saw one that was titled "I wonder why rule" and had a picture about overpaid CEOs or something.

    Why "rule"? What's the origin of this format?

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