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To all you outside of the US...
  • Wow, I didn't expect an expert to chime in.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • The plural of moose is meese.


    /s for non-native English speakers

  • Me irl
  • I'm a software consultant and juggle multiple accounts without issue in Outlook. Whenever the authentication expires I have to sign in again in a bunch of places, but that only happens once a month.

  • Can ADHD benefit others?
  • With the power of AI

    Here's a TLDR of your text:

    • ADHD brains are well-suited to tech jobs. They thrive on the variety and urgency of IT work.
    • Success requires balance. You can't rely on high-stress situations to focus long-term.
    • Your experience is your asset. Learn to translate your instincts into process improvements others can understand.
    • You'll need new skills. Develop time management and task completion skills to progress.
    • Other ADHD-friendly careers exist. Consider EMTs, kitchen staff, or machine operators where focus and pattern recognition are key.
  • Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?
  • Haha, yeah, free. I totally haven't spent hundreds of dollars on the game. It's over a decade with thousands of hours though. I haven't really played the last couple years though, but that's mostly because I have small children and a career

  • Tips on how to get clients as a freelancer?
  • Getting started is always the hardest part. Once you've done some good work you can start relying more on word of mouth and charge more.

    I would recommend doing some small jobs on Fiverr or Upwork. Contracting isn't for everyone, nor is running a small business. Fiverr and Upwork will be pretty disconnected from your local contacts so if you mess up or decide it's not for you then it's easier to leave.

    Ultimately it's networking, instead of rolling your eyes when an acquaintance has an app idea you can offer to help.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Right. There is no solution to the halting problem, that's been proven. But you just showed you can very easily create a way of practically solving it. Just waiting for 10 seconds does it. That will catch every infinite loop while also having some false positives. And that will be fine in most applications.

    My point is that even if a solution to the halting problem is impossible, there is often a very possible solution that will get you close enough for a real world scenario. And there are definitely more sophisticated methods of catching non-halting programs with fewer false positives.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • A full solution to the halting problem can't exist. But you can definitely write a program that will "reliably" detect them to a certain percentage.

    And many applications do exactly that. Firefox asked me today if I wanted to stop a tab because it was processing for too long.

  • What came first, the programmer or the code?
  • flat white wall

    Hey guys, look at this light mode user! My wall is dark mode. 😎

    In a serious note, a developer should be aware of how licenses work. Just copy pasting from Stack Overflow likely breaks the defaults license. You could open up yourself or your company to serious legal trouble. And it really isn't ethical. I wouldn't want code I shared in a certain context be stolen by a large corporation and make them money

  • What came first, the programmer or the code?
  • flat white wall

    Hey guys, look at this light mode user! My wall is dark mode. 😎

    In a serious note, a developer should be aware of how licenses work. Just copy pasting from Stack Overflow likely breaks the defaults license. You could open up yourself or your company to serious legal trouble. And it really isn't ethical. I wouldn't want code I shared in a certain context be stolen by a large corporation and make them money.

  • What came first, the programmer or the code?
  • Just don't tell your Legal department.

  • this is right way
  • There's really good documentation out there and there's bad/nonexistent documentation. So stackoverflow is going to be a more consistent experience.

    Also I think it is a bit of a skill to be able to read documentation well, especially for Jr. Devs that might not have fully grasped OOP.

  • bugs
  • lgtm skip

  • Postman alternatives?
  • Once I learned about http files I never went back. It's so easy to share and use, I primarily use JetBrains but there are extensions for VSCode that do the same thing that I have used as well.

  • Should defederate from Meta if they implement ActivityPub?
  • I'm unsure. A lot of people are saying yes, but they are also implying to do so preemptively which I don't agree with. I would rather wait a few weeks and see what effect it has on this instance before making a decision.

  • I got promoted to tech lead. Now what?
  • That really depends on the culture of the company and your mindset. If you think it is going to be hell it is going to feel like hell.

    You work more with people and less with computers, but ultimately you are still working on solving problems. Instead of inside code on a computer it is inside a team within a larger organization.

  • I got promoted to tech lead. Now what?
  • Join us at !

    The community is still small but you can ask questions and there are some good resources there already.

  • Ordered a cake with no message.
  • null doesn't necessarily mean "nothing".

    Classic toilet paper example. toilet paper

  • What book* had the most influence on how you manage?

    \*or other media; video, article, etc.

    The Phoenix Project (and The Unicorn Project) by Gene Kim really opened my eyes up as an engineer and made me feel like I could start fixing the problems I was seeing on my team, on my project, and in my organization.

    I started reading The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier and have really appreciated how straightforward and relevant it is.

    Help me fill my Amazon cart!

    The customer is always right
  • Hey, my meme I reposted got reposted to this instance's programmer humor. Cool!

    I stole it from someone else, so no worries OP. I honestly just like how Lemmy can enable these "reposts". I think it's fun that someone else that a dumb meme I thought was funny was actually funny enough to post it again.

  • What we really mean

    IMHO, it's a horrible hack that is just broken. It's obscure and we need to rewrite it because it has a bad structure. XCquit[ESC][ESC]C

    I am your Scrum Master!

    Help help! He's measuring my velocity!

    Rock Star Developer

    Is that term even used anymore? Feels like it was everywhere a couple years ago.

    What software and tools do you use?

    My company started using Lattice software for tracking 1 on 1s, reviews, etc. I don't really love it, but it's nice to have something that the entire company is standardizing with.

    I've been using Obsidian for my personal notes before I became a manager.

    And I use the M$ Suite as needed with SharePoint.

    Any other tools, software, processes, that you use for the people management side?

    An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding [x-post] An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding

    For varying levels of seniority, from senior, to staff, and beyond.

    cross-posted from:

    > I generally don't like "listicles", especially ones that try to make you feel bad by suggesting that you "need" these skills as a senior engineer. > > However, I do find this list valuable because it serves as a self-reflection tool. > > Here are some areas I am pretty weak in: > > - How to write a design doc, take feedback, and drive it to resolution, in a reasonable period of time > - How to convince management that they need to invest in a non-trivial technical project > - How to repeat yourself enough that people start to listen > > Anything here resonate with y'all?

    What are some examples of xkcd 2347?

    I've heard people mention curl and imagemagick. Any others that you know about?

    it makes just as little sense to me

    I really do love the fun IDE colors.

    Does anyone else switch IDE themes depending on the project? Whenever I started a new project I would choose a new theme to go with it.

    jeff jeff 👨‍💻

    Software Architect turned Engineering Manager

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