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Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"
  • But what about the blue chat bubbles?!

    edit: /s

  • Why FOSS projects are using proprietary, privacy invasive infrastructure?
  • I'd like to replace GitHub with something self hosted but I'd still like other people to be able to fork and especially do pull requests. Because everyone already has a GitHub account it's easy for them to do that. I wish there was some small software which would be easy to install and update and it would be connected to for example ActivityPub to be able to do pull requests. I'm not so keen on making everyone who wants to create a Issue or a Pull Request to make a seperate account on my own website, nobody will do that.

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • Here is my attempt:

    A man and a goat are on one side of the river. They have a boat which can carry both of them at the same time. How do they get to the other side?

    The man and the goat can both get to the other side of the river together using the boat since the boat can carry both of them at the same time. Here's how they can do it:

    1. The man and the goat both get into the boat.
    2. The man rows the boat, carrying himself and the goat across the river.
    3. They both disembark on the other side.

    Since the boat can carry both the man and the goat simultaneously, there are no restrictions preventing them from crossing together in one trip.

  • Bytom, Poland
  • Damn, ale sie poli.

  • Why don't people care about human rights anymore?

    I feel when Bucha happened in Ukraine still a lot of people were shocked and outraged. But somehow this extreame achievement of the human race to formulate human rights and at least try to defend them is withering away.

    • Genocide in Gaza, meh.
    • Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh whatever.
    • Genocide in some African country again? They always have some genocide going on there
    • Genocide in Xinjang? Look they are dancing in the propaganda videos, how bad can it be?
    • UK sending refugies from all over the world to Rwanda? They categorized it as a save country so what's the Problem?
    • Guantanamo is still open? We haven't heard much about it for years, probably everything is ok there

    I could go on and on. So is it just the times now that nobody wants WWIII so we are just looking the other way? Even worse, if you want to protest for human rights, you get into trouble, not just in dictatorship countries, but in Germany, US, etc.

  • This is too close to reality for me, here take my upvote!

  • ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services
  • I never watch the same movie/TV show more than once, so I don't see a point in hording this data. So for me the UX of streaming is most of the time preferrable than having a physical media which I need to carry to the new appartment every time I move.

    This is different with music, where I listen to the same Albums hundrets of times. There I can deal with vinyl and many files on my computer.

  • ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services
  • But Netflix never let me buy a movie or TV show. They just sell me access to their library for a limited time.

    I bought some music from Apple, DRM free and I downloaded it and have it on my own hard drive, and share it between all my devices.

    Apple also sells you access to their library for a limited time like Netflix, but then you're not buying the songs, you're buying access to them for a limited time.

  • ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services
  • I'm just confused about why people are so mad about it. In other cases where you rent space to put physical things you own so you can still access them later this happens too. Let's get into an example, and you guys tell me if I'm misunderstanding something:

    If you have a car and have to change between summer and winter tires and you don't have space at home to store the winter tires during the summer, you can go to a tire-hotel and they will 1. Sell you new tires, 2. switch your tires - a service you pay for - and 3. store the tires for you until next winter - a service you pay for too. Once the company goes out of business (or they focus on a different business) they tell you to get your tires or they will be discarded if you don't. So you have to get them from them and you stop paying for the storage.

    Isn't it the same with the movies you buy and store at a place where you then rent storage to keep them there? As long as they allow you to download your purchases I see no difference. You can't make someone else to keep working the same job until the heat death of the universe.

  • A Ukrainian sport plane drone just flew 800 miles (1300 km) into Russia to blow up an oil refinery
  • How come they can't shoot it down before it arrives?

  • Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world’s atmosphere
  • But blaming Israel is OK? God damn you tankies!

  • Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world’s atmosphere
  • My guess, Russias war, Israels war, Chinas coal burning for electricity so we can have cheap stuff to throw away imeadiatelly after using it once.

  • Google employees question execs over 'decline in morale' after blowout earnings
  • Ah, probably I mix it up with German where we write 70er where 70 = Siebzig + er = ies

  • bugs
  • You wouldn't say that if you ever tried those tomatoes

    I'd even call them candy.

  • Google employees question execs over 'decline in morale' after blowout earnings
  • The circlejerk about pineapple on pizza is just a meme, it's funny to complain about it over and over again, while the hawai pizza has been going strong since at least the 70ies or something while hawai toast kind of disappeared.

  • Google employees question execs over 'decline in morale' after blowout earnings
  • Pinaple on pizza, for the love of god!

  • Hong Kong Government seeks to remove protest anthem from the entire internet
    Glory to Hong Kong ban

    I think it's about this song:

    Driving in Japan

    Driving in Japan with the wheel on the right side. The first time I did that last year I drove on the wrong side of the road about 5 times and got a shock every time when I saw all the ghost drivers just to quickly realize that it's me who is driving the wrong way. This year it only happened one time, so my brain seems to adapt to that better and better.

    Pancake lens for Sony A7C?

    Are there pancake lenses for the A7C? While in Japan I saw a lot of older japanese guys with some camera which I couldn't identify, it looked like some digital remake of some older camera, but what struck me was that they all had this pancake lens which made the whole package very thin and small.

    My A7C is also very compact already but the 35mm 1.8 lens is, while very compact, by far not flat, so I can't put it in my pocket for example.

    It doesn't need to be very fast, because I will use it mostly outside in good light.

    What do you personally use AI for?

    I really want to use AI like llama, ChatGTP, midjourney etc. for something productive. But over the last year the only thing I found use for it was to propose places to go as a family on our Hokaido Japan journey. There were great proposals for places to go.

    But perhaps you guys have some great use cases for AI in your life?

    MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?

    My take on this is no they don't. As long as they are truthful they only report on the quality of the product and prevent many people of spending a lot of money from losing it by buying something that doesn't work.

    If your product is shit your company does not deserve to be shielded from the backlash, this is the core of (classic) capitalism after all.

    End of cherry blossom for this year in Korea

    We had a good run of two weeks of cherry blossoms everywhere, but now there are only a few trees left.

    Jesus, help me! - No!

    So I'm still on Facebook and lately the feed is full of those AI Jesus pictures like this and thousands of comments saying "Amen". See:

    Wave at Jeju Island, Korea

    I went to a dolphin spotting point, no dolphins to be seen but the light was amazing.


    Wir sind im Urlaub in so einem rießigen Resort und es gibt hier viele Familien mit kleinen Kindern und Babies.

    Viele der Kinder haben beim frühstück, Abendessen oder im Café ein iPad vor sich stehen mit einem Video laufend. Die sind alle so schön Ruhig und dir Eltern können ihre Instagram Bilder in ruhe bearbeiten, auf Twitter in ruhe scrollen und ihren Kaffe trinken.

    Unsere große kann sich zumindest beim Essen auch ohne iPad beschäftigen, aber ihr kleiner Bruder braucht die ganze Aufmerksamkeit beider Eltern, die kaum dazu kommen ihren Kaffe auszutrinken.

    Es ist manchmal sehr verlockend ein iPad für's Baby zu besorgen, der Urlaub wäre sicherlich zumindest für die Eltern erholsammer :D

    Ich frag mich wie meine Eltern das damals gemacht haben ^^

    jeena Jeena


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