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Programming.Dev Recap
  • cool, I thought it might have been something to do with that instance going. RIP that instance

  • Programming.Dev Recap
  • I'm having an issue trying to use this with my account (, just getting cloudflare 524 timeouts. My alt works fine

  • Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 70: C7 tries to promote to queen but turns into a MissingNo due to save corruption
  • The feeling when you immediately recognize the obscure source engine ARG from the name
    Very good ARG tho

  • Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 69: Because the save is corrupted, C7 changes to the opposite colour
  • actually I have no fucking clue, the board is completely fucked. 2 kings next to each other??? and how the hell does the butterfly or supply convoy move?

  • Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 67: The entire game is deleted
  • shit, I didn't save the gimp file for that day

  • Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 68: The last save is reloaded (day 6)

    Original title: > Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 6: White horsey comes out as gay and turns into a unicorn


    Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 61: All the pieces evacuate the board onto the rainbow road, then start a race.
  • ok fuck it, this is taking way too long. imma just do something quick so this starts again

  • title
  • Actual zombie

  • title
  • Holy hell

  • Ikuyo Kita - Step! (AI Cover)

    Kita has committed unspeakable crimes against humanity

    Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 17: Unicorn to F3 and shoots a healing rainbow from it's horn to heal the exploded pawn

    Hi new users from reddit

    Bruh gimp completely blew up for some reason and I almost lost the whole board, good thing I had a backup. And then my internet died so I'm uploading this from my phone lmao

    Also this is the first (kinda) legal move in the game. Amazing

    Pollo 👍
  • (Apoll)o👍

  • Pollo 👍
  • (Apo)llo 👍

  • NSFW
    Wet f(22)
  • needs more ERA

  • Moderator of c/anarchychess abuses their privileges, this is a conversation where I managed to make them admit it.
  • WTF???? Stop abusing your privileges bro!!! WTF is this shit you are talking about bro??? of course en peasant if forced!!!111! My dad works at chess and hes gonna get you banned bro!!!1111!

  • Moderator of c/anarchychess abuses their privileges, this is a conversation where I managed to make them admit it.
  • Someone say something stupid so I can make a post about users abusing their privileges

  • itszednotzee itszednotzee

    “It's better to cum in the sink than to sink in the cum” - abraham lincoln (2008) on the collapse of the roman empire “One bocchillion sold!” - hitori (bocchi the rock) gotou 後藤ひとりさんは「俺のこと何だと思ってるんだ?私は海軍特殊部隊を首席で卒業したんだ」と怒鳴りました ズィーじゃないよ、ゼッドだよ! Painfully unfunny.

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    Comments 24