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Smartphone sales down 22 percent in Q2, the worst performance in a decade
  • Monitor your shit cycle with the new iFart

  • is this community dead?
  • It would be nice if at least someone crosspost news from the respective apps’ communities, personally I don’t wanna follow a bunch of separate communities for this kind of topic.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • [politic-name].bs

  • What was your gateway product to open source?
  • Ubuntu, maybe around 2007-2008.

    I was starting college and got my first notebook. Up to that point we had only a desktop PC for all the family and this was the first time I could actually try things out without messing with my brothers’ stuff, so I eagerly jumped to try new things and format my notebook every 2 months after completely screwing something up.

    The thing that hooked me up was the breath of fresh air in terms of customisation that a Linux distro offered compared to Windows. Funnily enough the mac OS style was my favourite so I eventually ended up buying a mac, but I always maintained a distro on bootcamp.

  • Select icon for Grouped Communities
  • Didn’t realise that wasn’t possible yet! Yes, that too please lol.

  • Select icon for Grouped Communities

    I just bought the Pro Lifetime subscription and I’m loving the extra features, specially the ability to group communities from different instances.

    The only thing missing from this I think is the ability to assign an icon to the group. Maybe offer a limited set of options from default icons, o even better, use the icon of one of the communities included in said group as the group icon.

    Zillow listings be like
  • When you walking down the steps and the LiveLeak logo appears

  • A Mars Colony Needs Just 22 People to Survive, Simulation Suggests
  • I’m sure the “computer-savvy” nephew that came along to the colony can do the designer’s work, a lot cheaper too

  • Removed
    The German Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament has ditched X (Twitter) in favour of open-source decentralised Mastodon
  • Find interesting people in those hashtags and follow them. Not everyone posts using hashtags everytime so you’re very likely missing on a lot of interesting content. Also, if your local feed (the one where you see posts from people on your own instance) is not of your interest you may want to migrate to another more specific or general, depending on your choice.

  • Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 (
  • This is just a link to the post on, to appear here, OP would’ve had to tag the community on the same mastodon post.

  • Won't catch me
  • Bruh 💀

  • Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name?
  • itsmistermoon is listening to Beep Street right now, finds it pretty good

  • Won't catch me
  • Fellas, is it gay to drive a car? I mean, you're basically riding four tiny dicks every time you jump into a car.

  • This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • Uh, weird they didn’t say anything considering they’re relatively open about their moderation. Guess I’ll just grab some popcorn and wait.

  • This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • I feel like I missed something, what happened?

  • Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name?
  • itsmistermon is a fan of Jamiroquai, likes Mr Moon song, adopts it as nickname.

  • Water mountains
  • You mean your favorite thing in ocean /s

  • Open in browser not working?
  • For reference, this is the original post on the propper instance:

    And this is the link that the app sent me to:

    Now that I see it more clearly, the OP is from but the community’s instance is, could that be the reason? I’m still figuring out how the whole federation thing exactly works on lemmy (I’m more used to Mastodon, thought that’s a lot more straightforward).

  • Open in browser not working?

    I just tried to see a post from the instance using the open in browser option, but the browser loaded a link instrad. Is that working as intended or a weird hiccup?

    Matrix clients for decentralized messaging
  • I kinda do this, but only thanks to Beeper. Not sure I would be able to do it by myself lol.

  • Weird jumps after upvoting comments

    Hi there. Currently loving the Bean experience, kudos for the hard work and constant updates!

    I’ve encountered a bug where, when on a thread reading comments, giving I upvote a comment, the screen jumps down and I have to scroll up again to go back where I previously was.

    I’m on an iPhone 12 with iOS 17 beta.

    En este hilo: canciones con juego de palabras picarescos

    ¡Hola gente! Manejando un rato en silencio, de la nada se me vinieron canciones picantes a la mente del tipo “a Tite lo entierran hoy”.

    Así que se me ocurrió hacer esta dinámica, nombrar canciones de este tipo, da lo mismo el género (aunque estas suelen ser cumbias), que tengan un juego de palabras picaresco como gancho principal en su coro. Quise traerlo acá para mover un poquito la comunidad y que no se vaya todo pa’ la web del alien decadente.

    Y para comenzar con un temita que no sea el ya mencionado difunto Tite, parto con La vieja Julia - Los hijos de Putre.

    itsmistermoon itsmistermoon

    Analista Programador & Diseñador Gráfico de Temuco, Chile. Leo cómics y a veces escribo sobre ellos.

    ✸ Parte del sitio web de cómics Cuarto Mundo

    ✸ Dueño de Imaquinaria Tienda

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