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[CW: Death and Blood] The trolley problem USA edition
  • the protagonist will then use this incident to prove that public transportation is dangerous and proceed to bribe the local government into replacing it with a highway.

  • Poster for "RSUH against Ilyin School" initiative
  • i think its referencing an element of our folklore, кощей бессмертный.

  • Nothing to see here, keep scrolling
  • i think its lubuntu with a fancy 𝓛.

  • some people on this platform
  • thats exactly what the dictatorship of the proletariat is for! after the exploiting classes are eliminated, the state will wither away, leaving a classless society, aka communism. this takes much time though.

  • some people on this platform
  • why? thats just a fact. a liberal state is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, while a socialist state is the dictatorship of the proletariat.

  • some people on this platform
  • so all youre telling me that after the county was almost completely destroyed during ww2, the situation was dire? no fucking shit, sherlock.

  • some people on this platform
  • what do you mean? the lack of cia talking points here is really refreshing imho. on reddit everything is drowned in a sea of "communism bad"-bots.

  • some people on this platform
  • in order to appreciate socialism, one must have studied capitalism. yet you liberals are so smug, having studied neither.

  • Roman bucket with a spout, found in a shipwreck on the Rhine, ~200 AD
  • looks like bucket technology didnt see much progress in the last 1800 years.

  • Life in the most sanctioned country in the world
  • i wouldnt say that we are "the most sanctioned", as in comparison to cuba or korea were basically unrestricted. video kinda just looks like click bait honestly.

    edit: i just read that un sanctions have been lifted from the dprk thanks to russia vetoing their renewal. i guess were now the most sanctioned indeed

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • linux, unironically. literally all local infrastructure is running on windows, despite the security risks this entails.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • thank you for this recommendation! i hope i can convince my friends to start using it

  • Maldives’ representative backed Palestine’s UN admission, demanded action to stop the genocide
  • i hope the world never forgives the biden regime for this genocide. death to the settler colony!

  • How Zionism became a synonym for violence and oppression
  • zionism always was a vile ideology. i am happy that more people are beginning to see it for what it is.

  • some people on this platform
  • why are reactionaries always assuming that their opponents are children? only because you are a teenager living within the imperial core, consuming nothing but nato propaganda, you shouldnt assume that everyone else is an equivalent.

  • some people on this platform
  • yeah the state department point was probably a little harsh and generalizing of me, though i am indeed quite pissed how reactionaries like vaush or keffals are appropriating leftist aesthetics in order to shill for us imperialism. i am also standing with my statement about ancoms & co not getting anything done, sorry.

  • imnotfromkaliningrad я не из калининграда

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