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  • Someone told me not to ask strangers how their day was (like in the real world) if I didn’t really want to know (like that someone’s dad died)

    To be fair, this is cultural. I’m an American immigrant in Germany, and I’ve unintentionally started that type of conversation a bunch of times. Here, if you ask, it’s not a social cliche, so you shouldn’t be unprepared for a real answer. In American terms, it’d be like putting your hand on someone’s shoulder, looking them in the eye for a moment and asking “how are you?,” then being surprised if they tell you something sad.

  • Cans are raining down from a Portland highrise...and nobody knows who is behind it
  • It doesn’t seem unreasonable to me to set up a camera to watch the building, what makes this hard?

    I’m worried that some child is vastly underestimating the damage they’re capable of, but I guess that’s still a better option than someone doing it on purpose.

  • Get rid of them.
  • Every time I’ve gone to the doctor in the US since several years before I actually had my first period (I was a late bloomer), I’ve been asked about the date of my last period. Since I moved to Germany (a country with a longer life expectancy than the US), I’ve only been asked if I could be pregnant before X-rays and prescriptions or when it’s been relevant to my visit (abdominal cramps, unexplained vomiting, etc.). I understand if you didn’t realize that it’s asked for absolutely everything or if you thought it was actually necessary, but it’s both constant and unnecessary.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • Ohh! It’s just your reading comprehension, not that you’re really suggesting that it’s cool for a teacher to fuck their fifteen year old students and former students. If you care about what the children said, there’s this from the older one:

    Boy B claims he tried to end the relationship but did not know how to, called her a "paedo" and told her to find someone her own age but claimed emotional pressure came from Joynes to keep their relationship going.

  • Can you name any objectively unique human creations or thoughts that were not derived/inspired from another source?
  • I think the problem is (ironically) exacerbated by lacking better language to describe things. Einstein was trying to describe the world, not come up with something new. I think that does involve “creativity,” but I’d argue that it’s not the same impulse.

    Children absolutely come up with things that don’t seem to have any relation to what they’ve experienced, but it’s not useful creativity, like what Einstein possessed.

    This comment somehow feels insulting to both Einstein and children, but I don’t mean it like that.

  • We were in a discussion about preffered standard salt (Sea Salt) when..
  • It’s not a bad thing to allow members to all communicate with everyone. If I joined a discord server and didn’t have permission to participate immediately (or after filling out the survey/age verification/etc.), I’d leave. If I was that shameless a streamer, I’d lie on the survey.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • I honestly think that’s more about ensuring that they can charge trans women with rape (which they obviously should, when relevant). It seems like the thing they’re commenting on is the pronoun, not the noun.

    Where I am, penetrating someone with an object counts and they phrase it very differently

  • A literal depiction of how capitalism invades all aspects of life
  • I know it’s just another type of lawful evil, but if it helps, I used to work in those types of insurance claims and we denied every single one where they knew or should have known about it (and the rapists themselves were never covered).

    I quit, because generallyfuck that, but part of what made me leave was the experience of gathering lists of credibly accused priests and finding their earliest accusation. Any wrongdoing after that could be considered expected and there would be no coverage for it. At the very most, we covered the person who initially hired the perpetrator, but only until the point that they should have fired them (first complaint, sketchy behavior, etc.). If they ignored or reassigned the priest into a new position with access to children, then often even that was denied.

    I’ve since moved to another country, where insurance works completely differently (and the church is in nearly every country), so they definitely have a variety of policies, but at least in the US, you can’t insure expected or intended consequences with most companies, and you can’t insure illegal conduct at all.

  • How might perspectives on race change in a hypothetical fully-egalitarian future?
  • Is there way more validity/importance to race than phrenology? Some folks seem to love connecting with their culture, their ancestors, and race plays a part - they’ll take pride in all of it.

    Culture is a good thing to compare it to, because they’re both sociological, rather than biological distinctions. People want to connect with their culture, but I think if race were truly irrelevant, they might base it on different things. I’ve heard my stepsister attribute her loudness to being Jewish, Italian, and a New Yorker- I’d expect more of the latter if no one else had told her that Jews or Italians are loud.

    If there’s not a connection between a behavior and a race (or ethnicity), I don’t know how one could take pride in it. I also don’t really see how the world can be fully egalitarian if they still exist- would someone who believes Italians are inherently louder than, say, Japanese people give mr. Policetti and mr. Yamamoto the same chances when hiring an academic dean or a DJ for a kid’s party? I can’t see how they would.

    Maybe I’m missing something, but if that thought is somewhere in peoples heads, I think it’s got to have an effect.

  • How might perspectives on race change in a hypothetical fully-egalitarian future?
  • I don’t think there would be perspectives on race, except as a hypothetical- the way I (and I assume others) feel when something like those head shape diagrams that tell you about whether someone’s a criminal (edit: phrenological diagrams)come up: it’s an invented way to keep people in groups, so it won’t stick around once people are no longer separating themselves on that basis.

    Given that we don’t live in that society, I see no issue with treating a post from a white man specifying white beauty differently from one from a black man about black beauty. They are different statements. I see it similarly to how a woman saying “it was great to see a woman win a scientific award” is a different statement from a man saying “it was great to see a man win a scientific award.” Black women have been excluded from American ideas of beauty since there was an America in a variety of ways.

  • Are housecats aware of how much bigger people are?

    I’m wondering if cats think of us kind of like how a person thinks of a friendly bull: aware that they could easily kill us, but not necessarily afraid of them; or more like a large Dalmatian: they could fuck us up, but most of us don’t really think about that unless they’re being aggressive.

    I grew up with dogs and feel like I understand them a lot better than I do cats as a whole. I adopted my cat almost four years ago and I feel like I get her pretty well, but I don’t really have an idea of what she thinks about me. I also don’t really know any other cats, though I’ve gotten along with strays and friends’ cats a lot better since I got mine.

    Cat tax:

    [Answered]Is there a wood hard enough to regularly scrape aluminum?

    I’m sorry if this is not in the spirit of the community, but I figured my dad would know because of his experience woodworking, and I don’t want to ask him for obvious reasons. I’m happy to remove it if it doesn’t fit.

    I have an aluminum herb grinder, that regularly gets jammed up with resin. I tend to use a regular (probably pine) food skewer to clean it off, because I don’t want metal shards coming off of the aluminum from a metal scraper or plastic pieces from a plastic scraper. The pine works okay, but I have to replace it regularly and it can’t get everything.

    I know pine is probably one of the softest woods, but would a hard wood be significantly more durable if it were cut as thin as a skewer (4mm diameter round)? Would anything be both reasonably obtainable (I live in a place with frequently abandoned old furniture, if that would be a good source, or I can go to a lumber store) and more durable enough to be worth it?

    My fiancé made vegan beef stroganoff because of you people

    Mushrooms, onions, garlic, mustard, spinach, chili, vegan yogurt, vegan cevapcici , vegan beef broth, capers, and farfalle. It was incredible.

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