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Is everything the worst?
  • exert positive control over things you can control

    Came here to say this exact thing. Getting the initial drive to get up and do something can be hard, but taking charge on something is an effective cure to> feeling helpless on what you can't

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • I think the mundane perspective and ordinary characters were meant to ground the movie. Most kaiju movies follow elite scientists or squads of soldiers so it's a bit easier to relate to regular people just bumbling around (and a lot cheaper to film).

    See, this is what got me into the theater for Cloverfield, I wanted this movie. It's a bummer I got it in the form of some particularly jittery found footage. I was hoping for something more akin to those goofy disaster movies, but the disaster is a kaiju; not just in tone, but in how it was shot. As you say, some more spectacle would have gone a long way. That, or to really drill down and get into the "human horror" aspect and maybe make the military/authority figures more antagonistic.

    All in all, I guess I'm glad Cloverfield succeeded despite my personal feelings because we got 10 Cloverfield Lane which, while not without problems of its own, I enjoyed much more

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • You're not an English speaking troll yourself, "shortest hanging fruit" headass

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • You couldn't even keep your lunatic sentence structure and shit up for two whole comments? They breed the trolls weak these days, man

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • No one is grading your troll post on word count my guy

  • Nothing rule
  • I have been poor, yes! Have you ever been outside? Do you think there are diaper black markets? Do you think everyone stealing to make ends meet qualifies for WIC in the first place?

  • What's something you want to tell us lemmy users ?
  • Similar vein, don't wash down your sleeping pills with like 4-5 glasses of water

  • What's something you want to tell us lemmy users ?
  • To lump my own personal bitch onto this: liking a thing and bringing it up regardless of conversation or context isn't a personality

  • What's something you want to tell us lemmy users ?
  • You're fairly visible with the way your username is (I see you in lots of different communities myself, this may not even be the first time I've spoken to you lol) and while it doesn't matter to me or probably ≥99% of posters/commenters here it also appears you're a furry judging from instance

    It's unfortunate, but that's all it takes to get a few losers with too much time to creep and downvote

    Also: I look forward to the ER content friendo, I'll be subscribing momentarily

  • What is your favourite type of pizza? 🍕
  • My favorite type of pizza is "nearby and warm," though I'll happily settle for "nearby"

  • Trump Says Supreme Court Should Bail Him Out of Criminal Conviction
  • You mean "don't get caught doing crimes"

  • Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • I know they've talked about who they'll do if Jones really does vanish from the public eye but all disrespect to the man: who could fill his role on their show?

    I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm Desiax Clarke; I AM THE MYSTERIOUS PROFESSOR

  • Roland secured his legacy
  • Tom Beanbadil

  • Neo-Nazi who protested drag shows has been arrested on child porn charges
  • And the show would never run out of subjects

  • Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system?
  • Speaking to a few stories my dad's told me over the years, sometimes you're just a rural dumbass, have a large thing to get rid of, and want a big splash for your amusement

  • That's so fetch
  • Fetch as in fetching the hobbits for Master Saruman

  • me_irl
  • Paste's apparently good on pizza, maybe it works here too

  • Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay
  • Uuuuuhhhhhhh none of those words sounds like "male and female he created them" buddy, straight to Hell with ye

  • Removed
    I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about?
  • Not OP but have a very similar problem: what if the above also isn't working?

  • iamtrashman1312 iamtrashman1312

    BORN TO DIE WORLD IS A FUCK 鬼神 KILL EM ALL 1989 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS

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