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Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • Are they? I watch YouTube on Firefox all the time, seems fine on my machine.

    I think maybe 5+ years ago there were some performance issues caused by YT relying on features that were only implemented in Chrome, but I don't recall having any issues wrt that for years.

  • I hate that my parents are the biggest chuds ever
  • With the fascists he gets his news from, they always start with a grain of truth

    Even Rush Limbaugh (may he rest in piss) used this strategy. It's honestly kind of impressive how right wing personalities can segue from easily agreeable things to outright conspiracies in just a few breaths.

  • A new trolley era
  • You're right about the Snopes article. It does do a decent job of pointing out that a lot of this reporting is rumor based.

    This first anecdote (also highlighted by Snopes) is amusing

    Double-hit cases" have been around for decades. I first heard of the "hit-to-kill" phenomenon in Taiwan in the mid-1990s when I was working there as an English teacher. A fellow teacher would drive us to classes. After one near-miss of a motorcyclist, he said, "If I hit someone, I'll hit him again and make sure he's dead." Enjoying my shock, he explained that in Taiwan, if you cripple a man, you pay for the injured person's care for a lifetime. But if you kill the person, you "only have to pay once, like a burial fee." He insisted he was serious—and that this was common.

    So is it Taiwan or the mainland with these wild laws?

    Another false claim about China, it seems.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • Woah, definitely need to check this out. I wanted to slap guix system on an old laptop but had issues with proprietary drivers, very curious to see what workarounds people have had luck with. Otoh I barely touch this computer, and NixOs is running fine on it..

  • BBC - TikTok loves North Korea's latest propaganda bop. Why?
  • These are all dope. Checked out With Pride too, pretty satisfying instrumentals.

    This is going to make me sound like a lib, but does anyone know why does this group write tunes about Kim Jong-Un specifically? I tried digging around but of course the news is flooded with crap about Friendly Father. Feels like a great man of history situation. Of course, in the states we're only going to hear about stories about their "dear/Supreme leader" (whatever scary term is in use at the time), and not pro workers works, so we have that bias shaping our interpretations.

  • Remote Tech Organizing
  • I guess it would be helpful to have specific things in mind 😅

    Generally things ranging from site maintenance and more general technical support but ideally up to building custom tools for organizers, tenants, workers, etc.

    Honestly, kind of looking to continue to help with things that i have some experience with while I slowly develop my interpersonal skills

    The EFF is an interesting idea, I'll stick it on the list.

  • Remote Tech Organizing
  • Sweet, I'll check the links out. I want to say I tried to get a riseup email account several years ago and wasn't able to, probably for security reasons. Hadn't thought about that org in a long time, definitely seems like time to look them up again.

  • Remote Tech Organizing

    If this is against instance or community rules just let me know and I'll remove it.

    Are there any groups to get involved with to do tech support or create tech solutions for organizers? I do organize with some local groups, technologically and otherwise, and it seems like it would be helpful to see what cross cutting concerns are and cross pollinate solutions.

    Obviously, please don't doxx yourself or others to answer this.

    Wow, youtube actually removed a video I flagged, imagine my surprise.
  • And I thought it was bad that most of the ads I get are for meat. Guess who doesn't eat meat.

    Gore though, wth. Youtube is picky enough about gore that CNN and other outlets spend a little more time these days censoring the worst of it, apparently. Might as well leave it in for the easy recommendations I guess.

  • Linus Torvalds takes on evil developers, hardware errors and 'hilarious' AI hype
  • In addition, hardware developers reinvent old ways of doing things and only learn by making all the same mistakes that have been made before. It's sad, but true.

    This same criticism is validly launched at software devs all the time lol.

    One thing I've anecdotalally seen and heard is hardware guys indicating that something is rock solid and solved because it's old, so building on top of it isn't a problem. Obviously we have to build on the old to get to the new, but if we just skip auditing hardware due to age we end up deploying vulnerable hardware globally. Spectre and Meltdown are an interesting example where I've heard from at least one distinguished professor that "everyone" believed branch prediction design/algorithms were essentially done. Was it adequately assessed from a security POV? Clearly not, but was it assessed from a security POV in general? I have no idea, but it would be nice as a tech enthusiast and software guy to see the other side of the fence take these things seriously in a more public way, in particular when it comes to assessing old hardware for new attack vectors.

  • Kronstadt Rebellion Literature?

    Are there any well sourced works regarding the Kronstadt Rebellion?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    hungrybread [comrade/them]
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