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Changes to old Reddit login flow - r/help Changes to old Reddit login flow - r/help

View on Redlib, an alternative private front-end to Reddit.

-modified the original reddit link to point to a privacy frontend-

Now that the change is in place, there is no more login on old. reddit. com

Reddit is getting worse

Cannot Log in Reddit (nneed to use old reddit)

As title, i cannot use reddit (dot) com, it will always says password/username incorrect. I need to use old (dot) reddit (dot) com.


Any PDF reader for iOS?

open-source pdf reader any recommendations?

for iphone and ipad

need bookmark, annotation is optional

QEMU cannot launch the latest Pop!_OS image
  • edit: after the recent update that upgraded qemu, it works much better

    upgraded were:
    qemu-* from *1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.17* to *1:7.0+dfsg-7ubuntu1*

    edit2: tested with …38.iso, worked

    edit3: ...37.iso not work

  • Can I get rid of Firefox profile manager on Application view?

    To reproduce this, click Application (or Super + A), Hover over to the Firefox Icon, right click.

    there are "New Window" "New private window" and "Open Profile manager"..

    the last one wasn't here before the update. can i get rid of it?

    QEMU cannot launch the latest Pop!_OS image
  • worth noting that I updated all my virtual machines created with 36.iso to the latest kernels, etc, and they function without any problems..

    I can't get the fresh installs using 37.iso and 38.iso to function (always blank screen)

  • QEMU cannot launch the latest Pop!_OS image

    I'm using the virt-manager to install Pop!_OS on a virtual machine from the latest ISO image (...38.iso) with QEMU for testing:

    GRUB starts okay, running the tests. Then the QEMU window turns completely black and nothing changes for hours. This didn't happen with the previous ...36.iso of the image.

    Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you!

    note that, this issue has been around since ...37.iso

    Wayland - QEMU (virt-manager) fullscreen is not actual fullscreen

    It is fine when not put in full screen. When i put it in fullscreen mode, it shrinks to about 1/3 to 1/4 and moves to upper left corner. This happens only on a wayland session/

    Optimize Pop with external monitor?
  • and these settings stay the same.

    To do that you need to:

    set WaylandEnable=true in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
    at the log in screen, there is a small gear wheel on the bottom right side, choose “Pop on 

    thanks, I will try that, is there any issue with wayland so far? cause its no t officially enabled yet

  • Optimize Pop with external monitor?

    my laptop resolution is 2256x1504, while my monitor has standard 1920x1080. when I start Pop is always default 200% scale, even I changed it to 100% before. I have to manually set it to 100% scale on my laptop and monitor. But it would not sustain. When I unplug hdmi and reconnect, everything goes back to default. Is there any ways I can optimize this? thank you

    can Pop! maintain supermin?
  • Install latest Pop OS with say kernel 6.5.6..

    Install libguestfs-tools

    running virt-sparsify gives the following error

    Invalid ELF header magic: != \x7fELF insmod: init_module:virtio_snd.ko.zst: Invalid module format  
    supermin: waiting another 1024000000 ns for root UUID to appear  
    This usually means your kernel doesn't support virtio, or supermin was unable to load some kernel modules (see module loading messages above).

    Below is my error from running libguestfs-test-tool (edit: with sudo)

    'insmod: init_module: snd-timer.ko.zst: Invalid module format
    supermin: internal insmod snd-pcm.ko.zst
    [ 0.828428] Invalid ELF header magic: != \x7fELF
    insmod: init_module: snd-pcm.ko.zst: Invalid module format
    supermin: internal insmod virtio_snd.ko.zst
    [ 0.829673] Invalid ELF header magic: != \x7fELF
    insmod: init_module: virtio_snd.ko.zst: Invalid module format
    supermin: waiting another 1024000000 ns for root UUID to appear
    This usually means your kernel doesn't support virtio, or supermin was unable
    to load some kernel modules (see module loading messages above).
    supermin: waiting another 2048000000 ns for root UUID to appear
    supermin: waiting another 4096000000 ns for root UUID to appear

  • Framework 60w Laptop USB Power Adapter Teardown

    review by AllThingsOnePlace

    Framework 60w Laptop USB Power Adapter Review and Test

    review by AllThingsOnePlace

    can Pop! maintain supermin?

    the maintainer is currently Ubuntu, but they stuck at version 5.2.1, which was released in Jan 2021. would Pop! compile a more updated version (say 5.3.1)?

    zstd formated Kernel has conflicts with the 5.2.1, causing issues with libguestfs, but it's fixed upstream on 5.3.1+.

    This is related to:

    Qemu/kvm has problems with kernel 6.5.4



    both yield similar error: supermin: waiting another 1024000000 ns for root UUID to appear This usually means your kernel doesn't support virtio, or supermin was unable to load some kernel modules (see module loading messages above). supermin: waiting another 2048000000 ns for root UUID to appear supermin: waiting another 4096000000 ns for root UUID to appear

    Is there any ways I can test running on a newer kernel?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    달라요. 잊지 그래요?

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