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Helldivers: We are talking solutions with PlayStation, especially for non-PSN countries. I am doing everything I can to speak for the community - but I don't have the final say.
  • By that same logic, the customers are also at fault because the requirement has been in the terms of service since day 1.

    Not taking sides obviously this sucks, but blaming Arrowhead seems arbitrary.

    I think the most likely outcome is one of:

    1. Sony pays to reimburse people who lost access
    2. Sony pays to reimburse anyone who demands a refund
    3. Sony removes the requirement entirely
    4. Nothing happens

    edit: #3 it is apparently

  • Reddit embracing all out enshittification
  • The law does apply to social media posts.

    The social media company has to mark sponsored content and give users the means to do so themselves (when the partnership is between the user and a third party rather than the social media company).

    Unfortunately it’s hard to prove and profitable to lie.

  • Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent
  • Don’t really want to argue but two comments:

    • Plenty of people work “non standard” hours.
    • Saying the only people evening daylight affects is working adults is kind of silly, considering that describes most of the population.
  • Turquoise taillights tell you this Mercedes is driving autonomously
  • I’ve been asking why cars don’t have more obvious visual indicators since I was like 8 years old.

    It’s pretty weird that we’re basically just working with 2 sets of lights and blinkers at this point.

    For AV’s specifically, a pretty significant/obvious missed feature is some indicator that the car “sees” you. Pedestrians make eye contact with drivers to check if crossing is safe. How is there no equivalent for AV’s??? It’s such an obvious miss.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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