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Found this wondering town
  • Respectfully I think this is a minimal attack vector in this case due to the limited character set of urls. But thanks for the callout, I didn't know there was a name for this sort of attack.

  • community is punk
  • Riding a bike because you despise car centric infrastructure is punk. Advocating for your local library is punk. Evangelizing anti corporate and FOSS tech is punk. Don't you dare try to gatekeep my punk.

  • Google Messages starts testing RCS message editing
  • RCS worked for me with Google's messages app and GrapheneOS. Took a bit for it to verify and start working but once it did I had no issues. I've since switched to QKSMS and now the only google app on my phone is play store services.

  • Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • I had previously done what some recommend here and got some random cheap safety razor off amazon. Was a bit of a learning curve but I loved it. Saw a youtube sponsorship for Henson from a creator I really liked and decided to go for it. Hate to be a shill but no regrets. It's notably more forgiving than my old safety razor and just super satisfying. to look at and use.

  • Are Electric Cars the Solution?
  • Electric cars + carsharing. The notion that we can completely dismantle or replace car-centric infrastructure in the timescales necessary to address climate change is wishful thinking, but of course so is the idea that we can just electrify everything we currently do and it'll all work out. Some of the pushback to EV production has merit and we simply cannot replace every ICE car on the road in the US with an EV. We need fewer cars and we need them to be used more effectively and sensibly. I love off roading, I totally understand wanting to be able to drive a lifted 4x4 when it's appropriate. The trick is not having to drive a 20mpg vehicle on your commute everyday, or to the grocery store. Living car-less in the US needs to become more practical and that means we need to serve all of a persons needs. Public transit, bikes, and walking can serve us well enough in our daily lives. But leisure, hobbies, and other edge cases also need to be supported through things like affordable carsharing services or rentals. If someone needs to own a car to occasionally go hiking in the mountains then that car needs to be built, maintained, and will likely be a convenience crutch as opposed to if there were a viable low cost (and preferably electrified) rental for destinations that transit and other methods cannot reach.

  • Animals
  • Expanding on why humans don't do this (as often) the fleshy part of our ears is functional. Depending on how sound bounces in your brain can determine some additional features that it couldn't just from two ears. If I recall correctly variation in ear shape between people also creates difficulty in creating identical universal 360 sound. Can't help but find it fascinating we've had ray traced games for a bit now but sound is mostly still just faked and not simulated.

  • Do you organize the order of your groceries in the checkout line?
  • As an american who shops and walks my groceries home like a european, the self checkout is the only option for me. I must have the ability to choose where to put products to keep my bags/backpack balanced to my liking and to prevent bags from failing on my walk home. Stranglely in the us, i risk approaching the "self checkout item limit" which is definitely more social expectation than actually enforced by staff.

    A more specific question for you: how often do you encounter scales on self checkouts?

  • Removed
    Are hardware security keys worth it? If so, which to pick?
  • This is an interesting piece of kit, though I'm curious who the target market really is? Frankly I would be more comfortable regularly rotating my hardware security key's password than I would be manually keying in my 2nd factors pin every time I need to use FIDO2 or TOTP. This would almost appear to be an excessive amount of security for me as an infosec professional which honestly makes me suspect it's targeted towards a paranoid audience. Not that this wouldn't have it's applications. As a backup security key to be stored in a secure location this is definitely intriguing, but I can't imagine using it on a daily basis.

  • Daring Utopia Future Fiction?

    I've been loving my hard scifi recently. But I feel like it's begun to demonstrate how much easier it is to imagine all the ways things could go wrong. If fiction is how we lay an outline for the future, I wonder if anyone can recommend some more uplifting stories to me? Rather than a cautionary tale I would appreciate a story with a setting where the author dares to risk being wrong about what's right for us. Naturally this may simply be the setting for a somewhat unrelated story, but I'm curious what sorts of literature comes to mind that falls into this category.

    People Hate the Idea of Car-Free Cities—Until They Live in One
  • But they will not stop at any trailheads, just the resorts. Additionally it is unnecessarily expensive to build and ride. Also the additional environmental impact of building and maintaining it rather than using existing roads. It's purely being built for convenience to reduce traffic in/out of the canyon.

  • People Hate the Idea of Car-Free Cities—Until They Live in One
  • I love living car free with my needs in walking/biking distance. However I feel like the car centric problem runs deeper than basic groceries and transit to work. I live near the gorgeous rocky mountains, but our buses only really run to the ski slopes, and only in winter. It's a true shame to be so close to nature and have my option for access restricted to a rental car. So naturally there's a plan to build the worlds largest gondola directly to resorts to address traffic. Cause god forbid we just ran more effective bus service year round.

  • Wendy’s Vows No Burger ‘Surge Pricing’ After Online Fury
  • On top of the surge pricing the bastards have been spamming me with emails. Damned if I can remember when I used my email with them, but their opt out mechanism has me pissed. Have to type in my email after hitting the link, then clearly remain on the list. Sure, FTC rules say you get 30 days or something before I need to stop receiving emails, but virtually every other marketer seems to take me off immediately.

  • Self hosted NAS + Lightweight Game Streaming Solution?

    I have an aging gaming desktop with a GTX 970 that I've previously used to let friends/family stream games. My area has a lot of fiber so it's surprisingly usable, even got VR working. Problem is, I'd prefer to use it as a NAS most the time as it has plenty of drive bays and I need somewhere better to run jellyfin than my desktop.

    I'm somewhat aware of the options as I've used various hypervisors etc before, but I also want something as simple as possible. Because of that, I'm looking at TrueNAS. I'm aware my point of difficulty is gonna be the GPU. Is there any easy way to use it for a gaming VM at times and jellyfin encode others? If there's not some nifty feature in Proxmox or TrueNAS to solve my problem, how dumb would running a linux VM with both the games and Jellyfin be?

    Forgive me if this is a more generic question than I realize. I'd be plenty happy to be pointed to some existing resources.

    Just for backup
  • Just wanted to add that sleep as android has a lot of options for dismissing your alarm including scanning an NFC tag or solving math problems of various complexities. Additionally it has extra controls you can enable so restarting your phone doesn't bypass the alarm. A wide variety of Monday wake up torture is available.

  • Landlords ☭
  • I recently was looking for apartments and got a lease which included a clause to pass property taxes onto tenants, including any new taxes introduced while you were a resident. The additional expense was counted as rent for non-payment purposes. Another clause placed a lien on the contents of your unit upon nonpayment. Absolutely insane slumlord shit in some nice new apartments. The landlords must be stopped.

  • Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world?

    Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals, confront socioeconomic inequality, and ultimately build a better world without significant personal sacrifice: How much are you personally capable and willing to lose? I mean this in the most earnest way possible. Acknowledging the likely possibility of working for an unethical organization while simultaneously supporting family who rely on you financially. Do you believe the amount we can and will bear aligns with the amount we must bear?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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