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Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology?
  • Exactly this. Technical literacy in zoomers and Gen next is going to be worse than boomers.

    Everything is fast and all the details of the technology are hidden from them

    That being said I'm sure they will use technology in mind blowing ways. But have not idea how it works.

  • Nudism hal9001
    Ready for fall/winter?

    What are folks planning to do either in the final days of Summer? How will you continue enjoying nudism in the colder days of fall and winter?

    More stash == performance issues
  • And they have enough examples of other arpgs to know stash tabs matter. PoE for example you need tons of tabs and can buy more (not at all saying D4 should do that).

  • More stash == performance issues
  • Ain't that the truth 😂

  • More stash == performance issues
  • I was thinking the same thing....

  • More stash == performance issues Associate Game Director Explains Why Adding Stash Tabs Is Complicated - Icy Veins

    Blizzard explain why adding more space to the stash isn't a trivial matter and how the stash and player interaction systems are connected.

    Associate Game Director Explains Why Adding Stash Tabs Is Complicated - Icy Veins

    Turns out they can't easily add more stash tabs as the game pulls the entire stash for every person you encounter. This leads to memory and performance issues. They need to fix this before they can add more stash tabs.

    A Monday Bake! 🤤

    Let me know if anyone is interested in my process/recipe. I like to think it's pretty chill and best yet no waste! I'll type it up if there's any interest.

    And here is the crumb! Enjoy 🤤

    I'm pretty happy with this one. There is the large hole on the side, but generally it's pretty uniform.

    Fresh from the oven!

    82% hydration 10% whole white flour 90% KA Bread flour

    I'll grab a crumb shot tomorrow morning at breakfast 📷

    Strap-ons are dongles!
  • Brings a new meaning to #donglelife

  • Nudism hal9001
    Working from home

    I sure a lot of us are working from home for a portion of our time. I'm home about 60% of the time these days. I'm in so many meetings it's a real pain to dress and undress if I want to enjoy some nude time.

    What do other folks do? I'm thinking about making a no-camera Monday or something like that. Both to avoid camera fatigue with the team but also let me better enjoy working from home (especially in the summer).

    Would love to hear how other folks take advantage of working from home situations.

    French Gimlet French Gimlet

    A French gimlet is a sophisticated take on the classic! Three ingredients (St Germain, lime and gin) combine make a refreshing and chic cocktail. Here's a

    French Gimlet

    This has been a real hit lately. I usually make two at a time and use:

    • 4 oz gin
    • 3 oz St Germain
    • juice of one lime

    Shake and strain into cold glasses

    Nudism hal9001
    Summer Plans?

    cross-posted from:

    > Does anyone have any exciting plans to take advantage of the warm weather? I'm hoping I can make it to the beach this year... but I'm not holding my breath. Luckily, my deck is lovely and private.

    Pizza is bread too… right?

    Did a yeasted medium ferment (6 hours). It's always interesting to see how commercial yeast compares to sourdough. I always find the yeast is much stickier and it can't handle the heat as well.

    Used KA 00 pizza flour and cooked in a 12" ooni

    Feature request -- better contrasting top UI

    Now that groups are adding banners it can be really hard to see the UI against the banner. Maybe adding a border or computing a contrasting colour could make the UI stand out more

    My bake from the weekend!

    cross-posted from:

    > I used about 10% local stone ground and 90% KA Bread Flour. Hydration was 83%

    Feature request -- return to top

    It would be a great feature if when you are scrolling on the home screen and press the home button again it should return to the top and refresh. I was very used to that behaviour in Apollo 😁

    Thanks for all your hard work!!

    My bake from the weekend!

    I used about 10% local stone ground and 90% KA Bread Flour. Hydration was 83%

    hal9001 hal9001

    Hey Folks!

    I've escaped Reddit and fled to the fediverse (and trying really hard to not look back).

    My interests are all over with a small subset being:

    • Programming Language Design
    • Rust
    • Clojure
    • Game Dev
    • Cooking
    • Baking (especially bread)
    • Gaming
    Posts 13
    Comments 5