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Emma - You should’ve asked
  • Keep it civil everyone

  • Locked
    Now is the time to change the sub name
  • Anyone is welcome to make their own community but this one will stay as is. The propose of using this name was to bring in the people transitioning from Reddit to a familiar community name. You do not have to stay here if you do not like it however, any woman who identifies as a woman is welcome as stated in not one but two stickied posts as well as the header image.

  • Any woman is a woman (now accepting mod applications, see post for link)

    The official stance of this community is that any woman is a woman. If you identify as a woman, you are a woman and you are welcome here. We will not tolerate anti trans hate.

    Also sorry for mod absence, work has been CHAOS.

    We are now accepting mod applications! Please fill out the mod application if you'd like a chance to become a new mod here. Due to the nature of this community, please only apply if you identify as a woman.

    Has anyone else noticed that autocorrect/swipe has been getting worse lately?
  • Yes, it was unusable on my work tablet this week. Just making up weird ass words that make no sense. Division kept becoming driven like 20 times

  • does Adderall lose potency after a while?
  • I notice as a woman my body reacts different to my Adderall depending on my cycle

  • What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • I legit just bought one yesterday lol

  • Why is it so hot? Kyle Lybarger on TikTok

    Even as a forester I’m so tired of the tree planting campaigns. If you truly believe there’s a problem let’s use some common sense. Here’s how ecosystems have changed.. we have more trees than ever, while we’ve lost 99.9% of grasslands, we have 40 million acres of mowed grass. #nativehabitatproject ...

    What is your deepest desire right now?
  • To me, it just showed me that I can essentially do whatever I want to make myself happy. Work, not work, hobbies, whatever is right for the moment.

  • What is your deepest desire right now?
  • Yes, yes they are

  • What is your deepest desire right now?
  • I took 9 months off work (well kinda I did some freelance shit but I mostly got to not work). I did eventually get bored but it took 6 of those 9 months to actually get bored lol. It may have been different if I had enough money to do whatever I wanted but, I had enough to survive.

  • What is your deepest desire right now?
  • What have you tried so far?

  • What is your favourite sunscreen for workouts?
  • I've had good luck with physical sunscreens. Like blue lizard.

  • Someone you knew well and were delighted to see pass away ?
  • Basically how I feel that my mom's dead lol

  • What was your worst experience at work?
  • I've had a taste of that life and it's not for the faint of heart. Thank you for everything you did.

  • What's something that you learned about yourself recently?
  • It definitely takes time and that's ok.

  • What's something that you learned about yourself recently?
  • Yeah that sounds exhausting :(

  • What's something that you learned about yourself recently?
  • I thought that for a long time of my life. Turns out, all of my childhood my feelings, my likes and my dislikes were all invalidated constantly by everyone around me. Which lead me to have no idea who I was or what I wanted.

    Not saying that's the same case for you but, might be time to do some inner work.

  • What's something that you learned about yourself recently?
  • That's actually not true at all. If you got the TOVA test, it specifically states in their instructions that it will not diagnose someone who does that type of job for a living because you're immune to the tests criteria. So you could score a perfect normal score and still be very very ADHD.

  • What's something that you learned about yourself recently?
  • I'm recently diagnosed. Meds don't work for everyone (thankfully they do for me) but just knowing that was the problem has been so fucking life changing. It's made so much of my life make sense, it's allowed to to explore other options for how to make my life work for me, and I've been able to communicate at work my needs to be able to stay on task.

  • How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?
  • Ohhh what kind of racecar? I'm actually going after work to the shop to go scale our car. Cross is a bit off keeps getting a little loose at the corner exit.

    Also a woman btw

    Edit, just saw your other comment were racing very different cars but that's awesome!

  • Native Grasses Kyle Lybarger on TikTok

    This is a monoculture of Big Bluestem used for seed production. Our grasslands should be full of forbs, sedges, and other grasses. Biodiversity creates healthy grasslands! #nativehabitatproject #nativegrasses #beef #grasslands #prairies #conservation

    If you're going to plant grass, make it native to your area, wildlife depends on it.

    No Lawns and Native Plants Resources (request)

    I've seen 2 new awesome resources pop up in the comments this week (I haven't added them to the list yet my personal life is chaos right now). I'd love to know if you guys have come across any other books, websites, videos etc that you find very useful and informative to add to the list.

    Here is the current list of resources.

    I'd love to get as many resources as possible outside the US.

    Why native plants? Why Native Plants - Native Garden Designs

    Over thousands of years, wild plants have grown naturally, adapting to each region’s unique environmental conditions. When grown in your garden, native plants bring beauty and excitement to your yard, creating a welcoming sanctuary that can be enjoyed at home along with many other benefits. Connecti...

    Why Native Plants - Native Garden Designs

    Here's another link to Wild Ones explaining why to choose native plants over non natives.

    What natives do you have growing?

    Reddit comments getting reported

    I run a decent sized sub. I've noticed the last few days that all my sticky posts that say where else you can find us are getting mass reported. I usually have like 6 reports a week. I'm getting a report on every post made that gets the sticky all of a sudden. I just took the word "Lemmy" out and we'll see if that changes. Anyone else noticing something similar if you still have an account?

    Live in the US? Wild Ones added a few new garden plans Native Garden Designs - Wild Ones

    We want to help you create striking home landscapes that benefit wildlife and you.

    Native Garden Designs - Wild Ones

    Obviously these plans aren't inclusive of the entire US but from what I understand they are working on adding even more garden plans to their list.

    This can be beneficial if you live in any of these towns and would like to have a list or a plan for natives in your own yard and your don't know where to begin.

    Pleasant Forever Habitat Seed Store

    Just sharing this link since everyone always loves American meadows so much. The only issue I take with them is they sell seed packs that are "native to your area" and some are not.

    One of our Reddit mods has said he's had great luck with Pheasant Forever as a US based option who focuses on natives for habitat restoration.

    I've never used them personally but I wanted to drop it as a link since I had never heard of them before.


    How many of you make mead? I made my last small batch for Thanksgiving and I've just gotten caught up with life and other hobbies and forgot it existed until I saw this community.

    Why we shouldn't mow native praries (TikTok link) Kyle Lybarger on TikTok

    We figured the trails here would be enough to tell folks this is a Priaire until our signage was complete but we were wrong. Guess this is the time to double down on the invasives here! #nativehabitatproject #flintcreekprairie #conservation #grasslands #nativeplants #wildlife

    Kyle Lybarger on TikTok

    TLDR; killing off native species as well as their food supply and habitats.

    TwoXChromosomes has come to Lemmy! TwoXChromosomes - SLRPNK

    About A place for serious and silly content intended for women’s perspectives. (We are not the same mods as the Reddit r/twoxchromosomes [] sub) Rules We are currently following a modified version of r/TwoXChromosomes rules here [

    TwoXChromosomes - SLRPNK

    Let's see if I can get all this link formatting down haha.

    We are not the Reddit TwoXChromosomes but we did see that they did not exist here and all the search results happened to be users looking for it so here it is! If anyone from the Reddit 2x wants to mod, inbox me on reddit or lemmy, same username.

    No Lawns has come to Lemmy!

    Let's see if I can get all this link formatting down haha.

    No lawns has over 150k subs on Reddit and we're currently participating in the reddit protest (and will be depending on how our poll goes). I found and wanted to bring another bit of No Lawns over to lemmy.

    Our main goal is to promote native plants over non natives, create a healthier yard for everyone, and enjoy some pretty flowers.

    Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’ | Google Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’

    A study finds the search giant has profited since Roe was overturned from anti-abortion groups buying misleading search terms

    Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’

    Ripped from this reddit post here.

    That number is terrifying and what's even more terrifying is that google is able to do this with no consequences. Really makes you consider what other search results are getting skewed beyond belief

    Do you think your male partner should understand menstruation and / or birth control?

    Ripped from Reddit via u/cherrimsunshine -- I am not the OP

    I'm asking for perspective because I'm curious what other people's experiences are in this.

    My partner of 5 years basically doesn't know anything about how menstruation works or birth control for that matter. He basically just knows I get my period at the same time every month and sometimes it's rough. When we first started dating I let him know I was on birth control and he got offended because he didn't realize that I, like many others, used it for acne / hormone control. He thought I was just hooking up with a bunch of guys I guess. Which either way, not a good reaction, but his ignorance was shocking to me.

    On the other hand, around the time I got my first period, my dad actually taught me how menstruation works. My mom said he knew more than she did actually. He knew all about the cycles and ovulation, etc. I didn't realize how rare it was for a man to know this at the time.

    Anyways I just had to explain to my boyfriend something about how birth control works and wondered if anyone has a partner (I'm saying male partner because women are more likely to have an understanding) that has made an effort to understand how menstruation and / or birth control works. It's like every time I bring up something about my period or my birth control he's learning something for the first time. I guess it'd just be nice if he cared to learn since it is a big part of my life and we've been together for 5 years now. I kind of envy people whose partners keep up with their cycle. My boyfriend doesn't care to know because it doesn't immediately affect him but considering we both definitely don't want kids, you would think he'd care to at least understand the processes that keep my womb child-free?

    Also just for laughs, one time I told my boyfriend I had an appointment with my ob-gyn and he asked me why men don't have special doctors for their dicks. I was like uhh......because we...have full reproductive systems in our bodies.....? Lmfao.

    TLDR: My boyfriend doesn't know anything about menstruation or birth control. Do your partners know / care to learn about the processes?

    Thousands protest in Poland against strict abortion law after pregnant woman died of sepsis - ABC News Thousands protest in Poland against strict abortion law after pregnant woman died of sepsis

    Thousands of people have demonstrated across Poland against the country’s restrictive abortion law after a woman who was five months pregnant died of sepsis

    Thousands protest in Poland against strict abortion law after pregnant woman died of sepsis

    Reddit link here since I stole this topic from there.

    [Copy from Reddit May 2023] I am Doug Tallamy, New York Times best seller Nature’s Best Hope, founder of Home Grown National Park, and native plant advocate [Official AMA - Ask Me Anything]

    I am currently a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. I have also authored the New York Times best seller Nature’s Best Hope and I have authored and co-authored additional books such as Bringing Nature Hope, The Living Landscape, and The Nature of Oaks. In addition, I have authored over 100 research publications in my field.

    I have also founded Home Grown National Park which is a grass roots whos mission is: "To regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function because every human being on this planet needs diverse highly productive ecosystems to survive."

    Here is the link to our website with the copy and paste of the AMA and here is the link to the original Reddit AMA.


    [MINI FAQ] Do I have to be a woman to participate here? What about the sub name? What about trans women? What are the rules, anyway?

    Do I have to be a woman to participate in this community?

    No. Any user who can follow the rules is welcome here. Women, men, nonbinary, agender, genderqueer, cis folks and trans folks, everybody. If you're not on board with that, you can fuck right off.

    But what about the subreddit name?

    Read this post from when (The Reddit) 2XC was only a month old. We (They and now us) haven't changed our stance since then, and never will.

    What about trans women?

    Trans women are women. TERFS can fuck right off.

    What are the rules, anyway?

    We're currently using the Reddit twox rules you can find them below.

    TL;DR: Keep it civil, keep it relevant. Don't start shit, won't be shit.

    The beginning of Twoxchromosomes!

    I went searching for this and the only thing I could find were more people looking for a community similar to r/twoxchromosomes so I created it. I'm not a mod or a creator of the original subreddit, if any of those people find this and would like to join as a mod, absolutely let me know.

    Announcement: Sidebar Updated

    Hey all, updated the sidebar description with some links :) I tried to copy the reddit wiki as best I could to a free website so if there's any issues (or continuing the protests) with reddit we still have the information.

    Edit: Updated sub icon both here and reddit

    greatwhitebuffalo41 GreatWhiteBuffalo41

    Mod for

    Posts 24
    Comments 103