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Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’ | Google Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’

A study finds the search giant has profited since Roe was overturned from anti-abortion groups buying misleading search terms

Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’

Ripped from this reddit post here.

That number is terrifying and what's even more terrifying is that google is able to do this with no consequences. Really makes you consider what other search results are getting skewed beyond belief

  • There's an up and coming story about these pregnancy centers in Kentucky wherein regulations are so lax that they are performing vaginal ultrasounds using expired disinfectant. Thereby exposing their patients to HPV. It has been reported to relevant medical agencies and the conclusion has been that these are not subject to normal medical regulations. The also attempted to go to medical boards about the medical practitioners who are performing these potentially dangerous procedures but ultimately there were no penalties. 72 out of 120 counties in Kentucky are without an OB-GYN so in a lot of places these centers appear to be the only options.