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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Does the RSS feed link work for other people? Last I can see is April 20


  • Ex-TERF Island regime leader posing with Nazis
  • If the boneheads lie down on that carpet their camo suits and big round pink faces would render them invisible.

  • This incredibly based Chinese taxi driver
  • The apple from the tree of knowledge of good n evil.

  • This incredibly based Chinese taxi driver
  • It sounded in the video like she was just saying "Italian" (yi ta li ein).

  • You love to see it, folks.
  • Prosperity gospel?

    Yes they sure did.

    Wacky evangelicals <3 israel

  • Pictures like this remind me of the woman who's boyfriend mailed her a japanese skull in world war II.
  • That's heinous what is wrong with them.

    Why does that guy need so many magic markers.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Isn't it illegal in a lot of countries to serve in other militaries?

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • they have invented my brain, which is also a place where I can like things without worrying who might see it.

  • r/vexillology and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
  • idk I feel like when I very occasionally hear something from there it isn't terrible compared to the rest of them.

  • October 7 Survivors Sue Campus Protesters, Say Students Are “Hamas’s Propaganda Division”
  • ppl always posting paywalled intercept articles. do you all have subscriptions to it?

    the url to the text of the lawsuit is 404.

  • Are there still any versions of Linux sold in a box like in the 90s / 2000s?
  • How curious. Are you doing a play?

    You might have to DIY one if you don't want an old one. Certainly there are websites you could upload a PDF to that would print for you.

    I think the boxes made sense when they were for sale in a brick n mortar store because they are harder to steal and make the person feel like they are buying something when digital goods weren't such an instinctive idea. I doubt they would be shipped because they are big for no reason and would require a lot of packaging to keep from getting wrecked in transit vs a USB key in a bubble envelope.

    To buy linux in a box, you would have to find somewhere near you that is selling it in person. A computer store, a book store. Maybe a campus bookstore? They have a captive audience so sometimes can get away with stuff that doesn't otherwise make business sense.

  • UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter
  • Ah I distinctly remember the star of david day in the UN. Thought maybe they had kept up the act. Of course not because they do not really believe it. Such a vile thing to do; so fucking disrespectful. Not to mention being holocaust denialism via minimizing.

  • somebody's low battery alarm is driving me bananas
  • how can you forget when it reminds you minutely

  • somebody's low battery alarm is driving me bananas

    For the dunk tank I would like to submit whoever designed the fire alarm (or some other device) that has been chirping loooudly every 15 seconds for the past day. Probably has low batteries. I guess whichever of my neighbours is in charge of it isn't home to notice.

    I will assume it's a smoke detector or other legitimate safety device and not something stupid.

    It makes sense to alert rather than silently failing but how about every few minutes rather than multiple times every minute.

    This is good intentions gone bad so I think on topic but I will accept cancellation.

    Where do people buy things that don't break?
  • ha we are on the same trajectory. Used to have samsungs for about a decade, I bought the same model (A5?) twice in a row because I lost the first one and it was doing fine for me with whatever ROM I was using at that time.

    The thing with pixels is that some ROMs (like CalyxOS, which is really good) only work on them because of technical reasons I don't understand. So the shitty support is extremely frustrating.

    Last year I had to replace my last functional pixel it was so much BS trying to find one that actually had an unlocked bootloader, then screens broke immediately (2 phones in a row broke on the first bump after having them less than 1 week vs the 3a which I literally dropped hundreds of times) and prohibitive to repair. Oh and because they are not very popular, there aren't as many cases available for them as for other models. I ended up settling on a phone that doesn't work properly because I just got tired and everyone was annoyed at me for being unreachable.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General - 10 May 2024 - various interesting back n forths in here about palestine. Here is one about the UNRWA arsons vs shredding UN charter.

    hidden because it's kind of long

    Question: And one thing, today the Israeli Ambassador shredded the UN Charter; said that’s what people did in that, in that hall. What is the reaction of the Secretary-General on that image? Does he think they can do that? [cross talk]

    Deputy Spokesman: We’ve told you before that we don’t comment on the various remarks made by different ambassadors. And the theatrics, both in the past and the present, are things that are part and parcel of the presentations the Member States make. We don’t comment on those, but regarding the Charter, obviously, this is an organization that is premised on respect with the UN Charter, and all of the Member States have pledged to uphold the UN Charter, and we expect them to fulfil that obligation.

    Question: And do you feel uncomfortable to see that image in the TV?

    Deputy Spokesman: I’ve been around here a long time. I’ve seen a lot. Look… [cross talk] All I can tell you, look, that was a Charter. There’s many charters. [pulls out a copy of the United Nations Charter] There’s one right here. The Charter is intact. Its ideals are intact.

    Correspondent: You resurrected it.

    Deputy Spokesman: What?

    Correspondent: You resurrected it. [laughing] Good job.

    Deputy Spokesman: The Charter is something that will stay with us. And like I said, it’s the founding document of this organization. As long as this organization exists, the Charter exists.

    Question: Now that… Why I asked that question, because we saw the attack on UNRWA, and we know it might be some people who hated UNRWA, who had opinions on UN, they did that. But don’t you think this kind of behaviour by the Israeli Ambassador, actually… how to say that? Infused this kind of behaviour, infused this attack for UNRWA, for those people who stopped the trucks, aid trucks, to cross the Kerem Shalom border crossings?

    Deputy Spokesman: Well, those are separate things. Obviously, a piece of paper is a piece of paper and theatrics are theatrics… [cross talk]

    Question: But those…

    Deputy Spokesman: We are against, we are clearly and strictly against threats made on our personnel and our facilities. Those are irresponsible, they’re wrong, they have to stop.

    Question: But it’s not connected, you think?

    Deputy Spokesman: We have seen so much. You can go over the history of the UN and all the speeches that happened. You know, different moments when people use different props. Their own shoes, their… the various resolutions of the Security Council that got crumpled up by different people; we’ve seen it all. We rise above that. This is an organization of diplomacy, and we encourage diplomacy.

    Someone then, uh, tactfully changes the topic to Somalia.

    Is there a Zionist ideology against the UN, or is it just a practical conclusion they are reaching?

  • Where do people buy things that don't break?
  • There is a subreddit called "buy it for life" abbreviated to bifl it is worth searching.

  • Where do people buy things that don't break?
  • I'm gonna dispute the rec on pixels. I had to give up on them (and therefore the Roms that only support them :( ). I think they might have gotten worse over the years. I had a 3a for a long time but after I had to replace that I couldn't find anything stable.

    When they break the parts are $$$$ to replace. Guy at the phone repair place told me its cause they are niche so not a lot of 3rd party manufacturer. Can only buy from google. When my screen broke it would have cost more to fix than the whole thing costed to buy on eBay.

    Better to buy a more popular device, can get parts more likely.

  • UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter – video

    The vote was a resounding expression of world opinion in favour of Palestinian statehood and Israel delivered a fiery denunciation of the resolution

    UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter – video
    is cth friends with joe rogan

    I was listening to recent true anon with Tom O'Neill. It sounded like he said that chapo got him on joe rogan. it was kind of mumbly and there was noise in the background where I was at so not sure if I heard it properly. something about jfk stuff.

    the impression i got is that cth made an introduction or something.

    are they friends

    when a lemmy comment is deleted is it supposed to be really deleted?

    I found a way to retrieve the text of comments deleted by user or mod. I don't think it is an issue of federated instances not respecting the deletion.

    Is it a bug?

    Or is "deleting" always really just "hiding"?

    you thought it was a joke but it wasn't?

    For years I thought "Bring Em Young University" was a joke about the mormon practice of marrying girls to old men. Come to find out the religion was started by a guy "Brigham Young" after whom an actual university is named and nobody thinks that's weird at all.

    I thought "Joe Mansion" was some kind of bizarro world "Joe the Plumber". Maybe joking about rich conservatives putting on affectations of being working class. He is actually a politician and his name is spelled "Manchin" and some people seem to think he's on the left.


    For a long time I hated markdown.

    Now I love it.

    What do you think?

    Prison Telecom Monopolies & Michigan Counties Sued For Kickback Deals That Banned In-Person Visits To Boost Phone And Video Revenues Prison Telecom Monopolies & Michigan Counties Sued For Kickback Deals That Banned In-Person Visits To Boost Phone And Video Revenues

    However terrible telecom monopolies are in the free world, they’re arguably worse in prisons. For decades, journalists and researchers have outlined how a select number of prison telecom giants lik…

    Prison Telecom Monopolies & Michigan Counties Sued For Kickback Deals That Banned In-Person Visits To Boost Phone And Video Revenues

    > from the do-not-pass-go,-do-not-collect-$200 dept > > Wed, Apr 10th 2024 05:29am - Karl Bode > > However terrible telecom monopolies are in the free world, they’re arguably worse in prisons. For decades, journalists and researchers have outlined how a select number of prison telecom giants like Securus have enjoyed a cozy, government-kickback based monopoly over prison phone and teleconferencing services, resulting sky high rates (upwards of $14 per minute at some prisons) for inmate families. > > Most of these pampered monopolies have shifted over to monopolizing prison phone videoconferencing as well. And the relationship between government and monopoly is so cozy, several of these companies, like Securus, have been caught helping to spy on privileged attorney client communications. > > There’s not much in the way of oversight, so the problem just keeps evolving. Case in point: Ars Technica notes that a civil rights group has filed a two new lawsuits against two Michigan counties, two county sheriffs, and two prison monopolies, Securus and Viapath (formerly known as Global Tel*Link Corporation, or GTL. > > The lawsuits allege that Michigan banned in-person visits in order to maximize revenue from voice and video calls as part of a “quid pro quo kickback scheme” with prison phone companies. It’s something the group states has become increasingly common over the last decade as telecom monopolies lobby governments and private prison contractors to ban in-person visits to make more money: > > “Why has this happened? The answer highlights a profound flaw in how decisions too often get made in our legal system: for-profit jail telecom companies realized that they could earn more profit from phone and video calls if jails eliminated free in-person visits for families. So the companies offered sheriffs and county jails across the country a deal: if you eliminate family visits, we’ll give you a cut of the increased profits from the larger number of calls. This led to a wave across the country, as local jails sought to supplement their budgets with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash from some of the poorest families in our society.” > > Much like telecoms out in the broader free world, government has such a cozy relationship with telecom monopolies, the incentive to hold them accountable for much of anything is largely muted. In instances like domestic surveillance, it’s often impossible to determine where government ends and private monopolies like AT&T begin. > > One lawsuit documents how Securus lobbied to have in-person visits eliminated and video kiosks installed where in-person visitation centers used to be. A contract was signed that doled out kickbacks to government so they got a big chunk of the revenue, incentivizing prisons to keep inmate populations high: > > “Securus pays the County 50% of the $12.99 price tag for every 20-minute video call and 78% of the $0.21 per minute cost of every phone call. The contract promises the County an entirely new revenue stream, as well as a minimum guaranteed annual payment of $190,000 paid up front. And the contract gives Securus the right to terminate its video call service or pay the County less money if the jail population decreases by more than 5% or if > the jail fails to ensure a minimum number of monthly paid video calls.” > > Much with the broader prison industrial complex, it’s not hard to see how perverse financial incentives point in all the wrong directions. It’s also not hard to see how this sort of relationship can easily be sold to cash-hungry counties and municipalities as more profitable, safer, and more secure. A win all around, unless you’re a poor inmate family member with limited resources and no personal lobbyists. > > Efforts to do something about prison telecom monopolies were scuttled by FCC boss Ajit Pai, whose former clients included Securus. Pai not only routinely opposed efforts by ex-FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn to drive change in the prison telco sector, one of his very first acts as FCC boss was to pull the rugs out from underneath his own lawyers as they tried to support those reforms in court (they, as intended, lost).

    A-Z of a Miner's Wife [struggle]



    inspo: ambitions of 1987


    > 1987 (made) > > Artist/Maker: Handprint Community Worskshop (print-makers) > > Place of origin: Kirklees (made)

    > Brief description: Poster depicting the outline of Africa and an automatic weapon, 'Death Aid Presents White South Africa', made by Handprint Community Workshop, designed and printed by Art Raiders, 1987 > > Physical description: Laminated, portrait oriented, poster consisting of a white background with black writing, an outline of Africa filled in with fluorescent red and a black stenciled image of an automatic weapon.

    > [printed by anarchists]

    cheap n cheerful handheld that lets you save progress

    I had this RS-1 Plus handheld gaming console. I liked it because:

    • comes with lots of games
    • cheap I think about $15
    • fairly comfortable and has actual buttons not like trying to play a game on a phone
    • fun to play for a little while but not toooo fun that it can't be put down

    main problem was it wouldn't save any progress even when the game seemed to allow it. I guess it just doesn't have any writable storage or however they got the games didn't include that function.

    is there something similarly low end and simple that allows saving? I don't want to DIY.

    See this weirdly sarcastic blog post about the RS devices for some info hal of which I don't understand.

    i wish i could have silenced this but the questions keep popping into my head

    i don't know anything about trucks much less truck-human mating please forgive my ignorance comrades.

    lecturing teenagers about tap water

    a little while ago i was on the public transit in the morning. since i have a regularish work schedule these days i see the same people here and there.

    me (and everyone else) was overhearing a conversation by 2 teens. one of them was saying they only drink bottled water at school because they suspect lead contamination in the pipes. (the kids at this school look like rich kids, i don't think there is probably lead but it's not totally impossible i guess.)

    after listening to this for a little while i turned around and gave that person friendly but firm lecture that if they think there is lead they should get a testing kit (which is free). [edit: and i told them how to do that.] why let other people drink water with lead? lead is very bad. if there is lead, you could be a hero for finding out. if not actually interested enough to do that, stop being a snob and drink the tap water because municipal water is a gift and you should appreciate it. then it was time for everyone to disembark.

    now i see this person sometimes and we mutually actively ignore each other.

    what do you think?

    what are these memes what do they have to do with replacement knobs

    I was on ali express and I saw this review. Below are all the memes which were included in the review of the item. Which I guess is a part for a game controller. What is it about? The original comment is

    > Tudo certo. Recomendo. Cuidado o Nine vai lhe taxar. Fez o L? Toma 92%. Se ficar P é pior tá ok?

    And the machine translated in english is

    > All right. I recommend it. Careful the nine will tax you. Did the l? Makes 92%. If staying p is worse ok?

    ! ! ! ! !

    ICJ orders Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza but not to end war (and write a report about it) ICJ ruling: UN top court orders Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza but not to end war - BBC News

    The UN's top court stops short of issuing emergency measures ordering a halt to military operations in Gaza.

    ICJ ruling: UN top court orders Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza but not to end war - BBC News

    Summary of the ways Israel is still not allowed to do genocide:

    > 1. Israel must take all measures to prevent any acts that could be considered genocidal - killing members of a group, causing bodily harm, inflicting conditions designed to bring about the destruction of a group, preventing births > 2. Israel must ensure its military does not commit any genocidal acts > 3. Israel must prevent and punish any public comments that could be considered incitement to commit genocide in Gaza > 4. Israel must take measures to ensure humanitarian access > 5. Israel must prevent any destruction of evidence that could be used in a genocide case > 6. Israel must submit a report to the court within one month of this order being given

    This was after reading into the official record a litany of evils which they seem to be accepting as undisputed facts.

    WIkipedia Talk: "South Africa v. Israel (Genocide Convention)" vs "South Africa's genocide case against Israel"

    At South Africa v. Israel (Genocide Convention) - Wikipedia:

    > A request that this article title be changed to South Africa's genocide case against Israel is under discussion. Please do not move this article until the discussion is closed.

    Edit: Someone with a wikipedia account please link them to the ICJ page which is titled "Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)"

    Wording of South Africa's ICJ application re ceasefire

    It is useful to compare the order that was requested vs the one that was provided. I don't find the text of the ICJ ruling available yet, maybe it will be posted here when it is ready.

    They basically said about 6 different ways that Israel has to refrain from genocide, stop genocide, etc, but not "ceasefire".

    Transcript of South Africa's submissions regarding provisional measures:

    > 22. If any military operation, no matter how carefully it is carried out, is carried out pursuant to an intention to destroy a “people”, in whole or in part, it violates the Genocide Convention and it must stop. That is why all military operations capable of violating the Genocide Convention must cease.

    (And Transcript of Israel's submissions regarding provisional measures in case you want to check something there.)

    glans glans [it/its]
    Posts 28
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