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Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • Its interesting that when its a step in the authoritarian or right-wing direction, its always possible. When its a step towards humanism or the left, its never possible or only ever an epsilon of progress.

    Why do you think that is?

    Because people are, in fact, pretty right-wing authoritarian.

    The idea that voters exist along a symmetrical distribution is the mistake you are making. People are not randomly coming up with their beliefs and there is no reason you should assume it would follow a gaussian.

    I never said that it was a symmetrical or normal distribution. I am well aware that it is not. But it is still a distribution.

    And people do come up with their own beliefs. It's not as if you can just tell them what to believe. People's will comes first, parties and their ideas come second.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • The brain structures develop to help us navigate through the environment. So of course, at times where an inner monologue is helpful, we will probably have one.

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • US Democrats could have done this a decade ago. They could have codified abortion rights. They could have made so many things a priority: they choose not to. I owe nothing to a failed approach to politics.

    I must correct you there. There is a theory that says that politics has to fulfill the will of its average voter. It can not lean further left than that. Otherwise it looses voters on the righter side.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • It's fascinating to me, too.

    I have seen everything by now: People who think that only sociopaths have an inner monologue. People who think an inner monologue would be useful, but can't quite lean in on the concept. People who are confused that some people don't have an inner monologue. People getting angry at me for even "questioning" the inner monologue, as if it was holy.

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • Society is like a big vehicle. It takes time to change its course. Calm down.

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • quod erat expectandum?

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • that was 8 seconds. close one, i saved us all

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • tar -cf file.tar directory/

  • new copy pasta dropped
  • I think the "punk" part is about taking a stance, even against the odds and against the system. As such, it can be both revolutionary, and connecting.

    It doesn't matter whether the prospects are good or not. Earlier generations had limited success against the industrial meat grinder, but this time we can do it. Believe in yourself.

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room
  • This is genuinely a good idea. Collecting knowledge always helps.

  • Migration to UK has failed to boost economic growth, warns report
  • According to a new study from the Centre for Policy Studies, migration to the UK is putting pressure on housing, public services and infrastructure.

    You know what else is putting pressure on housing, public services and infrastructure? Everything. So, you want to shut down everything?

  • Removed
    Arrest of journalist Olga Fedorova (Alex Kent, New York, May 8 2024)
  • If you think political activism is hot, then yes.

  • Trust me bro
  • Dress for the revolution you want to see.

  • Boring ass planet
  • I think it should be "big enough to hypothetically hold an atmosphere".

  • Photovoltaik statt Gemüseacker – darum ist ein Bauer so sauer
  • Das ist ja das Wesen einer Pacht oder der Miete: Man bekommt für die vertraglich vereinbarte Zeit die Nutzungsrechte. Darüber hinaus muss man damit rechnen, dass man sie nicht wieder bekommt.

    Tatsächlich ja, aber:

    Es ist üblich, Ackerflächen mehrmals hintereinander an den selben Bauern zu verpachten. Bauern brauchen langfristige Planungssicherheit, und darum macht man das so.

    Dass die Ackerfläche nicht mehr an den gleichen Bauern vermietet wird, ist kein Rechtsbruch, aber durchaus unüblich.

  • Canada to start taxing tech giants in 2024 despite U.S. complaints Canada to start taxing tech giants in 2024 despite U.S. complaints - BNN Bloomberg

    Canada will start applying a proposed tax on the world’s biggest technology companies this year, despite threats from American lawmakers to carry out trade reprisals against a levy that will primarily hit U.S. firms.

    Canada to start taxing tech giants in 2024 despite U.S. complaints -  BNN Bloomberg
    rule of the four-leaved clover

    Other example would be "all men have penis". Accusing someone for "faking their identity".
