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Mean Old Acids
  • Haha lol

  • Mean Old Acids
  • I don't get it...

  • It was only a fish!
  • Is there something special about this? You could look at any point in evolution and say, how did evolution produce this diversity afterwards.

  • Leg day, bros
  • Well, the only "evidence" in the video is the commentator repeatedly saying that these centipedes are creepy and horrible. But they also mention how important their role in the ecosystem is. So, I think it is a pretty cool animal! But I don't get why people would be creeped out by centipedes in the first place.

  • Leg day, bros
  • That's so mean :'(

  • Bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that.
  • From what I have read about this whole issue, it is certainly much more complex. Yes, antibiotics overuse in factory farming is certainly dangerous in that it can create antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria that we at some point cannot control. There are also huge problems with viruses in factory farming. Generally it isn't a good idea to have so many animals close together, it gives much more opportunities for diseases to spread. Especially because the animals that are used have an incredibly low gene pool and are maximally stressed I'd assume.

    But another opportunity for diseases to jump from animals to humans is wild animals. By destroying more and more natural habitats, people also get in closer contact with wild animals. Like covid 19 most likely spread from wild animals to humans. So, habitat and biodiversity loss are also important risk factors increasing the potential for diseases to cross over to humans.

    In my opinion, we should stop keeping animals altogether, as well as plant monocultures and should try to conserve as much habitats as possible.

  • Evidence
  • I haven't seen this meme before but the person in the upper right and middle left look the same. And the rest of the panels look like one other person. Matches with the shoulder strap another person commented on. Probably someone took two different commercials of the same product and stitched them together.

  • Grass is Greener
  • Peanuts too ;)

  • Anti-Capitalist Affirmations
  • Oh sure, you are totally right about that. I didn't mean for you to feel attacked or anything. I was trying to discuss if the meme actually did play into some lefty norms of its own. Since you already took up this position I just tried arguing from the opposite position. There are definitely a lot of norms in lefty culture as well, what you describe as "absolute" I guess. And imo it is crucial to keep reflecting upon this and be vary of those norms.

  • Garfield
  • Haha thanks for the explanation :) Actually figuring out that Jon cannot hear Garfields thoughts and that Garfield is always a step ahead of him made it much easier to understand

  • I'm the God of R.
  • Exactly, pretty fun!

  • Anti-Capitalist Affirmations
  • Hm, maybe that is your own insecurity with the subject speaking? Because the affirmations clearly state that "you don't need to" and not that you shouldn't. Obviously it is fine to capitalize on your passion. But often when you are really interested in any topic or good at something, you get told by all sorts of people that you should make money out of it. So there is a certain societal pressure based on capitalism to do so. And these affirmations just state that you don't need to. But it is with stay at home moms maybe. You sure can stay at home and do the household and care for the kids etc. But you definitely don't need to and it is important to get the message out that these expectations are highly problematic. Same goes for the expectation to capitalize on your interests.

  • Electric Aviation is already better than you think - Volts with David Roberts
  • Yeah, especially since even self-driving cars prove to be a much bigger headache to accomplish than anticipated. If we cannot even figure those out in so many years, it will take even longer to add a whole other dimension to all the variability.

  • Garfield
  • I don't get it. What is the progression in this supposed to be?

  • Cats
  • Well, fuck the idea of moral sin as well! I don't care about it either.

  • I'm the God of R.
  • Not using the tidyverse I see...

  • Style + Ease
  • Oh funny, in the wiki article it mentions black coral to be megafauna. Never thought of corals as megafauna, fascinating!

  • Wasps
  • Well, spiders, mosquitoes and ticks all play an important role as well ;)

    In order to get less parasites maybe we should let the biosphere do its thing and through less disturbance we would probably be less affected as well.

  • Capitalists: capitalism is the only system that lets you chase your dreams…
  • And how much crappy art was pushed to popularity just because it was more easily marketable. To be popular you have to somewhat sell out and there are probably thousands of marginalized artists no one ever discovered because of that :/

  • Wie sich der Körpergeruch verändert: Moschus, Käse und Urin
  • Interessanter Artikel, aber da kommt nirgendwo irgendwas von Ernährung vor. Hast du den falschen Artikel verlinkt?

    Und zudem sind solche Artikel immer runtergebrochen auf ein unterkomplexes Niveau, wo viele Nuancen fehlen. Wenn der Spiegel schon schreibt "aber nicht nur wegen all der versprühten Chemie", kannst du erahnen, dass sie es mit einem wissenschaftlichen Ansatz nicht so ernst nehmen...

  • My garden is full of bees! So many Osmia, Andrena and Bombus individuals everywhere ♥

    (Description: Image of Osmia bicornis (I think) chilling on a leaf and cleaning itself.)

    Wholesome interview with Kris Tyson

    I'm usually not paying a lot of attention to Mr. Beast and such, but recently one of them came out as trans and so I was interested in how it went. Found this wholesome interview with Kris and thought to share here. Hope you can enjoy it as much :)

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