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If you owned a magic library people donated to in order to preserve media for eternity but which was going through overpopulation, what criteria would you use to decide which media survived/discarded?
    1. Drop accounting and commercial transaction documents. Invoices, receipts, shipping declarations, etc... Sure it could be interesting to future archeologists but it makes the huge majority of all documents generated by humanity. We still have millions of untranslated accounting docs from ancient Mesopotàmia. It not really that useful.

    2. Content published in less than 1000 copies, or read/watched less than 1000 times if online. Fanfiction, self published books and so on. Again it's a loss for a couple of niche future historians. You drop a significant % of storage, but even minor works representing our society remain.

  • China is banning ‘wealth-flaunting’ behavior on social media
  • You know what happens when an entire nation is exposed to luxurious lifestyles of an extremely wealthy minority?

    Revolution. Revolution happens.

    Chinese politicians know this fact too well, that's why they're trying to make rich people hide their wealth.
    I mean actually fixing the problem is out of the question, that would be communism.

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • I really don't get the Nazi belief system.

    1. Some races are superior to others and naturally must rule
    2. Despite all persecutions, Jews are immensely powerful and secretly control the world

    According to their own philosophy they should be willingly serving the superior race - Jews

  • Ecosia and DuckDuckGo seem to be down. What is going on?
  • DDG and Ecosia both use Bing as a provider for some of their results.
    Something is currently broken on the side of Bing, and none of the search engines that use it as a source is able to get any results.

  • Like you never forgot a platoon in a foreign country

    Full story is even wilder and includes an army of gangsta rap fanatics


    JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • She's right to compare them. Both are assigned to you based on some physical and social characteristics and can predetermine your life to an extreme degree.
    Ethnicity and gender are very similar in their core, in the way they exist as a social construct, or "collective hallucination" as I like to call it.

    What's she's wrong at is thinking either is an immutable biological fact.

  • Aircraft carried aircraft carrier

    There's more on this guy's Instagram page, so inconvenient to share...

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