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What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? 15 April
    • Just finished The Silmarillion, by Tolkien. Difficult to read but this is really a must read for better understanding of Tolkien universe. I, of course, read several times LOTR and the hobbit but first time for this one.
    • Started The Gathering, by C.J. Tudor which was just published a few days ago.
  • Are you registered to donate your organs? Why or why not?
  • I'm volunteer to donate because of I accidentally die, rather that it deserve someone who would have more luck than me rather than no one.

    Now in Belgium it works a bit differently. Everyone is, by default, considered as a donor.

    You can then register to either refuse it or to impose it whatever your family says.

    This is because the law is that the doctors must always ask the family if they are ok to give organs from diseased family member even with the "by default donor", with the registration you can say "don't ask my family and just do it".

    This can be used in two situation in my opinion, the first one being family that have different conviction and may refuse despite the opinion of the diseased. The second situation (mine) being not wanting to worry grieving family with one more difficult decision to take.

  • Why do Google searches not give maps links anymore?
  • Coming back to this after a while trying out. Qwant is indeed very nice in Europe at least. I tested it and adopted it, I also like the fact it have a map based on OSM which is nicer than the Apple thing in DDG.

  • Do you usually purchase digital or physical books? Why?
  • I purchase mostly digital books because I use to read at night next to my sleeping partner and e-reader is the easiest way for me. Also O don't have a very big house to store all. Now from a piracy vs purchase point of view: I actually buy ebooks as a mark of support to authors I like very much. Now I must confess that for some very popular authors, I trend to think that one book pirated or one book bought won't change a lot for them. So I buy mostly less known or indie authors at the end.

  • How do you follow your favorite authors ?

    As almost every readers, I have some favorite authors from which I like to read everything they publish. But I wonder how I can efficiently "follow" their publication. Do you know about a service (free, at least as in free beer, at best from the foss world)which can offer such syndication? I'm thinking about a personalized rss feed, or a e-mail, or any way. For the moment, I just look from time to time to their website or social media page but the issues I have are:

    • I look when I think about it (it would be better to be somehow notified)
    • It's time consuming and inefficient
    Blocking a user behaves more like mute. Proper blocking needed to prevent harassment.
  • Indeed, I was focusing mainly in the fact that there is not a easy solution to completely avoid this problem. Now indeed being able to mute, to ban or to "report" an user to his instance admin could be useful tools even if they are not the full solution.

  • Blocking a user behaves more like mute. Proper blocking needed to prevent harassment.
  • Now Lemmy can implement anything but nothing could ever prevent blocked/muted user to create another account in order to continue harassment.

    But it's not specific to Lemmy and same with anything open on internet.

    I think the only way to prevent such issue would be a system which would require to prove identity in some way in order to create a single account. But this is completely against the openness of a federated network.

  • Everforest (green accent) like theme for Photon

    Based on the awesome job of documenting the stuff and applying it to solarized, I tried to do the same with my vim favorite theme: everforest. It's far from perfect (I'm not at all a designer), feel free to improve your way (and share updates in comments). The zinc theme is probably more refined because I use only this one, I tried to make slate match the palette but as I'm not using it it's more difficult.

    A screenshot: !

    { "other": { "white": "#FDF6E3", "black": "#002b36" }, "primary": { "100": "#A7C080", "900": "#8DA101" }, "zinc": { "50": "#D3C6AA", "100": "#A7C080", "200": "#DBBC7F", "300": "#D3C6AA", "400": "#D3C6AA", "500": "#D3C6AA", "600": "#4F585E", "700": "#4F585E", "800": "#425047", "900": "#232A2E", "925": "#2D353B", "950": "#2D353B" }, "slate": { "25": "#FDF6E3", "50": "#FDF6E3", "100": "#EFEBD4", "200": "#E0DCC7", "300": "#E0DCC7", "400": "#D3C6AA", "500": "#5C6A72", "600": "#5C6A72", "700": "#5C6A72", "800": "#5C6A72", "900": "#8DA101", "950": "#8DA101" } }

    Why do Google searches not give maps links anymore?
  • I've also used Startpage and DuckDuckGo, they all have their strengths

    Can you develop? Why do you prefer qwant over ddg for example.

    I also dropped Google search mainly for two reason. First privacy, making money with my private data and so on. Then I find Google search is less and less good, the first thing being that sponsored links are first even if they don't match well the search keywords and even not looking at sponsored links I think the results are much worse than in the past.

    I now use duckduckgo and I'm happy with it but I can try something else.

  • Featured
    Photon v1.28.0 - Themes!
  • Is there some documentation somewhere about what the colors "label" are used for ? I would be interested to make the app look like the theme I use in my gvim I use for development.

  • Featured
    Photon v1.28.0 - Themes!
  • Very nice feature this theming :) And your example theme is also very nice, in general I always use dark themes but the Photon default one was too dark for me (maybe this could become the default of many users other than me prefer it).

  • Today I learned fievel
    TIL the etymology of british isles names

    cross-posted from: >Pretty interesting video ...

    TIL the etymology of british isles names

    Pretty interesting video ...

    What do you think would improve your Lemmy experience?
  • On a user level I agree it's a very good feature (if configurable, not just an automatic grouping of similarly named communities). For merging post, not sure I want that, perhaps a bit too smart... Now if many users want this why not (as long as there is a setting to turn it off ;)).

  • What do you think would improve your Lemmy experience?
  • Indeed this would really be a game changer feature. However I don't complain about community fragmentation, I think it's great because the communities are not really identical but share the same topic, sometimes with different tone, moderation, ...

  • What ereaders does everyone have?
  • With my Clara HD, I can upload with calibre but what I do more often is to convert epub to kobo specific one Kepubify. The reader can read regular epub but you don't have book progression, meta data etc the same as with the kepub.

    Then put the result on a local web server (even possible on android if you're on the go). I then use the built-in kobo web browser (in beta menu) to browse and download the book.

  • What ereaders does everyone have?
  • Kobo Clara HD. Pretty old now (I bought it in 2018), but it still got updates. I'm very satisfied with it (well I've not tested any other). Perhaps the only drawback if I had to change would be to have some kind of physical button to turn pages, but with the configuration options that it have it's really not necessary.

  • Am I the only software engineer greatly worried and disturbed by AI ?

    Ok let's give a little bit of context. I will turn 40 yo in a couple of months and I'm a c++ software developer for more than 18 years. I enjoy to code, I enjoy to write "good" code, readable and so.

    However since a few months, I become really afraid of the future of the job I like with the progress of artificial intelligence. Very often I don't sleep at night because of this.

    I fear that my job, while not completely disappearing, become a very boring job consisting in debugging code generated automatically, or that the job disappear.

    For now, I'm not using AI, I have a few colleagues that do it but I do not want to because one, it remove a part of the coding I like and two I have the feeling that using it is cutting the branch I'm sit on, if you see what I mean. I fear that in a near future, ppl not using it will be fired because seen by the management as less productive...

    Am I the only one feeling this way? I have the feeling all tech people are enthusiastic about AI.

    Lemmy (active) users # seems to stabilize

    Number of (active) Lemmy users seems to stabilize and I think this is a great thing. Indeed we got a lot of users when reddit shutdown its API (I was among them despite being a long time oss user), many have left, but the community seems now to stabilize to ~ ½ of the big grow in june '23. I think this is very nice for lemmy, we can be proud of this project.

    The stats come from:

    Dongle recomendations

    I want to get started with home automation, probably based on a raspberry pi (or as of now with my banana pi which is my home server) and either openHAB or home assistant. My goal is, first, to put some temperature/humidity sensors in varous rooms and leak detector in my basement where I had some issues with the main drain. I wonder if you have some recomendations for a usb dongle for zigbee and/or z-wave compatible with linux, not too expensive but good enough if I want to extend the network later. I read about SONOFF-ZB USB Dongle Plus Zigbee 3.0 available on Chinese websites. What do you think?

    Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance

    cross-posted from:

    > Wow, things have changed since I last posted in /c/fediverse. Here are the top five most active instances based on monthly active users: > - 19516 > - 3779 > - 2970 > - 2355 > - 2293 > > Source: >

    A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor

    In a profound loss to the world of computing and software development, Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed

    A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor

    cross-posted from:

    > Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed away at the age of 62. The family announced his passing in a heartfelt Google Groups message on August 5, revealing a sudden progression of a medical condition that had afflicted him.

    A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor

    In a profound loss to the world of computing and software development, Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed

    A Tribute to Bram Moolenaar, The Maestro Behind Vim Code Editor

    cross-posted from:

    > Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed away at the age of 62. The family announced his passing in a heartfelt Google Groups message on August 5, revealing a sudden progression of a medical condition that had afflicted him.

    IRM-RMI forecast data API

    Do you know if the IRM-RMI ( have a public API to provide forecast data ?

    I seen that some open source application provide data from meteo-france for France which provides much more accurate forecast locally than the global worldwide models. It would be nice to be able to submit a PR with focus on Belgium.

    Twitter client privacy friendly with notification

    As I'm not using it actively for months and want to stop using it, I want to delete my Twitter account. However I still have one use-case that prevents me doing that. My city local police is sending some traffic related news only on Twitter and I use the notification functionality of Twitter official client to be informed as soon as they post something.

    I have tested some open source Twitter client which works pretty well for looking at content in my opinion but none of them have the capacity to push a notification when a post is done in a specific followed account.

    Do you have some recommendations (it would be best if it's open source but I'm not completely closed to "free as in free beer" alternatives) ?


    GitHub - fievel/lemmy_backup: A script to backup/restore from one lemmy instance GitHub - fievel/lemmy_backup: A script to backup/restore from one lemmy instance

    A script to backup/restore from one lemmy instance - GitHub - fievel/lemmy_backup: A script to backup/restore from one lemmy instance

    I made a script based on plemmy and LemmyHttp API to be able to backup the list of registered communities and user profile (for now, that's just the biography). It output in human-readable format on console and have an option to output in a json file. The next step will be to provide also a script to restore such json backup to another lemmy instance or user.

    I decided to do this small development following the sudden disappearance of instance which resulted in the lost of all my subscribed communities.

    Backup script for Lemmy

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello, do you know about a script or app or so that can backup data from a Lemmy instance as an end-user? > At least the list of subscribed communities, settings, profile (bio) should be nice. > I've been on VLemmy and lost one full evening trying to figure out what my subscription were (well not completely lost my time I also discovered new communities), but I want to avoid that in the future. > If this doesn't exist yet I may develop it but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone and someone did it already...

    Backup script for Lemmy

    Hello, do you know about a script or app or so that can backup data from a Lemmy instance as an end-user? At least the list of subscribed communities, settings, profile (bio) should be nice. I've been on VLemmy and lost one full evening trying to figure out what my subscription were (well not completely lost my time I also discovered new communities), but I want to avoid that in the future. If this doesn't exist yet I may develop it but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone and someone did it already...

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    C++ Software Engineer Big interest in OpenSource communities for years now. 20+ years linux user. But a newbies in fediverse, had heard about it before but needed the help of twitter (for mastodon) and reddit changes to give a real try. Also a fan of Stephen King books. Was

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