enemenemu @ enemenemu @lemm.ee Posts 4Comments 65Joined 2 wk. ago
I've got the same problem since a month or two with another dyndns provider. That's not specific to the dydns provider. It is the router. Yet I have no idea how to fix it, and I am too lazy currently.
I'm on graphene, btw.
Fedora is called fed. Ubuntu is ubu. Laptop is laptop 🌝
I run grapheneos since a couple of years and I love it.
That doesn't use osm. Imo, it is just not as good
Scheint nich besonders geheim gewesen zu sein wenn es direkt die ganze welt erfährt
Sounds like a good solution as well
I run nextcloud on my machine. If there's a crack, there would be one in their hosted instance as well. There's nothing really I can do about security of it.
Starke Position der Grünen
I agree. But the steps are not exclusive. You can create "communities" on another platform as well. You just tell everyone on facebook that official annnouncements are on the other platform and people think its 7331 and move to it because they want to be part of.
People should pay for foss. Donations are oftentimes welcome
Don't feel bad for using it for your business.
As you said, a free post is better than paid ads somewhere else. And you don't use it personally, that's the great part. Moreover, you use lemmy. Kudos to you
People join facebook groups to boycott american products.
Do what hurts them most. Delete facebook, delete twitter.
Zwischen sich gemobbt fühlen und tatsächlich gemobbt werden liegt ein Unterschied. Dass 20 und >50 jährige das gleiche Verständnis von mobben haben bezweifle ich auch.
Das interessiert aber wohl niemanden
Falls es jemanden interessiert https://nlnet.nl/donating/
A really cool app is wanderer https://github.com/Flomp/wanderer
It's not directly what you asked but it is cool
To me, it's cooler than komoot and outdooractive but it's not social consumer ready
Thx, thats not it
Wenn du aus bayern wegziehst, dann word die csu stärker, also bleib bitte da.
Maybe Jtxboard with nextcloud
It makes me sad that you had to spend so much time with this topic. But thank you for publishing it ❤️
And I'm happy to share more details.
Process wise: we finally have a Governing Board and a Finance & Fundraising Committee, and I shared rough figures with them last night. I'm gunna work through things with the Committee when we meet in early March, and then share more. I'm really sorry it's taken so long.
And in terms of numbers, out of the $1.2M annual costs we mention there, here's the rough breakdown:
$360K/yr – Trust & Safety $250K/yr – Other folks, covering program management, legal, compliance, finance, IT, security, dev $240K/yr – Server and SRE $170K/yr – My salary, covering fundraising, open governance, community relations, biz ops, and people mgmt $150K/yr – Matrix Conf + other events $30K/yr – Assorted expenses like travel, lodging, productivity infra
And much more info in the link