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ADHD Women Community Weekly Check-in - June 16-22: How Are You Doing?
  • Hey! Glad you got that time to explore the wilderness.

    Work has been crazy. I have only been in my role for 2 months so I am still trying to figure out how to interact with the team. Basically, I need stuff done but am also concerned about pushing people too much. Guess I am still terrified of being called “bossy”. Beats being unemployed, lol. I got to go boogie boarding today so that was awesome.

  • Daughters and Fathers
  • I am really happy that people are willing to consider how toxic that aggression is. It’s so engrained in our culture that it’s considered normal when a father threatens to have his gun out when first meeting his daughter’s partner. Nobody really thinks about the effects of this normalized violence.

  • Daughters and Fathers
  • I apologize but this will be kind of dark. As a father I know you are going to be desperate to protect her, but don’t wax poetic about dealing violence to anyone who would do her wrong. For example, don’t talk about beating her current boyfriend/girlfriend if they cross her. Girls are going to have shitty relationships because that’s a part of growing up. Don’t make her think talking to you about them is the nuclear option when she’s still trying to figure out what is acceptable and her boundaries. If she thinks you’ll go beat the shit out of any one who looks at her funny, she might not come to you with her problems until she is willing to accept her dad going to prison for a long time. Everyone is right about listening to her, but make sure she that she knows that you can be trusted. Listen, accept her decisions, work with her, and not to fly off of the handle. Best of luck new father, since you’re asking the right questions I think you are going to be fine.

  • Am I the only one who's sick of the isekai?
  • Part of the reason why I was soooo disappointed that So I’m a Spider, So What? Got such a poor adaptation. She starts out very low level and has to grind, so all of the power she gets feels earned.

    Minor spoiler

    The whole class gets reincarnated into other roles and there is tension between those who adapted to their new roles and society and those that don’t. I really enjoyed their interactions because it’s a constant plot point and their past lives drive a lot of their choices.

  • How do you work with the social life in college and not feel worth less than others?
  • Yay I am glad you’ve already started doing some gaming groups. Sounds like you’ve got a good thing going. If you don’t mind more of my suggestions. College was really fun because I used to just be able to walk into the common room and ask “Who wants to do XXXX?” And usually have more than a few takers. The plans don’t have to be elaborate either. Once it was just as simple as, does anyone want to go to the shop that has tin foil over the windows and see what’s inside? Turns out it was a spice shop and they had some interesting dried goods and tea. Just try and focus on things you like doing or think you would like to try. People are pretty amenable to suggestion, so don’t be afraid to put some ideas out there. Also, be sure to join a club or two. My college would give clubs money if they hosted events that were open to the rest of the student body. So more than once I would book a classroom to binge anime on a huge screen and the school paid for all of the snacks. Another club was founded on the principle that it was cheaper to make waffles in the quad on Thursday nights than to go to the local diner. They eventually became one of the largest clubs on campus and started sponsoring raves because they felt like it. College is fun and I am sure you will enjoy.

  • How do you work with the social life in college and not feel worth less than others?
  • Well my human, it sounds like you already know that your resentment and frustration is valid but not productive. There will be things you can’t do and it sucks. You seem to know that you cannot function in the “typical” social events listed above. Have you tried changing your approach so the activities are in an environment that you can control? If you can’t go to parties because they’re overstimulating, host a dinner party or game night with a smaller group of people. I wasn’t big on house parties either, but I was always able to find people willing to spend the afternoon hanging out in a kitchen with me while we were baking. One of my favorite Friday nights in college wasn’t spent at a bar, instead we all went to a climbing gym and then got pancakes at IHOP. Your social isn’t going to mirror those college movies, but that’s ok. You will find people willing to hang out, it’s just going to look a little different. :)

  • VSO! Improved Cap For Pilot Parallel Fountain Pens
  • OMG I was complaining to myself today about the same problem! I am genuinely grumpy that the pen cap has a bump that basically resembles a pocket clip but isn’t functional. It’s like having pants with decorative pockets!! Now I just need to get a version that doesn’t require me to constantly screw and unscrew the cap for use and I will have less complaints. Thanks for being part of the very niche solution internet stranger!

  • What is something you do voluntarily to make other people‘s lives easier?
  • Good on you for sticking by her while she was working it out. Changing medication is so hard and takes a while especially if you’re taking more than one kind. I am really happy you both got through it and that she found something better!

  • What is something you do voluntarily to make other people‘s lives easier?
  • Take my meds- man I never thought I was that different on or off meds until the recent ADHD medication shortage combined with some personal issues last Fall made me fall apart. My poor SO was worried sick because I was losing my damn mind, turns out I do not mask well. I didn’t realize that being properly medicated is as much of a public service as a personal one. May your meds always be available and well balanced.

  • Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend
  • Absolutely this! I work in tech and it’s shocking how much casual racism and sexism gets tossed around. It is super hard to build a cohesive team when one of the men won’t let a woman coworker speak because he doesn’t like their use of the word “we” when describing their team.

    Dumb tic-tok trends and stupid dance videos are not what employers are looking for.

  • Anime Rule
  • I am just here to shill for Delicious in Dungeon. It’s a dungeon based anime that isn’t an isekai! Shocking, I know. The characters are really charming, there’s good world building, and while the plot is a slow burn, it’s super compelling. Also the adaptation is being done by Studio Trigger. Why are you still reading this, go watch Delicious in Dungeon!

  • ADHD Women Weekly Check-in for Jan 21-27 : How Are You Doing?
  • Sorry about the insurance. It absolutely sucks when it feels like the copayments get more expensive and the coverage is less. Doubly so when there aren’t a lot of options for insurance to begin with. Glad you’ve found some solace with the meditating.

  • ADHD Women Weekly Check-in for Jan 21-27 : How Are You Doing?
  • Happy birthday! Buy yourself the cake! There is something really therapeutic about celebrating, even if it’s by yourself. My birthday was last week, and I wasn’t able to get people together to celebrate with me. Instead I dressed up and visited a local garden that was on my wish list. It was delightful to take a whole day to treat myself, so I highly recommend doing something for you on your birthday. Last year sounded super trying for you so I hope you treat yourself this year’

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