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Systemd wants to expand to include a sudo replacement
  • Dude if you made a movie or novel about this that would be awesome

  • sleep paralysis
  • As scary as it sounds, I'm kinda curious to experience this just once myself

  • When people complain about systemd "violating the unix philosophy", this is what they actually mean
  • I'm using Debian without ever having been involved in the init-wars. What's wrong with Systemd and why should i not use it?

  • Battle of the Bands
  • I can't read anything from the Hitchhikers Guide without reading it in the authors voice

  • Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers
  • In this case, it's actually Microsofts fault. There is no bug in ffmpeg, Microsoft just didn't properly use it

  • Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers
  • Thanks was too lazy to read the actual issue - exactly what i expected

  • Nach dem Tod von Alexei Nawalny: Leichnam scheint unauffindbar zu sein
  • Ach komm, wer so viel von einer Leiche hält, ist am emotionalen Schaden selbst Schuld

  • Ist das Ehegattensplitting noch gerecht?
  • Wir schließen jeden Tag etliche Verträge. Jedes Mal wenn man sich im Supermarkt ein Brot kauft, wird ein Vertrag geschlossen. Wenn ich zu einem anderen Mobilfunkbetreiber wechsle, wird ein Vertrag geschlossen. Jedes Mal wenn jemand die Organspendekarte ausfüllt, legt man ein rechtlich bindendes Dokument ab.

    Wenn jemand nicht dazu in der Lage ist sein privates Leben, wozu Freund- und Liebschaften gehören, selbst zu regeln und auf die übergriffige Hilfe des Staates angewiesen ist, sollte man dieser Person auch wohl eher nicht die Geschäftsfähigkeit zurechnen oder gar die Erlaubnis aussprechen ein Kind halten zu dürfen.

  • Sophie's choice 70s edition
  • Idgf if you call me a pedophile but they're right with their point that the AOC is too high. Having a multiple-stage system like many advanced countries do, like Germany, where it begins with 14, loosens up with 16 and fully at 18 is good. That's because it acknowledges the development of humans. Development is a process. Humans in reality are not a simplistic lifeform from a philosophical thought experiment, thinking that it should be illegal before one turns 18 and immediately legal a second thereafter is just nonsensical to me. It doesn't cut off like that, there's no such hard barrier or edge where it suddenly turns from morally bad to not morally bad.

  • Christmas rule
  • Exactly. There's a massive difference between "wawhey" and "Hua Wai". I was shocked when i first heard that it was supposed to be pronounced the first way

  • Christmas rule
  • In Germany they pronounce Huawei as literally Hua Wai

  • I think I see the problem with our education system
  • Braindead. Home schooling is a detriment to students sanity

  • Nächstes Jahr ist Europawahl. Die aktuelle Wahlprognose ist schwarz/blau. Europa würde sich verändern.
  • Diese Quelle ist dafür bekannt nicht sehr zuverlässig zu sein

  • Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher
  • So people shouldn't be opposed to fascism? Seems more like you're the 14 year old and have watched too much Shen Babipo

  • Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher
  • The point is that you do not actually need to have killed anyone yourself for you to get the most severe punishment available. If they're a fascist, put them before a court and let them be judged. But there's a problem. The people are not yet antagonized against fascism enough. Too many people are accepting or indifferent of it.

  • Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher
  • We hung nazis that didn't directly kill anyone

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sadly this story isn't true

  • xkcd: Language Acquisition
  • wuggles

  • Deleted
  • Straggots will cry about it because it's "undiplomatic"

  • Profile picture cannot be uploaded, no storage space left

    I just got this error message when trying to upload my profile picture. Like, really?

    duviobaz duviobaz
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