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If you use Windows 11 and Telegram, you might want to leave NOW
  • Well I for one have had nothing but trouble. The instance is massive and laggy. The few private instances I tried weren't federated as far and wide as I needed it to be. Self-hosting Synapse was miserable with federation turned on.

    I wish it was better

  • If you use Windows 11 and Telegram, you might want to leave NOW
  • Matrix is an incredibly bloated protocol trying to do far more than it should. Try running a Matrix server, you'll understand.

  • I captured this pic almost by accident while hiking to photograph some abandoned buildings. Perth, Western Australia [OC]
  • Most of my best pictures are also accidents. That's just how it is with photography, man.

  • Ableism
  • It's breaching out of the edgy circles into normie culture again, I think

  • How moving freight by rail rather than road could help Australia reduce carbon emissions - ABC News
  • That’s pretty interesting to hear about the government owning the rail.

    Isn't that the norm? Denmark also owns its rails.

  • With self-install solar panels, and a €150 plug-in adapter that feeds power directly into electricity sockets; a DIY home power system is becoming popular in Europe.
  • Do you know where I live? That isn't legal here. It doesn't just need approval, it needs to be installed by the power company and they're not going to do that because they have massive tax incentives to only install systems that backflow into the grid during overproduction. Just to be clear: You are not allowed to have a closed system with panels over a certain combined size. You are not allowed to connect anything that backflows into your walls (for safety reasons, regardless of if the thing claims to turn itself off in a power outage). If you go all in and do it properly, the power company (monopoly, you have no choice) will simply tax you what they lost or, incase of backflow, tax you 'transmission fees' for whatever you would have earned.

    The only people who have solar panels here are rich yuppies who want to virtue signal because it makes zero financial sense to have them. Right wing lobby groups have made sure that consumers and municipalities are disincentivized from running solar panels anywhere for any reason and illegal in any niches where it might've still made sense.

    e: your downvotes do nothing; this is law, not opinion

  • Cloudflare took down our site after trying to force us to pay $120k within 24h
  • I understand the issue but you're an online casino so I don't care get bent

  • [512Pixels] Logitech’s Mouse Software Now Includes ChatGPT Support, Adds Janky ‘ai_overlay_tmp’ Directory to Users’ Home Folders
  • Yes. This was literally the concern I raised back when MS introduced this automatic zero-click bullshit and I was told I was paranoid; Microsoft would never let that happen! Now we're here.

  • This startup is about to install bladeless rooftop wind turbines on box buildings
  • Horizontal turbines are better if you have space. Verticals are better if you don't. Verticals are popular in the hobby space because they take up so little space and require less of an engineering degree to maintain (... generally). I can see why they would put verticals on their roof over horizontals if they want to extract wind in a low-profile low-maintenance kind of way.

  • [512Pixels] Logitech’s Mouse Software Now Includes ChatGPT Support, Adds Janky ‘ai_overlay_tmp’ Directory to Users’ Home Folders
  • Dell does the same thing with some of their office keyboards. If you plug it in, you get zero-click PUP and it's not trivial to delete.

  • What is this device? (Located on wall inside a house)
  • I've seen AC temperature controllers in this form factor. The outer ring can spin and will let you turn the temperature up or down. It is usually part of a larger smart-home system but it doesn't have to be.

  • Nightdive Studios confirm Linux and macOS ports of System Shock are cancelled
  • Proton isn't the magic bullet you wish it was

  • Why doesn't Gentoo have more distros based on him?
  • And what's that?

    signed filthy debian user

  • BIMI and DMARC Can't Save You: The Overlooked DKIM Exploit
  • can we just move on from email lol

  • Political violence rises in EU driven by extremism and disillusionment
  • I could point out why, but I'd probably get banned

    e: this is a dumb comment and I regret making it. What I was referring to was literally right in the opening of the article:

    Eric Maurice, researcher at the European Policy Centre, said there are numerous factors behind the discontent.

    ''It's true that on the one hand, we can see in the election results a rise in the extremes, in the radical forces, on both the right and the left, with an increasingly uninhibited political language, in verbal violence, in ad hominem attacks in political debate too. And then a radicalisation, a polarisation of society and a difficulty in debating with political adversaries who often become enemies,'' he said.

    I read the title, made a bunch of assumptions and then posted my comment without reading the article.

  • Teenagers could help fill train driver shortage | BBC News
  • I'm no expert but as far as I've understood it you need to generally have a very good understanding of the train you're driving, equivalent to an actual engineering degree, because you're the person who has to call central and tell them what's wrong with your train when something happens and "It doesn't go forward" isn't useful.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! drkt
    Debian+i3, run scrot from i3 config with symbind

    I'm trying to invoke scrot with a bindsym so I have a keyboard shortcut to take screenshots

    This command works when run as a one-liner or as a bash .sh: save_dir="/home/dork/apache/"; random_name=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1).png; scrot -s "$save_dir/$random_name"; echo -n "$random_name" | xsel --clipboard It does not work when ran by i3 bindsym $mod+Shift+Z exec bash -c save_dir="/home/dork/apache/"; random_name=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1).png; scrot -s "$save_dir/$random_name"; echo -n "$random_name" | xsel --clipboard

    i3 reports an error when the above is run, but not when as a shell script, though neither work. I assume that's just because bash is eating the error and not reporting it back to i3

    This is the error when ran as a one-liner: ``` ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600000 ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x00600000 ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600000 ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600007 ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x00600007 ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600007 ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x0060000a ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x0060000a ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x0060000a ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x0060000d ERROR: Received ExposeEvent for unknown window 0x0060000d ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x0060000d ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600010 ERROR: Received ConfigureNotify for unknown window 0x00600010 ERROR: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '[', 'move', 'exec', 'exit', 'restart', 'reload', 'shmlog', 'debuglog', 'border', 'layout', 'append_layout', 'workspace', 'focus', 'kill', 'open', 'fullscreen', 'sticky', 'split', 'floating', 'mark', 'unmark', 'resize', 'rename', 'nop', 'scratchpad', 'swap', 'title_format', 'title_window_icon', 'mode', 'bar', 'gaps' ERROR: Your command: exec bash -c save_dir="/home/dork/apache/"; random_name=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1).png; scrot -s "$save_dir/$random_name"; echo -n "$random_name" | xsel --clipboard ERROR: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /run/user/1000/i3/errorlog.1235 (END)


    I am open to alternatives if there is a better way to do this than the i3 config!

    Thank you for reading <3

    Lemmy Support drkt
    Lemmy instance without federated images

    I'm on the edge of hosting my own lemmy instance but I have a problem of the theoretically infinitely ballooning space requirements.

    Are there any options for not saving all the federated images locally? I'd settle for a jank solution such as wiping it via cron or similar.

    Thank you

    drkt drkt

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