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Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins
  • Yeah I definitely get that. I also get why people don't like Biden. He really oughtn't be president, neither of them ought be candidates, but when the option is between him and Trump, going with Biden is a no-brainer. Trump is literally working to dismantle democracy. He doesn't want people to have a choice, and the choice that you Americans face is laughable as it is.

  • Honestly, I couldn't even imagine living in such a country lol
  • That's why the saying goes "Well I am here to fuck spiders."

  • bOth sIDeS aRe ThE SaME!!1!
  • Yeah. We have an ongoing thing between Tesla and IF Metall, with a bunch of other unions backing them up. Tesla refuses to sign collective labour agreements, and they're penalising strikers by taking away stocks they've earned. It's hardly surprising that Tesla doesn't want to adhere to the Swedish model.

  • bOth sIDeS aRe ThE SaME!!1!
  • We don't have a minimum wage in Sweden. Wages are mostly dictated by negotiations between employers and unions.

    Unions are important.

  • Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins
  • Let’s be real, they START by executing prisoners Pretty soon anything but their political party & their religion is made illegal so anyone daring to say otherwise gets arrested / imprisoned / executed.

    I mean they openly spoke about this on CPAC. Project 2025 sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's not a theory, it's right out there in the open.

  • I don't need any of that in my silly little life at all
  • I don't quite get why you're being downvoted because that's honestly how I feel, and I don't even live in the U.S. I feel like it applies pretty well to Sweden as well. At least there are options here that are like a 60% match with my personal viewpoints, but there's no such thing as a perfect fit.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • That’s true either way with where we’re at. That’s why we call for drastic actions to be taken

    So what exactly is the end goal for these drastic actions?

  • Firefox community things [HELP]
  • You still need an extension to automatically open specific sites in their own containers. I genuinely don't get why.

  • Firefox community things [HELP]
  • I swapped back to Firefox a couple of months ago. I am of the opinion that all browsers ought use the same engine, but Google shouldn't be given more of a chokehole on the web than they already have. It's troubling enough as it is.

    That said, Firefox not supporting basic things like selectively turning off JS for websites, or vertical tabs without using wonky and inelegant third party extensions (and ui-chrome editing!) is honestly ridiculous.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Given that they're anti-humanity, it seems like a logical step.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • That’s a decades long process. We need proper action done within this decade.

    We don't know that. If it turns out that the actual ECS value is higher than predicted we're already fucked because whatever faction we might take today should've already been taken decades ago. If a global humanitarian crisis is mere decades away, no changes we'll feasibly make today or in the near future will stave it off.

    You’d be surprised how many people would take that over a ride with other people.

    An alternative is also that those who can, do their job remotely. Covid proved the feasibility of that. You couldn't pay me enough to start commuting or doing my own grocery runs again. I only go outside for enjoyment and none of it involves vehicles. Unless said vehicle is a bicycle, because my dog really enjoys cycling.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • It even starts with the simple fact that people are simply not willing to get rid of their cars, even if public transport was good and completely free. So you’d be left with enforcing people not to drive, which is obviously also not going to happen for the same reasons.

    Induced demand can work in reverse. Stop expanding roads. Redesignate some lanes to public transport only. Why take the car and sit in a queue for 2 hours when a bus can get you to work in 30 minutes without any queues?

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • I mean the ones that think that trans people shouldn't have human rights also tend to be the ones who don't believe in climate change so...

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • While the developed world rests on its laurels having already developed key technologies that insulate from the worst effects of climate change

    But this isn't true. Can we fight temperature changes? Sure, we have air conditioning and heaters.

    There's lots of things we can't isolate ourselves from. Natural disasters, for example. We see forest fires and floods on a yearly basis, and it's getting worse. We'll face droughts, and diminished crop yields. It'll be particularly bad for all the areas near the equator (which are also incredibly populous and export a lot of food), and what will happen then?

    Famine yes, probably, but likely also an exodus away from these areas, which I'm sure will go well as countries are known to welcome people seeking a better life with open arms. We'll face humanitarian tragedies. I'd be surprised if there won't be camps, and with that comes disease. Maybe we'll even see another pandemic.

    Aircon won't shield us from that.

  • Linux Rule
  • Oh someone has prompted it to use a casual tone. I did this with GPT and it spat out answers with a "HELLO FELLOW KIDS! 😎🔥🍆" tone.

  • Linux Rule
  • At least the name just means crayon.

  • Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT
  • Stackoverflow counts as professional now? Wasn't the general perception that it's an incredibly toxic space?

  • Addiction is a scary thing
  • This is what I took away from it as well. The fact that she so readily quoted really biased and disputed articles and presented them as though they carried as much weight as the actual science sat really wrong with me. She clearly didn't spend very long looking into the articles she presented.

    It makes me think of LLMs, really. She talks with authority about a lot of subjects, but ultimately she's a physicist. Sure, she's scientifically literate and that can be used to make sense of articles and studies in other disciplines, at least to an extent. However, it doesn't make her an authority in any of those disciplines. Then there's the time constraint to keep in mind as well; she might be able to analyse the literature and give a sensible take on the matter, but not when her schedule involves making one ~5 minute video on any given topic per day.

  • Addiction is a scary thing
  • Oh is this the one where she claims that without capitalism there'd be no innovation?

  • Addiction is a scary thing
  • Honestly the intro of it was enough for me to click out of it initially. She says

    On the one side you have people claiming that it's a socially contagious fad among the brainwashed woke who want to mutilate your innocent children. On the other side there are those saying that it's saving the lives of minorities who've been forced to stay in the closet for too long. And then there are normal people, like you and I, who think both sides are crazy and could someone please summarise the facts in simple words, which is what I'm here for.

    As a cis-man, I detest the notion that wanting trans people to have access to healthcare and equal human rights to the rest of us is in any way "crazy."

    She further goes on to cite a disputed article in an open-access journal regarding rapid-onset gender dysphoria from a known biased source as though it carries actual weight.

    The article in question basically claims that rapid-onset gender dysphoria is an actual phenomenon because the author polled parents of children on a transphobic forum, about whether or not the child "becoming trans" was a sudden event. There are multiple problems with this

    • The parents are the source of supposed truth
    • The parents likely have an inherent bias (being that they are on a transphobic forum)

    It is possible - and in my opinion - plausible that the parents experience it as having a "rapid onset" because the children spent a lot of time hiding this aspect of themselves from the parents because the parents express LGBT+ phobic views. I concealed many parts of my personality from my abusive mother, and I know several trans people who didn't come out to their parents until such a time they felt it safe to do so.

    From the parents perspective their kid moved out (e.g. to uni) and spontaneously changed gender from one day to the next, but at that stage their friends had been referring to them by their chosen names and pronouns for years.

  • dojan Dojan

    Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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