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Why You Should Self-Host Everything
  • Honestly, I found it really easy. I don't have a background in IT or anything either.

    What did you find difficult? Setting custom firewall rules is harder to understand, but the general functionality of setting up a NAT and even installing and configuring ZenArmor were super super easy.

  • Do old phones just sound better?
  • Speaker technology (at least for something "old school" like stereo) hasn't improved significantly for a very long time. That's not to say it's not good, we just figured out how to make a good speaker a long time ago.

    DSP has improved since then but no amount of DSP will make regular speakers sound like great ones (like the nexus 6's) of the same size or type

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Okay, just clarifying that you don't mean the Beeper server, you mean the beeper desktop/mobile client. You can self host something identical to the server and use a the client that Beeper's client is based off of, which is very similar.

    Self-hosting may become even more like using Beeper's server and client soon, as I expect they will not continue development on the old android app and just work on the one currently in beta. The beta app feels pretty similar to element to me, so I'll likely self host when they do that.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Yeah I tested it out. The feature in ARD that I am referring to is that you can do any of the main functions (observe the screen, copy a file, install a file, run a terminal command, shut down, etc) to any number of computers at the same time. You just shift click command click to select multiple computers and then press the button associated with that function. That you can't do is control multiple computers at the same time, since that wouldn't really be practical, but you can observe all of their screens and then double click on one of them to start controlling it.

    Really the most useful thing here is the ability to send an arbitrary terminal command to multiple computers at the same time, which you can't do in Remmina.

  • Installing a hardware firewall/DHCP/Wireguard Server

    Hello All!

    I just purchased a Intel Celeron box from AliExpress to replace (and hopefully improve) the functions of my raspberry pi running wg-easy and pihole. I'd like this new box to handle DHCP, firewalling/ad blocking, and act as my wireguard server.

    Currently I'm connecting my Internet modem (thankfully not a router, so no NAT) to my TPlink Archer AX21's WAN port and then using the LAN ports to connect to my devices. I see that I can turn off NAT on the TPLink, but I assume I wouldn't be able to use the new device as a DHCP server if I do, right? I could put the TPLink in AP mode but I'm not sure if that shuts off the WAN or LAN ports.

    Is the best move to leave the TPLink in router mode (I'm not sure this matters) and plug the firewall into one of the LAN ports? I can do this but it'll require some re-running of cables so I wanted to check first.

    Professional/Power apps for Android?

    I'm curious if anyone's come across a list of "power" or "professional" apps for Android. I mean things like Termux, Audio Evolution, or PowerDirector, which provide functionality that you would normally need a computer for. I'm being purposefully broad so that I can discover more cool apps, but generally I mean things aimed more for power users (like PowerDirector vs Premiere Rush).

    Happy Friday! What is everyone drinking?

    I'm going out to a martini bar after work but will probably settle in with a glass of Lagavullin 16 when I get home.

    My First Beer

    ...was not today. Nor was it homebrewed, but when I turned 21 (I'm in the US), my first drink was a beer that my dad and I brewed together. I thought y'all might enjoy the pic.


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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