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Why do libs think they're so smart?
  • a lot of libs who are ideologically committed to being libs were affluent and got good grades in school. being a liberal isn't a reflection of your intelligence it's about socioeconomic status, there are plenty of 'smart' liberals.

  • Ukraine Has A Problem: 20 out of 31 M1 Abrams Tanks Have Been Destroyed
  • it's slightly cope to say that the iraqi army was incompetent imo

    like it was probably about as good as the nva, coalition just had an enormous advantage in sensors tech. proto-digital army vs analog army

  • New Zealand government to launch AI chatbot called Gov-GPT
  • classic crusher collins lol this coalition is such a meme

  • The Malaise of Video Essays
  • i fucking hated law school despite having a lot of formal education in history and philosophy and i barely passed it. anecdotally having an interest in humanities made me dislike studying law.

  • Tried Deadlock last night
  • never bet against icefrog

    i don't know how best to describe it but valve's balancing and design philosophy is just fun, it doesn't have this sort of sanitised feel to it that say riot or blizzard have with their games where things have to be 'fair'

  • "Metaphysically mogging"
  • 'mogging' and 'mog' are just inherently funny words in a phonetic sense tbh, like i get that its incel lingo but its really fucking funny.

  • NO.
  • i didnt notice doge and i thought he was referencing the norman rockwell i-think-that meme instead

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • "Liberal regimes fighting with the odds so heavily in their favour in material terms and the sense of 'history being on their side' have an impatient expectation of victory - call this the pressure of the philosophy of history. If you are truly convinced your victory is inevitable, resistance is, as the saying goes, futile. Opponents that engage in futile resistance, exacting a price from you, long after their defeat is inevitable, are treated as 'mad dogs' that demand their own destruction. Not just their defeat but their erasure and total destruction. Rather than encouraging liberal agents of history to raise themselves to great personal efforts and sacrifice, this philosophy of history, this sense of historic inevitability counsels the opposite. If your barbaric, cruel enemy does not understand that they must lose, if they want to go down in a meaningless suicidal blaze, there is no reason anyone on your side should needlessly expose themselves to risk. After all, that would deprive those citizen soldiers of the victorious future that is rightfully theirs. Instead, minimise your own losses and let massive firepower do the work. Collateral damage, especially if it occurs on the enemy side, is barely worth a mention."

    Adam Tooze

  • /r/singularity realises the openai 🍓 posting was in fact a nothingburger
  • OAI staggering releases to make GPT-4 look like it was faster than it actually was was a genius marketing move but they haven't done anything interesting for near two years now.

  • /r/singularity realises the openai 🍓 posting was in fact a nothingburger
  • yeah, iirc the first step to singularity or at least what causes it is an ASI so we have this community of dweebs thinking that that'll solve everything and not, like, communism, which probably won't solve everything but certainly more than whatever the fuck llms are doing.

  • /r/singularity realises the openai 🍓 posting was in fact a nothingburger

    "This whole saga makes me genuinely embarrassed to follow this stuff. I just want a sub that has an informed opinion on AI, this is worse than crypto bro bullshit."

    "Every hype-man who posts vague tweets and hype posts should be ridiculed. Every clown who posts screenshots of said tweets on this sub should be ridiculed."

    ""AGI is coming out next year" - this sub for the last 4 years"

    some self aware highlights.

    he’s so sauceless, completely fucking folded
  • 2024 Donald Trump when it comes to Posting

  • Ukraine Needs More Men but the Ones Who Want to Fight Already Signed Up
  • the SMO isn't full-scale until russians who aren't from majority poor rural oblasts start having to fight

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from August 5th to August 11th, 2024 - LGBT - COTW: Iraq
  • the kamala revisionism in general is just so disheartening to witness, this is the exact same kopmala from 2020 and everybody that's like not on this site is somehow unironically excited for her. not a burger so at the end of the day i can't do shit about it either.

  • Any good books you’ve read lately? Like, anything with even the veil of being politically agnostic
  • i actually liked go set a watchman i-think-that

    currently debating whether or not i should read a coho book for the memes

  • is this brat behaviour?
  • sob emoji now brat, paedophile /r/jpt slang cant help but keep making its way into zoomer lingo

  • The Netanyahu Visit to the congress has a full blackout on Reddit
  • the state doesn't like directly suppressing dissident speech because that task is offloaded onto the private sector.


    Musk is suing OpenAI. Musk's legal teams' argument in two premises is:

    1. OpenAI's 'contract' as stated in their founding agreement was to make any AGI system for the benefit of humanity.
    2. GPT-4 is an AGI system ∴ OpenAI, by licensing GPT-4 exclusively to Microsoft, has effectively breached this agreement by making the first AGI system beholden to corporate interests. Musk's team also alleges that OpenAI is effectively an Microsoft subsidiary at the moment.

    OpenAI deserves the lawsuits, but alleging that GPT-4 as a base model is anywhere close to AGI is probably not the angle to put it lightly.

    Some other arguments: > OpenAI has comitted promissory estoppel by moving away from the open source non-profit model Musk initially invested in.

    (This means that OpenAI has breached a promise enforceable by Law)

    > OpenAI has committed a breach of fiduciary duty by using Musk's funding on for-profit projects against the initial understanding of that funding's usage - letting Microsoft on OpenAI's Board of Directors and not open-sourcing GPT-4 are their examples of this.

    (OpenAI had a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of their clients, which they failed)

    > OpenAI has engaged in unfair business practices by convincing Musk they would commit to the 'Founding Agreement'

    (I think this is self explanatory)


    Musk wants:

    A. Court to order OpenAI to follow their 'Founding Agreement' which means cutting the Microsoft connection and open sourcing.

    B. A judicial ruling that GPT-4 constitutes AGI, and any followup models related to it.

    C. Return of all money Musk invested into OpenAI that was spent on 'for-profit' projects.

    D. General damages to be determined by court.

    Personally, I think banging hard on the 'GPT-4 is AGI angle' is a really mistaken line of argument and it's a huge weakspot in their case. OpenAI can probably be sued for a lot of things, as we're seeing with NYT, so it's not like this is their only angle of approach. I want to see them get sued in court just in a vindictive sense, but I don't think this is how you do it.

    BTS ARMY doing BDS

    bts stans hiring a truck calling for the sacking of the zionist ceo of their label, truly iconic

    'a small number of super prototypes don't work as well'

    using NATOID hardware to demonstrate the superiority of mass over quality in modern warfare goes crazy, imagine being this willfully clueless

    dinklesplein dinklesplein [any, he/him]

    trying to move forward

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