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"They are living in a time when wealth is concentrated, home ownership feels out of reach, and rental prices and cost of living are skyrocketing,"
  • So I’m a meet and have been for a while.

    I have had rich people take care of me and I am grateful, but it’s not entirely by choice. At least not for me.

    I’m too disabled to integrate into society, but not disabled enough to receive support. Living as a sugar baby is the most stable my life has ever been during adulthood, and it gives me the room I need to work on my ptsd.

    What I think is wild is how it takes an incredible amount of time, and basically zero responsibilities for me to work through my trauma, and basically no one else gets that opportunity. They just die basically.

    I want people to work 5 hours a week, and all society progress to slow. Just redistribute everything and we’d be fine as a planet. 😔

  • literally me
  • Another thing I was thinking about. I have you cornered and now I’m gonna autistic rant at you. So I used to think that being a chaser simply meant finding a trans person attractive. I was really worried that I was being a chaser by being attracted to my girlfriend. She also had the same thought of herself as a chaser for being attracted to me.

    However, I just got this message five minutes ago and now I think I understand what the word means.

    Men can be so confusingly gross that I fail to even perceive their existence until it smacks me in the face.

  • literally me
  • Well you probably have a point. Thanks for listening to me. I wonder if this will be insightful for non-autistic or not. I think men specifically are so genuinely shitty that the things that women complain about them doing don’t even really register for me as actual choices, and I often misunderstand because of that. (I am a woman too, but I feel like I’m outside of humanity, so that’s why I talk like that)

  • literally me
  • I agree. What I mean to point out, is that I am not physically capable of not reacting. I don’t want to react, I don’t want to be consumed, but if a hot person enters my field of view, I will often have an involuntary and noticeable reaction. Typically when this happens I will leave wherever I am and go home.

    This happened in a bar for example, and after seeing this person, and obviously stopping what I was saying mid sentence, and being visibly very uncomfortable, I turned to my girlfriend and told her that I had to leave. I felt sick and nauseous for a few hours afterward.

    I relate to the discrepancy between my desire to not be strongly affected by the people around me, and also not show any reaction, and my physical or mental incapability of doing so. The guy in the story is one who feels grossed out by their own body, and wishes they weren’t affected the way that they are. I am similar, not only do I feel guilty for potentially making people uncomfortable, but I feel physically sick because they can be so intense. That doesn’t mean I or the man in the story are carelessly checking people out constantly.

    Again though, I’m so disabled by autism that I will likely never be capable of living independently, so your and my experiences of the world could be vastly different. You probably understand your average man better than I ever could.

    do wonder if a person like me will ever truly have a place in larger society. Autistics who cannot predict or control violent physical meltdowns are obviously not monsters, and it’s obviously not their moral liability for being disabled, but we can also recognize, as they usually do, that it is dangerous to be around them. (From taking to other autistics with those struggles, they all said that was how they felt).

    I can recognize that possibly a person like me shouldn’t participate in social events, because me being around people shouldn’t have to come at the cost of making other people suffer. I’ve honestly mostly accepted that I am kind of a blight. I just try to stay out of society as much as I can and still survive.

    Edit: seeing hot people in person can instantly trigger an autistic shutdown/meltdown in me and ever though I’m not trying to check people out, it is impossible to hide when I happen to notice hot people. Doesn’t happen every time, but it is deeply humiliating every time it happens.

  • literally me
  • I am autistic so my mental experience is going to be different from your average person so that’s important to take into account. Not necessarily disagreeing with you I just wanna point out that for a new individual like me I gained Debilitating level of sexual attraction at age 8 that has never lessened. I don’t mean this as a joke, but I genuinely feel like viscerally sick because of the overwhelming amount of adrenaline that pumps through my body when I see people who are hot. I can taste the adrenaline on my blood in my mouth.

    I was really hoping that going on HRT would lessen or eliminate this feeling, but unfortunately it didn’t. I still feel exactly the same level of intensity. So I guess I want to say two things first I think you’re totally correct that transitioning doesn’t actually change your sexuality that much except that I’m a little more attracted to men than I was before, And I’m more sappy in general. Secondly, I do wanna point out that there are some people who, even after a lifetime of attempting to lessen their sexuality are unable to do so. I’ve been looking into chemical castration to potentially lessen it, but I would have to get it illegally because doctors won’t prescribe it.

  • Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post
  • I hated her the entire time she was on screen, amazing character, and very well written. In retrospect, disappointed she was removed from the show. It could’ve been interesting to see her either overcome her androids or not. As a definite outsider to the rest of the crew, I felt like it was a really interesting addition to the dynamics.

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