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USA presidential candidates
  • Just a reminder to our American cousins that in British English, trump means the noise an elephant makes but also to fart: "Sorry I trumped." Donald the Trump is a noisy noxious unwanted thing on the world stage.

  • Progress 🙂
  • I was puzzled at first: "That's unclear. What progress is she making? 8 months since what? 8 months weight loss? Yeah she looks great, well done, her. What's this community? RIP and TERROR? No, she's not doing well at that at all! She looks really alive and friendly. Wait, no, it's the transfem community?! Oh wow, yes she IS doing well."

    If you were at all worried about whether you pass, I can assure you that you pass. Go you! And you dress well.

    I hope you have a life full of happiness and peace from here on in.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • Whilst I don't disagree with your facts, I disagree with your tone.

    It's really understandable for EU folk to be angry with us. Our newspapers are toxic, the BBC promotes Farage and we were always going for British exceptionalism, with Brexit being the ultimate act of We're Better Than You sentiment.

    Me, you, 48% of the then voting public, Scotland and NI didn't buy it, correct, but genuinely the right approach to EU irritation with the UK is apology, not "stop being mean" and not "it wasn't my part of the UK".

    We're not out of the woods yet. Britain's most unelectable politician of all time, with nine losses in hand-picked constituencies may well win Clacton because the stupidly corrupt Conservative party couldn't keep their stupidly corrupt MPs honest. How "we're not a bunch of racist loonies" is that going to look across the channel? Yes, a bunch of us are going to turn away from the stupid racist Conservative party, but a lot of them are going to turn to the even more stupid, even more racist, even more anti EU Refuse UK Party.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • There's absolutely no chance of us getting a fishing exception. That was highly contentious when we were one of the big three EU countries. No way would they agree to that whilst also letting us back in after throwing all our toys out of the play pen.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • If a kid throws their ice cream on the floor, giving them another one soon afterwards doesn't in any way teach the other kids not to throw their ice cream on the floor. This is very firmly a "no ice cream for you then" situation. I think labour realise they if they tried to rejoin, they would get a very rough ride indeed from the EU with massive amounts of playing hardball and that the best they can hope for in the next five years really is some softening and smoothing of the deal for being cooperative. We agree to fund EU science a bit, they let us back into erasmus, that kind of thing (although specifically not that).

    But joining the EU takes a decade or more sometimes, and the "but it's really very simple, we follow most of the EU rules already because we're a former member" is as stupid as the "oven ready deal" and "German car manufacturers will insist we get a great deal" nonsense.

  • How I date
  • But I'm scared of Monad transformers and lenses. Can't I just use elm? Elm is so perfect, so pure, so very very pure. And so pretty. And so robust. And so instantaneous to compile, and with such helpful error messages. Come to me, haskell programmer, you'll never want to leave. Never leave... Always elm.... Lovely lovely elm....

  • It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem
  • My friend was wondering if you could would feel the same way if it was a man, you know, out of interest, and whether if it was, say, completely at random, a guy in his late twenties with curly black hair and a slight beer belly but he'd be willing to reciprocate so in some senses he'd be the best of both worlds, if that were of interest to you. He was wondering. My friend. Entirely hypothetically. Uhm...

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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